Understanding Jesus’ Method
For Spirituality Issues

Mat 5:8 (NIV) Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. The blessing you get by being pure in heart is, you will see God. This reward is awesome; being pure in heart is indispensable. You need this blessing to be a child of God, a member of His family, and a citizen of His Kingdom.

Pure In Heart
Good Flows Out Of You Naturally
Being a person who is pure in heart is a person who allows God to change their attitudes, character, and motives. Motives are the reason why you do what you do. Being pure in heart is the difference between you ACTING like a good person and BEING a good person.

A Long Journey
Jer 17:9-10 (NIV) The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? “I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve.” A person’s heart is VERY skilled at fooling them into believing they have pure motives. They can even go into pride because they feel so pure in their reasons for doing what they are doing. But, when the Holy Spirit reveals what their real motive is, it can be a shock to them.

The process of going from a deceitful heart to a pure heart takes a supernatural work of God. He will take your heart and give it His power-attitude of a pure heart. At that point, you will no longer be fooled by your heart’s motives. Your heart will be honest with you, those around you, and with God.

People Can Tell The Difference
Those who act like they are good people fool you into trusting them and then they take advantage of that trust. These people may fool you once, but from that point on you don’t trust them. Those who ARE good people gain your trust and then use that trust to help you in many ways. When people trust you and you don’t abuse that trust, they trust you more. As you can see, being pure in heart is the only way to really succeed in life.

Growing Through The Power-Attitudes
As you pray and yield to God’s power-attitudes, they enhance your spiritual growth; and, they enhance one another. The more you open your heart and mind to all eight power-attitudes, the stronger they become. They build on one another so as to increase their influence and effectiveness in your life. It is like going through the front door of a house. Once inside the house, you have the ability to go through a lot of doors in the house. Even though the doors in a house aren’t the rooms, they give you access to those rooms. This is the purpose of the eight power-attitudes of God; they are doors INTO the blessings of God.
    Progress Into The Pure Heart
  1. As you become more and more poor in spirit, your heart opens up to being able to hear and learn the great principles of God. God and His principles show you how you SHOULD be living and what you SHOULDN’T be doing.

  2. As you allow God to show you the changes you need to make through being poor in spirit you start to mourn over them. Mourning helps you see how bad they are and become willing to give up those principles that have been hurting you, those around you, and God’s plan. Mourning helps you repent, ask for forgiveness, and be emptied of those things that shouldn’t be in your life. That makes room for God’s wonderful principles to come in and occupy the places where the wrong, bad, and evil things were.

  3. As you become more and more willing to give up the bad things in your life through the mourning process, meekness helps you be able to trust your heavenly Father in a greater way so you can start accepting the good things you need. This power-attitude gives you to power to make God and the Bible your final authority on everything.

  4. As meekness helps you trust your heavenly Father for good things, you intensify in your hunger and thirst for righteousness This is a HATRED for bad things and a deep WANT for good things (Rom 7:15). As that happens, God transforms your attitudes and character. He empowers your HATRED for bad things and purifies your heart. He also empowers your deep WANT and fills your heart with righteousness, godliness, purity, holiness, and good.

  5. As you grow in God’s power to treat yourself and others with righteousness, that is when mercy helps you start seeing and understanding things from other people’s perspective. Righteousness and mercy help people start to enjoy your company and want to be around you.

  6. As you start praying for God to give you a pure heart, those people who have started enjoying your company will soon learn they can trust your motives. They will be blessed through you because of your honesty, concern for others, and your ability to identify with how they feel and what they need.

The Progress
Jesus’ Method
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