Understanding Marriage Issues

Finding Someone Who Understands You
Most people don’t understand the way marriage issues works. Most of them think they can do anything they want, if they simply want it bad enough. But, if that is true, then the person who is suffering from marriage problems must not “really” want to get rid of them. That is the assumption of a lot of people; and, it is often the belief of the person who is overcome with struggles with marriage. It may be difficult for you to believe, but your struggles with marriage need supernatural help.

Jesus understands you and all that you are going through. He not only understand it, He knows why you are going through it. He knows there are things your body and mind can experience that will become a demanding force in your life. He has listed things in the Bible that have problem generating characteristics.

Sin is a problem generating issue; but, what does sin have to do with your struggles with marriage? The problem is, you, like everyone else, have your attitudes and opinions about those things God identifies as sins. You can often not only misunderstand the issues of sin, you may not even know what God’s reason is for labeling them sins. What if the cans, bottles, and packages in your grocery store weren’t labeled? What if the people running the store mixed food containers with deadly chemicals in similar containers? You would have all kinds of unlabeled containers that you had no idea whether or not they were okay for you to eat.

Labels are vital to your everyday living; you need to know what you are buying and how to use it. God understands the vital necessity of making sure you know what each thing in life will do, if you expose yourself to it. Like the containers in the grocery store, God has labeled everything AND has given a description of how to use it and what it will do if used improperly.

A lot of the leaders in your life don’t like the concept of sin. They have found that extreme pleasure can come from those things the Bible labels sins. They believe and they want us to believe that everyone can do anything they want and it will all turn out okay. They tell you that all you have to do is follow your heart and your life will be fine. However, if you don’t want your life being dominated by problems, you will be very sorry that someone didn’t warn you about the pitfalls of certain activities. If only people had helped you understand what you were facing in life before you had to deal with it and face the consequences of misusing it.

Some of the things the Bible lists as sins are sins because they are wrong; but, there are some of them that you and your spouse disagree with God about and feel they should be okay. Those are areas that have opend doors in you and your spouse’s life that are causing things like marital problems and conflicts. Plus, the Bible doesn’t list all the mistakes you can make. There are things you can do to hurt or ruin your life that quite simply weren’t evil or bad. Over your lifetime, you have looked things over, weighed your options, made a sincere choice or series of choices, started living your life based on your choices, and then discovered you made the wrong decision.

The pain that comes from marriage struggles can be just as severe through making a mistake as it is from doing something that was bad or wrong. The fact that you messed up and hurt yourself and your partner, someone else, or something important to you is enough to cause you regret and pain. Jesus is ready to not only help you get rid of the pain, guilt, and regret, He is ready to help you and your spouse to make changes to the results you got from your mistakes or sins. He is ready to put you both on a path where you and your partner are able stop making so many mistakes.

REMEMBER THIS: It doesn’t matter to God how bad your mistakes or sins are, it doesn’t matter to Him how many of them you have committed, His main concern is whether or not you and your spouse want help and deliverance from them. Your desire is VERY important to God; He wants to know whether or not you WANT His help.
Adults are people who have lived long enough to have had a chance to find out a lot of things about life. Babies and children are people who are just starting out facing the circumstances that life will bring them. Parents are adults that are SUPPOSED to use their training and experiences to protect babies and young children. Babies and young children have a very open and free attitude about everything.

Suppose a parent allowed their child do whatever they wanted. More than likely that child would not make it to becoming a teenager. There are so many things that an unsuspecting child might try that could not only hurt them, it could kill them. That’s the way it is in Christianity; it is the obligation of all mature Christians to warn and train new Christians. New and untrained Christians don’t realize where all the dangers are in life; they don’t have all Jesus’ principles and training to protect them.

As you know, not all children obey their parents; even though it is obvious that their parents know a lot more than they do, they often feel that their parents don’t understand their situation. God has provided the Bible, church, Christians, and a conscience that works inside us. However, we have ALL insisted on making our own decisions; but, that is what having a God-given free will is all about.

God wants you and your partner to be able to run your own lives and make your own decisions; however, like children, you need God’s parental supervision. After you have had a chance to try things your own way, sometimes you decide to allow Jesus to get involved. But, you soon find out that He won’t do anything you don’t give Him permission to do.

Your marital problems take a certain amount of your self-control away from you. God’s objective is to free you from the damage caused by marriage issues and give you your control back. Then you will be able to decide where, how often, and when you want to work together with Jesus to keep you from getting inflicted with marriage struggles again.

As you involve yourself in the Biblical principles in this study, you have certain ideas as to what you want this program to do for you. Different people join programs dealing with marital issues for all kinds of reasons. If your desires are minor where you just want to get rid of the pain, you may approach these studies with low goals. If you would like to see things not only improve in the areas of your struggles with marriage, if you would like all the other areas of your life made better as well, then your goals will be high. In that case, you might be willing to open up to major possibilities.

Making The Best Of It
Since you are in charge of your future and since Jesus will only do those things you want, you need to be aware of how great and powerful He is. He is only limited by your will, your desires, and your cooperation with Him. It can be like a wealthy person living in an old, rundown house, with very little food. They have the potential and the opportunity to live a very luxurious life; but, because they aren’t taking advantage of their resources, they are missing out on what could be.

You might stop into a store because your appliance broke down, only to discover that you were their one-thousandth customer. Because of that, they allow you to pick a full house of new appliances. That is the way God works; you came to God just wanting to get your marriage issues taken care of and He is offering you all kinds of supernatural provisions and gifts. Jesus is willing and able to do much more than you might imagine. You may have joined this study because the issues of marriage have caused your life to breakdown; but, you can discover a lot more is available to you. The difficult part for you having such a wonderful and powerful God is you realizing it and taking advantage of all the possibilities.

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Marriage Issues
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