Understanding Jesus’ Help
With Marriage Issues

The Bible Holds Jesus’ Truths
You Must Study The Bible
2 Tim 2:15 (AKJV) Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Suppose you want to learn how to be a professional in a very technical field. You would have to put a lot of time, money, and effort in STUDYING for reaching that goal. That is like you wanting to be set free from marriage issues. It is going to take a lot of time and effort in STUDYING the Bible; but, you will learn how to get Jesus’ help.

The Bible is filled with good news information that points you to incredile truths. STUDYING the Bible helps you give up human techniques that are currently failing you. Jesus is leading you into these studies so you can LEARN a powerful way to be set free. If someone doesn’t point these things out to you, you won’t know how to be set free.

Studying The Bible Points
You In The Right Direction
STUDYING the Bible during these times gives you the truths to ASK for. They tell you what principles to BELIEVE in. They point you in the direction of what to DESIRE. These STUDIES set you free from misinformation and point you to Jesus. He is better than any profession or career you can pursue.

If through research or someone’s recommendation you found a school where you could study and become a professional in that field, you would set up an appointment for getting enrolled. At that appointment they would lay out what courses you would have to take in order to reach your goal. From the moment the educator presents the requirements on, it is going to be an issue of FAITH. You are going to have to believe in, trust, rely on, and put your dependency in their skills, knowledge, and training.

Studying The Bible Points You To Jesus
The Bible is going to be covering the “curriculum” you will need to take so you can be set free from marriage struggles. As the Biblical STUDY tells you what it is going to take for you to be set free, you will be deciding whether or not you are going to “do what it takes.” You will be deciding whether or not you want to pay the price.

The wonderful thing about these STUDIES is, they aren’t trying to get you to use your own efforts, determination, commitment, or dedication. Jesus is giving you His power, determination, commitment, and dedication. He wants to show you what HE can do for you, rather than you trying to do these things for yourself.

Studying The Bible Points You To Truth
Jesus doesn’t have an office with wonderful credentials hanging on His walls. He uses frail, flawed humans to spread His good news about His healing power. But, even though Jesus uses humans, He will be the one guiding you through the Bible by explaining and helping you understand the Scriptures from His Bible. The Scriptures you get exposed to won’t be presented to prove some human’s point; they will be presented so you can know what the point is. Jesus and the Bible are THE final authority on all truth. What you think or what other humans think has to be submitted to what the Bible and Jesus say.

Jesus Is The Healer
Mature Christians Are Only Examples
It is true that Christians are living examples of Jesus’ healing power; but, Christians can’t take their healing experiences and heal you with them. Many have been healed; but, they aren’t healers. Just like all Christians have to learn to trust and believe in Jesus’ love, trustworthiness, and power, Jesus is trying to help you do the same.

You Have To Do The Same
You have to do what every other Christian has to do; you have to learn how to develop your relationship with Jesus yourself. Mature Christians can take all their studies, miracles, healings, and results and show them to you. But, you will have to do what they had to do to get them. These Christians are proof that Jesus does these things; but, only Jesus does these things.

Jesus’ Words Will Heal You
Looking At Specific Scriptures
Jesus is going to be taking you through Scriptures from His Book, the Bible, so you will learn to trust Him for yourself. All of the Scriptures He uses will be in bold fonts and will have references that you can use to look them up in your Bible so you will have faith in it. He isn’t trying to build your faith in Christians; He is helping you believe in Him and His words so you can receive the same healing all other Christians have received; He will use the process of STUDY to take you where you need to go.

Believe Jesus’ Words
Just like you, every Christian had put their trust in Jesus and His words in the Bible. The more they did the better their results was. This is a truth Jesus will be working on throughout all of your studies. He will be trying to help you keep trusting in Him and His words more and more so you can get greater amounts of His help. Many Christians are praying that you will learn to accept what the Bible says, as being Jesus’ words. They are praying for you so you will follow its instructions to the letter.

The Writing Of The Bible
It is true Jesus used humans to write the things in the Bible. But, it is important for you to realize that He ONLY picked people who would write EXACTLY what He wanted said. It is vital for you to see the Bible as being Jesus’ Book and Jesus’ words. If you think you are reading a Scripture written by Paul, you won’t be able to receive it in creative power. All Paul did was write down what Jesus told him to write. Jesus isn’t asking you to trust or believe in Paul; He is asking you to trust the Bible as His words.

Jesus’ Power Flows
Through The Words Of The Bible
The next important things you must realize is, the Bible isn’t just a Book with Jesus’ words in it. Each sentence contains power from Him that will bring healing into your heart and life. If you eat food, you do it with the understanding that there are special nutrients and sun-power IN the food that have the ability to build your cells and empower your body. When you read a verse out of the Bible, you are spiritually ingesting Jesus’ words into your spirit. All you have to do from that point on is to believe it has the power to change your internal condition.

Transformation Rather Than Instruction
You have read many books that only had instructions and information in them. You may read a verse from the Bible looking for instructions or information on how to be helped with the issues of marriage. You may be looking for “Ten Steps To Solving Your Problems With Marriage.” Instead, you get something like “Ten Steps To Getting Close To Jesus.” Why? Because our “instructions” can’t help you; your friends “instructions” can’t help you; your own “instructions” can’t help you; and the world’s “instructions” can’t help you. Only Jesus’ transforming power that flows through His words can heal you! They go inside you like food you eat and they empower you from the inside out.

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Understanding Jesus’ Help
With Marriage Issues
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