Understanding Jesus’ Method
For Money Issues

Mat 5:5 (NIV) Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
The blessing you get by being meek is, you inherit the earth. This reward is incredible; being meek opens such an important door that the earth becomes yours.

Letting Jesus Be Your Final Authority
Meekness is to be humble enough to accept God and the Bible as your final authority. In a human sense, meakness is when you understand that a professional in a certain field is more knowledgeable, trained, and skilled than you are in that field. So, you hire a doctor, plumber, or pilot to do FOR YOU, what you can’t do or can’t do as well for yourself. In the Biblical, spiritual world, you are meek when you allow God, the Bible, and those God has chosen, to teach and train you in the truths of His Word. You make God and the Bible your final authority on all matters.

Trusting Someone Better Qualified Than You
An Expert
Being a person who is meek is to be able to put your needs in the hands of someone you trust, respect, and believe in. If you know someone who is better qualified than you, then you give them control in that situation. Most people know they have to be led, trained, and assisted by those they can trust and who know more than they do about an issue; no human knows and can do everything. You need to be able to put your life in Jesus’ hands like you would do with a professional; this is meekness.

An Honest Expert
Being meek is a tough thing for you to do because you have been let down, failed, and abused by people you thought you could trust. These studies were started off by spending some time going over the trustworthiness of Jesus. Without the attitude and character of meekness, you are never going to be able to get the help you need. As you know, all your answers are not going to always come through you and your abilities.

Building Trust
Jesus Is Patient With You
Jesus doesn’t expect you to be gullible, foolish, or careless; He always allows you to make up your own mind and do what you think is best for you. So, He will be spending a lot of time helping you get a type of meekness that builds faith, trust, reliance, and dependency on Him. He is willing to spend as much time as it takes to help you trust Him and put your situation with money in His hands.

Jesus Is Open With You
Jesus’ first step is to allow you to learn as much as is possible about Him. He will allow you to see His heart; He will let you experience His love and care for you. He will help you experience His understanding of your problem with money. He will help you believe in His grace and mercy. He will let you see that He is on your side against this enemy that is hurting you.

Jesus Is Gentle With You
John 14:6 (NIV) Jesus answered, “I am the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through Me. What everyone has to do is start off listening to the words of Jesus like His words in John 14:6. As you are looking for a WAY to get the help you need in the situations of your life, Jesus said HE is the WAY. So, you need to allow Him to show you His WAY of doing things; this is your first step into meekness.

Jesus Is Honest With You
Jesus said HE is the TRUTH; that means He is always telling you the TRUTH. If that is true, then He is the One you should want to hear from. You are looking for a way of life that works; you want to find someone who will tell you the TRUTH about the WAY life works and how to succeed at it. Once you start experiencing constant TRUTH, you will relax and be able to trust.

Jesus Will Live Life With You
You have been running your own life and doing those things you feel are best for it. Jesus said He has a life that is THE life; if you can find the TRUE WAY of LIFE, you will have what you have been trying to find in all of your pursuits. Jesus knows how LIFE works; He is the One Who gave you LIFE in the first place; He created all LIFE. So, you need to ask Jesus to help you give Him a chance to PROVE He is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE you are looking for.

You Have Years Of Experience
Bring Your Life To Jesus
NOW! You didn’t come to Jesus without opinions, philosophies, ideas, situations, habits, addictions, and established relationships. You have ALREADY SET all kinds of things in place. What area of your life are you willing to share with Jesus and allow Him to show you that He really is the way, the truth, and the life?

Give Jesus Your Problems
You have areas of your life that you aren’t all that happy with. If you are totally honest, you have a lot of problems, difficulties, struggles, and issues that you would really like to get rid of. Instead of allowing Jesus to “mess” with areas of your life where you are pretty happy with them, you can turn an area over to Him where you are being hurt and damaged the most. It is easy for you to give Him something you really don’t want in the first place.

Let Jesus Give You Results
Basically, you are saying: “Here, if you can do something to solve this problem, then maybe I can open my heart to a meekness that will build a special relationship with You.” In reality, you are doing what Jesus is asking you to do in the first place. Remember that Scripture in Matthew 11:28 where Jesus said: “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”? He is saying, give Me your problems and I will give you RESULTS!

Jesus-Results Will Build A Jesus-Relationship
Those who have been coming to Jesus with problem after problem, He has been working miracles in their lives ever since. Needless to say, they aren’t just yielding to meekness in areas of their problems; they are trusting Jesus for all of it. Because of the trust relationship that has built over the years, meekness (a trust relationship) has flooded into more and more areas of their lives.

It’s A Permission Based Relationship
Meekness with Jesus doesn’t ever take over your life without constant permission. Jesus is ALWAYS committed to only doing THOSE THINGS you want done in your life. You always control what you give Him control over; meekness is an attitude of giving Jesus control over an area of your life; but, that control is based on you liking the results you are getting from giving Him that control.

It’s An Invitation
Your requests to God are called prayers which are discussions and processes of you asking Jesus to do certain things for you. When you ask Him to do these things for you, you are giving Him permission to do things as a favor to you. This lets Him know where you are giving Him control over that particular issue. The more you pray, the more you are giving Him permission to also help you with those problems and issues as well; that causes meekness to grow in you.

It’s A Request For Good Things
Jesus wants you to be a free person who is always in control of your own life. However, He is willing to work together with you as you and He address those things you would like taken care of. The way this works is, you pray a prayer asking for certain things and He checks your request to see if it would be good for you AND those around you. If it is, He gives you the answer to your request in the very best form as is possible. So, on the next page Jesus will use the Psalms to help you pray for meekness.

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Jesus’ Method
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