Understanding Money Issues

What Motivates You?
Evaluating Your Emotions
Your desires, drives, passions, and pressures all play a major part in influencing your money habits and conditions. One of the reasons you struggle with bills, is because of those things that you want, the things you HAVE TO HAVE, those things that bring you the most joy, happiness, and pleasure, and those things other people pressure you to have.

Facing The Problem
If you find yourself needing to spend money because of some kind of emotional pressure, desire, or drive, then your won’t be able to make good, reasonable financial decisions. If you find yourself being pressured by others to spend money you shouldn’t, then you will make bad financial decisions because of them.

When Did This Start?
For you to get healed financially, you need to be able to discover the root cause of your problems. There was a time when you didn’t have an issue with bills. At that time, you started down a financial path while using certain principles to guide you. As you look back on your life, you will be able to see the moments when you started making decisions that caused you to be where you are now. Those decisions and those principles need to be challenged and brought before God.
Making The Necessary Changes
Examining Your Relationships
If there are other people involved in you finances, they need to join you in these studies and prayers. If that isn’t possible, then you may need to separate your finances from those who are doing damage to your financial situation. You will need to pray and ask Jesus what you should do to keep you from being in impossible situations. He will give you wisdom and power to move forward in clearing out all those things that are pushing you in the wrong direction.

Preparing For Circumstances
It may be true that circumstances came your way that caught you in a bad situation. But, was there something you could have done so as to have been ready for that circumstance? Ask Jesus what causes you to run your finances on close margins. Ask Him why you weren’t prepared financially for possible emergencies. Ask Him if you feel you “need” things you don’t really have to have.

Praying Difficult Prayers
Asking Jesus to examine your heart may pose a painful issue. You may not want to look back at what you SHOULD have done. But, you may need to pray and ask Jesus to help you be able to look at your past financial strategy. If you are going to get the healing you have to have, you are going to need to allow Jesus to show you where you may have gone wrong. He will help you; but, He will want to help you by assisting you in living a better way of life.

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Money Issues
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