Understanding Jesus’ Method
For Money Issues

God’s Eight Power-Attitudes
Don’t Just Open The Doors
You have just spent time with Jesus looking at eight doors that give you access to the blessings of God. You have been allowing Jesus to teach you how to open these eight doors. Then you spent time praying and asking Him to give you access to the eight blessings behind these doors. You are now ready to start taking advantage of the fact that they are now open to you. As a final study and prayer time, allow Jesus to lead you into benefiting from your access through these open doors.

Opening a door is only part of the process; walking in and benefiting from those things on the other side of the door is your major reason for opening the door. Let Jesus lead you into each room that these awesome doors gave you access to. These doors lead to God and all His provisions; it is now time to put an all-out effort into pursuing God and all He has to offer you. Just walk in and see how to take advantage of all these doors have given you access to.

Getting God And All His Provisions
1. Seek God’s Presents
Psalm 27:8 (NIV) My HEART says of You, “Seek His face (presence)!” Your face (presence), LORD, I WILL seek.There are two parts to you; there is the physical you; and, there is the spirit you. You will feel a battle of wills going on inside you; your body may be too tired to want to pray and study; but, your spirit may be craving spiritual help. Jesus said in Matthew 26:41 (NIV) “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The SPIRIT is willing, but the BODY is weak.” You will have to decide which desire you want to yield to. And then, if it is the desires of God you want, pray for God’s power to yield to them.

2. Pray For Spiritual Abilities
When you do pray for going God’s way, rather than turning your prayers into human promises, let Jesus make them a spiritual determination or a spiritual decision. The way David was able to say: LORD, I WILL seek. was because he believed God was going to empower him to do it. If you believe that once God gives you the ability or power to do what you are wanting to commit to, then you can make that statement in faith in God.

3. Pray For A Close Relationship
Psalm 27:9 (NIV) Do not hide Your face (presence) from me, do not turn Your servant away in anger; You have been my helper. Do not reject me or forsake me, O God my Savior. The FACT IS, God is never going to “hide [His] face from [you],” or “turn [you] away in anger,” or “reject [you]” or “forsake [you].” So, why pray such a prayer in the first place? Don’t forget that this relationship you have with God is a permission based relationship. This prayer tells God that you WANT Him in your life. Also, there are times when you do things that hurt that relationship. This prayer is asking God to forgive you and reestablish that closeness you had prior to your misbehavior.

When you do something wrong, it breaches your relationship with God. It damages it and causes you to feel like there is a distance from Him. It is up to you to reestablish your relationship with Him by mourning, repenting, asking for forgiveness, asking for power to never get involved in that wrong thing, and asking for power to go make it right with those you have hurt.

4. Believe In God’s Forgiveness
God never wants to “hide [His] face (presence) from [you],” or “turn away [from you] in anger,” or “reject [you]” or “forsake [you].” But, in order for you to repair your relationship with Him, you have to pray a prayer asking Him to reestablish the closeness. A permission based relationship goes two ways; God requires that you give Him your permission to do good things for you by praying to Him for it. And, He reserves the right to refuse to do anything you ask for that He knows wouldn’t be good for you or those around you. If you do something wrong, you need to pray a prayer like this Psalm 27:9 prayer that David prayed.

5. Believe In God’s Parental Leadership
Psalm 27:10 (NIV) Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me. The way you were raised has nothing to do with the way your heavenly Father is raising you. His parental procedures are far superior to any adults you experienced as a child or as an adult. There can come a time when you disagree with something God does to you or those you care about. It is vital that you realize that God does not make mistakes. His relationship with you and with everyone else is perfect. The problem is with your evaluation of the situation.

6. Resist Social Pressure
Some of the people who are closest to you can be some of your greatest critics; relatives, friends, business associates, and sometimes spouses can be some of your greatest opponents. The question is, do you want to be healed more than anything in the world; or, do you want to simply go along with the crowd? Pray and ask God to help you want to be accepted and received by Him more than you want to go along with popular opinion or relational pressure.

7. Pray For Perseverance
Psalm 27:11 (NIV) Teach me Your way, O LORD; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors. Suppose you have had it with pressure; you have reached the end of your rope; you have come to the end of the road; the issues you are now facing are the last straws; you are now ready to give up and stop trying. Oppressors, enemies, circumstances, and persecutors can wear you down and take you out. They can sap you of all your strength and keep you from feeling like you are able to get the help Jesus wants to give you.
8. Pray For Power
Asking Jesus for help at a time when you have had it, can be very hard and feel impossible. Even though you are at the door of the biggest breakthrough of your life, you can run out of the strength to do any more. God’s people are currently praying for you; they are asking God to empower you to be able to pray for this situation. Once you have given Jesus your permission to help you, you will find that He has great power.

9. Yield To God’s Discipline
Psalm 27:12 (NIV) Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes, for false witnesses rise up against me, breathing out violence. It is amazing what some people believe about God; some see Him as being the One Who has put them into the evil places where they are. They see Him as using evil to punish them for all the bad things they have done. They don’t realize that it is the bad things they have done that have brought the ususal results everyone gets when they do these things.

If you join your body and start wanting what it wants, then God may turn you over to your foes. He would be using a “last ditch effort” to help you change your mind. He would be allowing you to see how bad a decision you have made. He would be doing it so that it MIGHT cause you to see and change your mind and come back to His goodness.

10. Realize You Reap What You Sow
Gal 6:7 (NIV) Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Bad thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds always produce bad results. When you REAP the bad produce of bad things you sowed, don’t blame God for it. God is allowing you to reap it so you can see why He was against it. He wants you to see how bad it is so you will change directions.

God’s desire is to help you win over every challege and every difficulty. It is important to remember that the way to get Jesus involved in every discipline, problem or crisis is to pray for help. Let Jesus know you want to win over all you failures, mistakes, rebellions, and misdeeds by praying for help. Don’t forget, the longer you wait to mourn, repent, ask for forgiveness, ask for Jesus’ power to never do it again, and go make it right with those you have hurt, the more you REAP the results of your behavior.

11. Repent As Fast As You Can
Psalm 27:13 (NIV) I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Spiritual confidence is faith; you must believe Jesus can forgive, deliver, and heal you from those things you do wrong, bad, or evil. If you see these failures as being bigger than Jesus and His provisions, you will give up and not pray. You can go back to trying to forgive yourself, justify your behavior, trying to ignore what you did, or blame someone or something for it.

Your faith is a vital ingredient in your path to forgiveness, healing, deliverance, and victory. Faith is an attitude and a characteristic that Jesus requires in His relationship with you. If you have faith, you will immediately start repenting rather than spending a lot of time wondering what you should do about your failure.

12. Pray In Faith
Your faith is to be a confidence in Jesus’ faithfulness to you; it is a belief in the fact that He is honest about what He says in the Bible. If you accept these Bible words as true, then you will be able to get along with Him. This is a time for you to express your faith in Him and His Word. Pray this Psalm 27:13 prayer from your heart as you express your faith in His goodness.

13. Believe Jesus Will Come Through
Psalm 27:14 (NIV) Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. There may be a lot of things you think you can do about your situation. There are always other methods, programs, principles, systems, and approaches to your issues. But, if you wait on Jesus, you will get supernatural results. If you don’t wait, it may take a long time, a lot of money, and a tremendous amount of effort before you FINALLY decide to come back and wait on Jesus.

14. Don’t Make A Final Decision Until....
When you don’t know what to do, or, when you are NOT SURE what to do, it is a time to wait on Jesus. You may need to do research; you may need to look over all your options; you may need to lay out all the pros and cons; but, before you make your final decision and strike out on a plan, wait for Jesus.

15. Know When To Make A Final Decision
When Jesus makes you KNOW what you should do, when He gives you feelings of assurance and plans that are good for you and those around you, when He clears your conscience and you know it is all right and fair, when the Bible says it is the right thing to do, THAT IS WHEN you are ready to act on your and His plan.

16. Pray For The Power To Wait
Sometimes waiting doesn’t seem like an option; it may seem to be a time-sensitive matter. You may not feel you have time to wait on Jesus; but, you will eventually discover that NOT waiting on Him is never an option. If you feel you have to act immediately, then miss the “opportunity.” If you feel you have to act right this minute, then pay the “consequences.” Ask Jesus to help you wait for Him; ask Him to help you be strong and take heart and wait for Him to tell you what to do; ask Him to give you the strength to then do what He tells you to do.

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