Praying The Psalms

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I Turn All My Problems And My
Enemies Over To You, God

God’s Answer Is The Best
Psa 5:1 (NIV) For the director of music. For flutes. A psalm of David. Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my sighing.

You have and will face many issues that distress you; you will have a tendency to take life’s problems on yourself. You may not know why; but, you will typically worry about things that you know God will handle. You need to come to God and present your situation before Him. You need His help so you can know He cares and know He will respond with the very best answer possible for you and those around you.

Going To God In Faith
Psa 5:2 (NIV) Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to You I pray.

This isn’t a cry for help where you feel God won’t respond. You already believe in all His great love and concern for you. This is a cry for help because you know He is the real answer to your problems. You are crying out to Him because He is the God of your life and the King of all your issues. Pray to Him so you can give all your worries and fears over to Him. Since you have Him available to you, there is no reason for you to be concerned. You know He will fulfill every truth He has provided you through His Word, the Bible.

Spend The Day With Jesus
Psa 5:3 (NIV) In the morning, O LORD, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait in expectation.

Always start your day presenting yourself and all your day to Jesus. Then expect Him to be with you all day long. Let Jesus direct your attention to Him and all the answers to your prayers. Let Him deliver you from praying and then not being willing to see the great miracles He works in response to those prayers. Wait with great expectation for a close relationship with Him and miracles in all your circumstances. Then when the relationship grows and miracles come, praise Him for it all.

Be Thankful For All God Has Done
Psa 5:4 (NIV) You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil; with You the wicked cannot dwell.

Sins hurt your relationship with God. Let Him set you free from anything that is not pleasing to Him. Thank Him for the salvation Jesus purchased for you. Thank Him for adopting you into His family and making you His child. Thank Him for setting you free from a full record of sins. Thank Him for crediting His righteousness to your account. If that had not happened, you wouldn’t be able to gain His pleasure or dwell in His presence.

Have A Complete Dependency
Psa 5:5 (NIV) The arrogant cannot stand in Your presence; You hate all who do wrong.

Let Jesus set you free from pride and self-dependence. Let Him teach you to always look to Him for all spiritual growth and blessings. Lay your job, your education, your talents, and your skills before Him. Accept His strength, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom in their place. Let His mind be superimposed over yours. Let Him give you His plans, thoughts, and abilities. You need Him in all you are and all you do.

Give Your Enemies To God
Psa 5:6 (NIV) You destroy those who tell lies; bloodthirsty and deceitful men the LORD abhors.

Let Jesus give you faith so you will be able to believe He will handle all your enemies. Trust Him to take care of those who lie against you. He knows the truth in these situations. A lot of the time, you may feel like you have to vindicate yourself. You may often be tempted to try to defend yourself. Let Jesus teach you that He will fight against those who lie. Tell Him you are sorry you don’t leave your reputation and you future in His hands. He already abhors those who hate, those who assassinate people’s character, and those who live deceitful lives. He has asked you to leave these things in His care. Let Him help you love your enemies; and, then appeal to Him to take care of the rest of it all.

Come To God With Reverence
Psa 5:7 (NIV) But I, by Your great mercy, will come into Your house; in reverence will I bow down toward Your holy temple.
It is important to not just come to God with our problems. We need to present them and then move on into a love relationship with Him. We need to spend time respecting and praising Him for all His grace and mercy. It will heal your heart as you spend time thanking and praising Him for all He has already done for you. As you receive any answers to your prayers, add them to your appreciation and praise list. It helps you not take anything He does for granted. Honor and praise Him constantly for all He has, is, and will do for and through you. Enter His presence and bow down in complete reverence for how awesome He is.

He is so powerful, complete, and has no needs. Yet, He has decided to care about you. There is no reason He had to direct His attention your way. But He not only loves you, He was willing to die for you as well. He is a wonderful, spectacular God! Tell Him that you love Him very much.

Yielding Your Thoughts To God
Psa 5:8 (NIV) Lead me, O LORD, in Your righteousness because of my enemies-- make straight Your way before me.

It is important for you to NEVER allow those who fight, agitate, and resist you to alter your direction of life; instead, focus your attention to God. If you allow Him to make His directions clear to you, it will help you spend your time thinking about the way He wants you to go. Keep your mind fixed on the things God wants you to be thinking about. Rather than fighting with them, allow Him to direct you toward the activities He wants you involved in. He will protect you from allowing yourself to react to those who are against you and Him. Let Him keep them from being able to dominate your thoughts; let God occupy all of your thoughts and decisions.

Avoid Evil People
Psa 5:9 (NIV) Not a word from their mouth can be trusted; their heart is filled with destruction. Their throat is an open grave; with their tongue they speak deceit.

Some people are the way they are; nothing you can say or do will make them change. If you argue, defend yourself, reason with them, fight them, or try to get even with them, it will not help; only God can change them or thwart their efforts. Put them in God’s hands and look to Him to empower you to show them His love for them. Or, if God wants you to stay away from them, ask Him to help you flee their evil.

Pray Against Evil People
Psa 5:10 (NIV) Declare them guilty, O God! Let their intrigues be their downfall. Banish them for their many sins, for they have rebelled against You.

If they won’t repent and change, then ask Jesus to make a judgment against them; ask Him to pronounce His verdict over them. Ask Him to take the plans they had for you and let them fall into their own trap. If they refuse to live God’s way, then let God condemn them so they can’t keep you from doing the work and living the life God has called you to live. Pray for God to protect all His people from these types of people.

Pray For Righteous People
Psa 5:11 (NIV) But let all who take refuge in You be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread Your protection over them, that those who love Your name may rejoice in You.

See God as the defender of your life and circumstances. Rather than protecting yourself, turn to God for protection. He is so much more qualified to protect you and His people; He is more qualified to deal with the offenders. Allow God to help you be glad that He takes care of all these issues. Let putting these things in God’s hands give you time and the kind of attitudes to praise Him. Being protected by God will cause you great joy and inspire singing. Your praises and songs of praise will be much more heart felt when you trust in Him. Ask for His constant protection for you and all His people. Give the protecting of yourself over to Him. Get out of His way so He can start protecting you His way. Dedicate yourself to spending your time expressing your love for Him and all He is doing.

Your Confession Of Faith
Psa 5:12 (NIV) For surely, O LORD, You bless the righteous; You surround them with Your favor as with a shield.

Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that God has heard and answered your prayer for protection. Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that God has made you righteous through Jesus. Then confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that since you have Jesus’ righteousness, believe that He is blessing you. Believe He has surrounded you with His favor like a shield. Thank Him for the blessings, protection, and the peace that comes from Him.

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