Understanding Jesus’ Method
For Spending Issues

God’s Eight Power-Attitudes
Help Me Not Just Open The Doors
Jesus, we spent time together looking at eight doors that give me access to the blessings of God. I have been allowing You to teach me how to open these eight doors. We spent time together as I prayed and asked You to give me access to the eight blessings behind these doors. Help me be ready to start taking advantage of the fact that they are now open to me. As a final study and prayer time, lead me into benefiting from access through these open doors.

Help me always keep in mind that opening a door is only part of the process. Walking in and benefiting from those things on the other side of the door was my major reason for opening the door. Lead me into each room that these awesome doors gave me access to. Show me that these doors lead to God and all His provisions. Help me understand that it is now time to put an all-out effort into pursuing God and all He has to offer me. Empower me to walk in and see how to benefit from everything these doors have given me the opportunity to take advantage of.

I Am Getting God And All His Provisions
1. I Am Seeking God’s Presents
Psalm 27:8 (NIV) My heart says of You, “Seek His face (presence)!” Your face (presence), LORD, I WILL seek. Jesus, I often feel two different attitudes and desires; I have the desires of my body and the desires of my spirit. There are times when I actually want something and not want it at the same time. I can be against something and yet my body push me into going ahead and doing it anyway. My heart can be in full commitment and alignment with God and His Word and my body can still do wrong things and neglect good things.

Jesus, help me pray this prayer with the power to overcome my body: My heart says of You, “Seek His face (presence)!” Your face (presence), LORD, I WILL seek.

2, I Am Praying For Spiritual Abilities
Rather than turning Psalm 27:8 into a promise, Jesus, help me make it a spiritual determination or a spiritual decision. Help me pray: “Jesus, my heart says of You, “Seek His presence!” Your presence, LORD, I want to seek. Help me live out this desire of my heart.” Teach me that the way David was able to say: “My heart says of You, “Seek His face (presence)!” Your face (presence), LORD, I WILL seek” was because he believed God was going to empower him to do it. I believe you have answered this pray I am praying; I belive I am now empowered to say: “Your presence, Lord, I will seek.”

3. I Am Praying For A Close Relationship
Psalm 27:9 (NIV) Do not hide Your face (presence) from me, do not turn Your servant away in anger; You have been my helper. Do not reject me or forsake me, O God my Savior. Jesus, temptations come at me from people who know about my weaknesses, failures, misdeeds of my body, and sins. They say things that Satan tries to use to draw me into misdeeds of my body. Rather than running to You for help, sometimes I try to resist the temptation myself and fail.

Jesus, show me that it is important I realize that all my power to resist is in You. Forgive me for my failures, misdeeds, mistakes, and the damage I do to myself and others. When I face these things from now on, empower me RUN TO YOU AS FAST AS I CAN! Heavenly Father, do not hide Your presence from me, do not turn Your servant away in anger; You have been my helper. Do not reject me or forsake me, O God my Savior.

4. I Believe In God’s Forgiveness
Jesus, teach me that God never wants to hide His presence from me, or turn away from me in anger, or reject me or forsake me. But, help me see that in order for that to be my relationship with Him, I must make it into a prayer. Show me that a permission based relationship goes two ways; God requires that I give Him my permission to do good things for me by praying to Him for it. And, He reserves the right to refuse to do anything I ask for that He knows wouldn’t be good for me or those around me. When I do something wrong, help me always pray a prayer like this Psalm 27:9 prayer that David prayed.

5. I Believe In God’s Parental Leadership
Psalm 27:10 (NIV) Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me. Jesus, even if I had the best parents in the world, they wouldn’t even come close to the greatness of God. Keep my earth experiences from interfering with my understanding of God. Help me always realize that He is supernaturally superior to any human I have ever met. Plus, make it clear to me that none of the wrong, bad, or evil things I have experienced from humans has anything to do with God. He is righteous, holy, pure, and perfect. Teach me that, that means EVERYTHING that is good is from God; and, NOTHING that is wrong, bad, or evil is from God.

6. I Am Resisting Social Pressure
Jesus, help me understand that the people who are closest to me can be some of my greatest critics. Relatives, friends, business associates, and sometimes spouses can be some of my greatest opponents. I DO want to be healed more than anything in the world; I do NOT want to simply go along with the crowd. Help me want to be accepted and received by You more than I want to go along with popular opinion or relational pressure.

7. I Am Praying For Perseverance
Psalm 27:11 (NIV) Teach me Your way, O LORD; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors. Jesus, help me see that jobs that require a lot of physical exertion tend to keep the worker in shape. Jobs that require me to sit a lot tend to cause me to get out of shape. When I am very actively involved in going out in public and sharing You, I grow in my relationship with God. I have to study, pray, train, yield to the Holy Spirit, and follow Your leading in order to stay in spiritual shape. Help me stay spiritually active so I can have great spiritual health.

8. I Am Praying For Power
Jesus, me asking You for help at a time when I have had it, can be very hard and feel impossible. Even though I am at the door of the biggest breakthrough of my life, I can run out of strength to do any more. Thank You for having Your people be currently praying for me; thank You for having them ask God to empower me to be able to pray this Psalm 27:11 prayer. I give You my permission to teach me Your ways so I can find that Your teachings have great power in them. Teach me Your way, O LORD; lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors.

9. I Am Yielding To God’s Discipline
Psalm 27:12 (NIV) Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes, for false witnesses rise up against me, breathing out violence. Jesus, teach me that the only way being turned over to my foes would happen is because I am purposefully doing something wrong. Heb 12:6-7 (NIV) Because the Lord disciplines those He loves, and He punishes everyone He accepts as a son. Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?

Jesus, show me that sometimes the only thing that can help me get on and stay on the right path is discipline. Make it clear to me that as long as I continue to WANT to do the right things and HATE doing the wrong, bad, and evil things, God will continue doing what it takes to lead me in the right direction. Help me see why I am going through what I am experiencing. Show me when I am being disciplined so I can mourn, repent, ask for forgiveness, ask for the power to never do it again, and then go make it right with those I have hurt.

10. I Am Realizing I Reap What I Sow
Gal 6:7 (NIV) Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Jesus, show me that bad thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds always produce bad results. Show me that these results are me REAPING what I sowed. Help me not blame God for it. Help me understand that God is allowing me to reap it so I can see why He was against it. He wants me to see how bad it is so I will change directions.

Jesus, help me realize that God’s desire is to help me win over every challege and every difficulty. Help me see that it is important for me to remember that the way to get You involved in every discipline, problem, or crisis is to pray for help. I want to win over all my failures, mistakes, rebellions, and misdeeds by always praying for help. Help me not forget, the longer I wait to mourn, repent, ask for forgiveness, ask for Your power to never do it again, and go make it right with those I have hurt, the more I REAP the results of my behavior.

Jesus, do not turn me over to the results of my failures and the reaping of my sowing because satanic accusations, false guilts, and condemnation rise up against me, breathing out destruction, separation from You, and all kinds of other lies.

11. I Am Repenting As Fast As I Can
Psalm 27:13 (NIV) I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Jesus, if I did something wrong, bad, or evil and I am reaping what I have sown, show me that God is trying to use it to help me mourn, repent, ask for forgiveness, ask for the power to never do it again, and then go make it right with those I have hurt.

Jesus, help me understand that even though I repent, renounce it, and then release it from my memory, reaping the results of my deed will still come my way. But, make it clear to me that I will be well on my way to recovery. However, help me understand that the longer I take to repent, the more I will reap what I have sown.

Jesus, I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.

12. Pray In Faith
Jesus, it is true that I am going to have a much better life in eternity. But, help me see that I have to be able to win over the aspects of this life for now. “The land of the living” is talking to me about the temporary life I am currently living. “I am still confident of this” is talking about faith. Teach me that this confidence or faith is an attitude and a characteristic that You require in You relationship with me. If I am “still confident of this,” I will get right on mourning and repenting rather than spending a lot of time wondering what I should do about my failure.

13. I Believe Jesus Will Come Through
Psalm 27:14 (NIV) Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. Jesus, there may be a lot of things I think I can do about my situation. There are always other methods, programs, principles, systems, and approaches that appear to be solutions to my issues. But, make it clear to me that if I wait on You, I will get supernatural results. If I don’t wait, it may take a long time, a lot of money, and a tremendous amount of effort before I FINALLY decide to come back and wait on You.

Jesus, I wait for You; help me be strong and take heart and wait for You.

14. Don’t Make A Final Decision Until....
Jesus, teach me that when I don’t know what to do, or, when I am NOT SURE what to do, it is a time to wait on You. Show me that I may need to do research; I may need to look over all my options; I may need to lay out all the pros and cons; but, before I make my final decision and strike out on a plan, empower me to always wait for You.

15. I Know When To Make A Final Decision
  • when You make me KNOW what I should do,

  • when You give me feelings of assurance,

  • when You give me plans that are good for me and those around me,

  • when You clear my conscience and I know it is all right and fair,

  • when the Bible says it is the right thing to do,

  • help me be ready to act on that plan.

16. I Am Praying For The Power To Wait
Jesus, sometimes waiting doesn’t seem like an option; it may seem to me to be a time-sensitive matter. There are situations when I don’t feel I have time to wait on You; but, help me discover that NOT waiting on You is never an option. If I feel I have to act immediately, then empower me to miss the “opportunity.” If I feel I have to act right this minute, then help me be willing to pay the “consequences.” Help me wait for You; help me be strong and take heart and wait for You to tell me what to do and give me the strength to do it.

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“Understanding Jesus’ Method
For Spending Issues” Week Two

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