Understanding Jesus’ Help
With Life Issues

A Whole New Way
Jesus, You are now moving me into the spiritual realm where You live. Help me see that this is a place where words do things that it would take a lot of human effort to accomplish in my realm. In Genesis, the first book of the Bible, You told light to come into existence and it did! You created the heavens and the earth just by speaking words. Show me that when I leave this planet and join You in Your Kingdom, that is the way I will live. You are showing me how to live as a child of God in the world of God. You are trying to get me ready for it.

Jesus Speaks Creative Words To You
Jesus, teach me that as I read the bolded words from the Bible during these studies, those words will have the same creative power You used when You were creating all the living things on our earth. The words of the Bible will be quite a bit more gentle and gradual than it was at creation. But, help me understand that my faith will be the controller valve that regulates this creative flow. When I believe ALL of something You are trying to create in me, ALL of it flows my way. When I only believe PART of it, only PART of it flows my way.

Reading Takes Believing It Happened
Jesus, teach me that just like the power of electricity flows through wires to get from the power plant TO my house, so does Your power flow INTO the Bible to get TO me. Then, just as electricity flows through the wires INSIDE my house, Your power flows FROM the Bible THROUGH my faith and changes the situations in my life. Make it clear to me that as this power flows through the words of the Bible, that I read in these studies, it will FIRST work on improving my faith. This is because faith is the conductor or spiritual “wire” that the answers to my needs flow through.

Acting On The Basis Of The Fact
Jesus, show me that just like wires “conduct” electricity and pipes “conduct” water into my home, faith conducts Your miracles, healing, and answers to my prayers into my life. But, help me understand that just because wires are bringing electricity to the outside wall of my house, and just because wires are distributing electricity to the various rooms in my house, doesn’t mean I am plugging my appliances and devices into the receptacles. Teach me that FAITH-ACTION is the procedure of me “plugging” my life into Your power.

Teach me that FAITH-ACTION is where I act on the basis of the fact that You spoke miracles, healing, and transformation into me. If You give something to me and I don’t USE it, I HAVE it, but, it lays dormant in my life. In that case, I have the answer to my prayers; You responded to my faith; my relationship with You is working; my studies in the Bible are paying off; my desires are being rewarded; but, I am just hoarding them rather than using them.
FAITH-ACTION Takes Advantage Of
Your Breakthroughs
Jesus Doesn’t Make You Take ACTION
Jesus, You will be spending a lot of time in the Bible trying to convince me that You are honest, trustworthy, true, and real. You will be using human words that look the same as the words I am used to. However, show me that You are taking these human words and turning them into creative words. Then through them You start to pour Your love, grace, faith, and healing into me. I will start to FEEL the warmth of Your heart, as You talk to me through Your words in the Bible. As I study the Bible through these studies, You and I will start to build a friendship and a companionship. Let that help me learn to BELIEVE in and TRUST You; help me understand that, that is FAITH.

It’s Time For ACTION
Jesus, once You answer my prayer, it would seem like the answer would take over my life. But, teach me that as usual, You honor my God-given free will. You have done what I have asked; now it is my job to live on the basis of it. Teach me the truth in James 2:17 (NIV) In the same way, FAITH by itself, if it is not accompanied by ACTION, is dead.

Jesus, after You have given me faith to believe I have something from You, You expect me to use it. But, show me that You don’t expect me to use it alone by myself. Help me understand that You are more than willing to join me in helping me take full advantage of the miracles, healings, breakthroughs, and transformation. But, I must invite You into that relationship; and, I must look to You to show me how to take FAITH-ACTION on it.

Following Jesus’ Example
Jesus, teach me that there is a door into this FAITH-ACTION relationship with You where I become able to LIVE ON THE BASIS OF Your generosity, graciousness, power, and love. It is a process where I start living on the basis of my inheritance. Rather than me just being Your friend, You have made me one of You family members; I became one of God’s children. Teach me that once that happened, it gave me special family rights and privileges. As I STUDY the Bible I will see You do things that are supernatural; but, they are natural to You. Help me live in this supernatural realm and allow it to become natural to me.

Living On The Basis Of Your Inheritance
Jesus, just like inheritance is one of those things that happens in most families, when the parents die, death, gave me access to Your will and testament now. Show me that Your will or testament is called the New Testament. That will or testament was written to tell me what my inheritance is.

Jesus, just like I can cause a lawyer to write out exactly what I want in my will, You caused Your specially picked people to write out a will or testament describing everything I have inherited from God. Then help me take FAITH-ACTION and enjoy the benefits of that inheritance. Help and empower me to take advantage of my inheritance by inviting You into my moment-by-mement and issue-by-issue events of my day. Make it clear to me that when I do that, You will empower me to take advantage of all You have to offer me.

This concludes your studies and prayers for today.

Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

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it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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