The Lord’s Prayer For Sharing Salvation

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The Lord’s Prayer
For Sharing Salvation
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But deliver us from the evil one

Know Where Temptation Comes From
Most of the pressure your friend is experiencing to do bad, unloving things to themselves and the people around them comes from the evil one, Satan. Not only that, most of the bad things that happen to them come from him. The bad “luck,” difficult circumstances, and temptations to sin typically come from him. This is part of this prayer is usually an easy portion of the prayer to pray. Most of us want to be delivered from the evil one.

Pray For Deliverance
Find out whether or not this is your friend’s heart’s desire, then help them pray this portion of the prayer two ways. Have them say: “Deliver me from the evil one.” Then have them say: “Deliver us from the evil one.” When they pray this, they are asking God to not only deliver them but to deliver all the other people on earth from Satan. If they and the people of this world will receive God’s answer to their prayer, their life will become as meaningful and blessed as many others have become.

You Are Now Ready To Start
Trying Christianity Out
You Shared Eternal Life!
Congratulations! You have just helped your friend ask their heavenly Father to make them His child, a member of His family, and a citizen in His Kingdom. God is now ready to start answering their prayers as they begin their life as a Christian. This will be a time for them to try it all out and see if they want to become a permanent member of His family and Kingdom. Jesus, and His people are all committed to helping them experience all the blessings and provisions of God.

How To Keep The Power Life
The main problems your friend will run into have been covered in the four reactions people have to God’s good news about His Kingdom and family. This was covered in the “How To Keep The Power Life” study. If you and your friend need to go back there and read over it again, it might be a good idea. If they haven’t already gone through it and you and Jesus feel they are ready, then take your friend through this study so they will be properly prepared to deal with these issues.

Keep Them Moving Forward
If you or your friends run into other problems, Jesus will be providing you with very important resources on this website. Follow the guidelines provided in the next pages of this study. It will help you help them with getting the help you and they need. Jesus wants to help you and your friends be more than conquerors through Him Who loved us (Rom 8:37). He wants you and your friends to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power (Eph 6:10). Now let’s go back to this very important issue of your friend forgiving people. After The Lord’s Prayer, Jesus picked up this issue because it can keep His prayer from working in your friend’s life.
Mat 6:14-15 (NIV) For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

They Don’t Deserve To Be Forgiven
One big issue is covered by Jesus right after the prayer He gave us to pray. He is saying that your friend forgiving others is vital to the forgiveness their heavenly Father is providing them. To be a permanent Christian, sealed by His Spirit, and secure in His protection and love is going to require that they forgive everyone. First, they need to forgive those in their past who have hurt them. Second, they need to continue to forgive all who hurt them now and in the future.

Jesus Can Help Me Do The Impossible
If you or your friend have ANY problems in this area, do not neglect this issue. We cannot be forgiven without forgiving everyone past, present, and future. But, don’t let this frighten you or your friend. Just help them keep asking for Jesus’ help with their attitudes; He knows this can be very hard for them.

Jesus’ Power-Forgiveness
Jesus isn’t asking your friend to forgive people WITHOUT them receiving His power to forgive. Help your friend pray for Jesus’ power-forgiveness; it is a power to forgive that heals your friend’s heart. Jesus gives them a freedom and a release from the bitterness, hatred, anger, and desire to get even. This is something we all need to be constantly praying for. Help your friend not stop praying about it each day until they have complete victory in this matter. Here is the main issue your friend needs to start praying about:

For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Forgiveness Opens Or Closes The Door
Once again, if your friend has any problems forgiving someone, help them stay in prayer with God each day until they get Jesus’ power-forgiveness to forgive others. This is one thing that is really important to God. This issue isn’t optional. Your friend’s relationship with their heavenly Father is based on this attitude. Help them keep praying everyday about it until they get the victory over all lack of forgiveness.

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