Understanding Jesus’ Help
With Money Issues

Getting Help That Works

You Have To Ask
Unwilling To Ask
Let’s say you are trying to remove a huge rock out of your backyard. Your neighbor has a large tractor that could remove it easily; but, you refuse to ask for their help. They are more than willing to bring their tractor over and use it to remove the rock; but, for some reason, you don’t want to ask for their help.

What’s God Waiting On?
You may be one of those people who knows that God is everywhere, knows everything, and can do anything. If so, you may be wondering why He doesn’t step in and help you. Since He can see how bad your situation is, why doesn’t He do something?

It Never Hurts To Ask
The first step to getting Jesus’ help with your issues with money is to ASK. Even though He knows everything, He still REQUIRES that you ask Him for everything you want Him to help you with. Why? Asking is the way for you to INVITE Jesus into helping you.

Why Doesn’t Jesus Help
You Have Your Reasons
Let’s say your neighbor would be glad to bring their tractor over and remove the huge rock out of your backyard. But, they would require one hundred dollars before they would do it. Now that would change the whole issue!

Are Your Reasons Good Reasons?
There could be a lot of reasons why you don’t want to pay them one hundred dollars. You may want to spend the one hundred dollars on something more important; you may not have one hundred dollars; or you may feel one hundred dollars is too much. Whatever your reason is, you will not get your neighbor’s help for as long as you don’t ask for it and pay the money.
You May Have A Reason For Not Asking
You may see Jesus as being too big, powerful, distant, and scary to be willing and desirous to be your friend. That may be YOUR reason for not asking for His help. You may be somewhat confused about Him or upset with Him; and, that may be your reason for not inviting Him into your situation. Whatever your reason is, not asking Him for help is keeping you from getting His help.

You Have Rights
Ignoring Your God-Given Free Will
Suppose your neighbor brought their tractor over and removed the huge rock without you asking them to. A lot of things could happen in that situation that would go against your will. Their tractor could smash your fence and flowers; they could remove the wrong rock; or, they could put the removed rock in the wrong place.

Free Will Makes You Human
God has given everyone a free will so they will be humans rather than robots. He also did it so you would be His friends rather than His slave. Jesus considers those who ask for His help to be asking for His friendship. When you don’t ask for His help, He sees it as you NOT wanting His friendship. So, He keeps waiting for your invitation.

It’s Your Right
It is your right to refuse help; God has given you a free will and He and most people honor your right to decide what you want. You may try everything within the scope of your abilities to remove this rock in your backyard. However, you haven’t tried asking your neighbor for help.

It is also your right to refuse help from Jesus; you don’t have to ask for it if you don’t want to. Jesus TOTALLY honors your God-given free will. If you forget to ask, don’t want to ask, or ask for the wrong thing, the big issue is that you must ask before you even stand a chance to be helped by Jesus.

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Understanding Jesus’ Help
With Money Issues
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