Understanding Jesus’ Method
For Marriage Issues

Praying For Peace

Do This, If You Love Life
Psa 34:12 (NIV) Whoever of You loves life and desires to see many good days: When there is conflict between people, there isn’t much joy or happiness. People in strife suffer the struggles of the conflict. They can’t relax; they don’t have peace of mind; they often fail to sleep at night; and, their emotions are mostly negative. When you experience peace and provide peace for others, that is when you are able to love life and see many good days. This Psalm-prayer provides the ingredience for helping people experience good days. Ask Jesus to give you a love for life and enable you to see many good days.

Peacemaking Requires Truth
Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies (Psa 34:13) . Pray and ask Jesus to give you the peace that comes from telling the truth and saying only righteous things. Then ask Him to help you bring those who are in strife to commit themselves to only telling the truth and speaking righteous things as they work to gain unity in their conflicts.

Peacemaking Requires Desire
Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it (Psa 34:14). As you work to be a peacemaker, you will need to find out where the evil is in a strife situation. Typically one of the parties in the conflict has done or is doing something that is wrong, bad, or evil. Ask Jesus to help you be able to find the word or deed that has caused the conflict. Ask Him to empower you to help people seek peace and pursue it.

Peacemaking Requires Righteousness
The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry (Psa 34:15). If anyone in the conflict isn’t being righteous, then they must be instructed in this principle of God. Pray this Psalm-prayer and ask God to help you teach this principle to those you are working with. Ask Him to help you explain to them that God is sensitive to those who devote themselves to righteousness.

Evil Resists Peacemaking
The face of the LORD is against those who do evil, to cut off the memory of them from the earth (Psa 34:16). You must teach those you are trying to bring peace into their life, that if there is any evil aspects in what they have done or are doing, The face of the LORD is against them. Pray this Psalm-prayer asking Jesus to search your heart and cleanse you from any wrong, bad, or evil in you.

Peacemaking Requires
The Righteous To Cry Out
The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles (Psa 34:17). You must believe and you must teach others that they must not only live righteous lives, they must invite Jesus into their situations of strife. Pray this Psalm-prayer every time you find yourself in a struggle with other people.

Peacemaking Includes Encouragement
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psa 34:18). Relational battles create broken hearts and crushed spirits; ask Jesus to empower you to help these people to feel God’s presence. And, pray this Psalm-prayer when you find yourself in this condition. The peace of God will come on you and others when you start looking for God moving close to you during heart breaking times.

Peacemaking Works During Many Troubles
A righteous man may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all; he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken (Psa 34:19-20). Having strife with others doesn’t just occure when everything else is going good. Peacemaking takes care of the relational strife; but, peace helps with many troubles. If the many troubles create stress, fear, depression, or frustration, those emotions will resist any resolutions in the relationship. Pray this Psalm-prayer asking Jesus to help you not only be able to deal with relational problems, but to be able to bring peace into people with many troubles.

Peacemaking Can’t Overcome Evil
Evil will slay the wicked; the foes of the righteous will be condemned (Psa 34:21). Evil people won’t negotiate, be reasonable, or compromise. Evil will only yield to a power greater than itself. Pray this Psalm-prayer when you have encountered an evil person yourself or in your peacemaking works with others.

Peacemaking Requires Miracles
The LORD redeems his servants; no one will be condemned who takes refuge in him (Psa 34:22). When circumstances are all going bad, when evil people are encountered, and when many troubles are piling up, the redemption of God is needed. Pray this Psalm-prayer for protection when all seems to be going wrong. Run to God for protection and teach others to do the same.

Peace Even When Peacemaking Fails
The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace (Psa 29:11). When you are dealing with other people, you are dealing with as many God-given free wills as you are dealing with people. If one or more of them doesn’t want to resolve an issue, peacemaking can’t be forced on them. But, if you and someone else want peace, even when dealing with others who don’t, you and that other person can pray this Psalm-prayer and get an internal peace for yourselves.

This concludes your studies and prayers for today.

Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

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