The Lord’s Prayer For Sharing Salvation

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The Lord’s Prayer
For Sharing Salvation
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Love Shares
Don’t Just Care About Yourself
James 2:8 (NIV) If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right. Your friend now has the power and permission from God to start LIVING their new Christian life. And, there are two things they need help to start doing in order to begin LIVING the Christian life. They will learn how to use their heart to believe Jesus was raised from the dead. That makes their Christian life be based on a living Savior and not a dead one. They will learn how to use their mouth to share the secret of their birth with their friends; that is them yielding to God’s love for others.

Keeping The New Christian Alive
Being born alive is a wonderful thing; when a baby is born as a healthy new baby, we are all glad. But, we all realize that keeping them alive is just as important. To keep your new born Christian friend alive, you must help them start “doing what it takes” to stay alive. Here are two things they need to start doing so as to breath in and out spiritually:

       THEIR LORD.


Breathing On Their Own
These two things couldn’t be required of any of us, until we had prayed the prayer the Lord gave all of us to pray. A baby isn’t required to start breathing on their own until they have been born. Your friend couldn’t start breathing spiritually until they were born again. That prayer put some powerful equipment in your friend’s heart and life. They may not feel any of it or understand any of it; but it is there. The first requirement comes from their mouth. They must start telling their friends, relatives, and associates that Jesus is Lord and that they have accepted Jesus as their Lord.

Assist them in asking Jesus to help them be pleased and to feel privileged that they are a Christian. Help them start saying that Jesus is Lord and that Jesus is their Lord. You can help by going with them to share this wonderful fact with some of their friends. Your presence and support can help get them started sharing (breathing spiritually).
Breathing, Eating, And Exercising
Sharing The Responsibility
You can also help your friend by leading them into asking Jesus to help them never be ashamed of the fact that He is their Lord. A baby must cooperate with its caregivers, but those responsible for the baby must provide the opportunity to breath, eat, and move their body around. The baby is responsible to cry when they have a problem; but, we are responsible for trying to find out what the problem is. So, let’s see what the “born again baby manual” says we are to help them do. Here is what the Bible (born again baby manual) says about the process of being saved, born again, and LIVING as a Christian:

Rom 10:8-13 But what does it say? “The word is near YOU; it is in YOUR mouth and in YOUR heart,” that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming: That
   1. If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and
   2. believe in your heart that God raised Him from
       the dead, you WILL be saved.

   1. it is with YOUR heart that you believe and are justified,
   2. and it is with YOUR mouth that you confess and are saved.

As the Scripture says, “Anyone who trusts in Him will never be put to shame.” For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile--the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on Him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

It’s The Power Of God
It doesn’t seem possible that praying the words of The Lord’s Prayer and obeying Romans 10:8-10 can transform your friend into a child of God, make them a member of His family, and cause them to be a citizen of His Kingdom; but, it isn’t the power of the prayer or the power of Romans 10:8-10; it is the power of God that does it. When your friend obeys God’s Word, the Bible, God honors their obedience and transforms them into a child of God, a member of His family, and a citizen of His Kingdom.

It is this same power of God that is flowing THROUGH the Bible telling us what to do to keep our new Christian friend alive. Jesus has taken important, vital Scriptures and helped us provide you with those that help you take good care of your friend. There are special Scriptures like Romans 10:8-10 that empower your friend to not only stay alive, they will start growing in their power and spiritual skills.

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