Praying The Psalms

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I Want A Mighty Move Of Salvation
To Come To The Whole World

Be Set Free From The Fear Of People
Psa 2:1 (NIV) Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain?

It is vital for us to understand that all the efforts and plans of people and groups in high places aren’t in control. We must not be impressed with their power, positions, and influences or we won’t be able to pray in faith. Let Jesus give you the ability to see these people in comparison to how great God is. It is important for you to let Him help you always see HIS greatness and THEIR insignificance. You need His revelation that He is completely in control and that your faith should always be in Him. Accept His deliverance of all fear of men and governments as to what they might try to do to you. You must obey Him and all He requires of you regardless of the consequences. Surrender your life and ministry to Him and Him alone.

Know Where Victory Lives
Psa 2:2 (NIV) The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the LORD and against His Anointed One.

It is vital that you allow God to help you be glad you are on His side and that He is on yours. Let Him show you that these people are fighting a losing battle. You will need to spend some time thanking Him for opening your eyes and helping you see where victory lives. Ask Jesus for His faith so you can pray against all powers and authorities that pit themselves against God. As they try to stop God, they are also trying to stop His message to the people under their leadership. As you pray, God will cause their leadership to be thwarted and their efforts to fail. We need Him to let the manifestations of His work and Word be proclaimed around the world. We need all He has to offer to go forth regardless of all these people’s plans and resistances.

Pray That God Binds His Enemies
Psa 2:3 (NIV) “Let us break Their chains,” they say, “and throw off Their fetters.”

It is time to pray that God would tighten His chains and increase His fetters. We need Him to bring all His power and influences into helping us accomplish the assignment He has given us. It is important for you to understand a vital Biblical principle: Because these leaders have accepted these leadership positions, they no longer can claim their free-will rights. They are trying to block off the free will of many who want God. As you ask Him to bind the leaders so that the people can choose Him, God will let every person everywhere hear His gospel message; and, He will let them receive ample opportunities to respond to it freely.

Laugh With God
Psa 2:4 (NIV) The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.

God wants to let His laughter resonate through you. He wants to let you represent His scoffing as you move forward in spite of all their disdain and conniving. He wants to give you an opportunity to proclaim the gospel and all the promises He has made to the people of this earth. He wants to empower you go out into all nations and present the fullness of His Word to all who will listen. He wants to help you to feel His laughter of derision. He wants to help you see and feel how insignificant all their resistance is. He wants to make you so unimpressed that you never allow anything they do cause you to deviate from the plan He has set before you.

See That Jesus’ Leadership Is Installed
Psa 2:5-6 (NIV) Then He rebukes them in His anger and terrifies them in His wrath, saying, “I have installed My King on Zion, My holy hill.”

The installation of God’s Son on His holy hill has established the total victory over all efforts to stop His leadership being offered to all. You have accepted Him as your King. You have bowed your knees before Him and listened to His every command. You are obeying Him and His teaching. You follow His every Word. His Holy Spirit is leading you into all truths; and, you are living and ministering them. It is a privilege for you to serve Him in all ways.
Accept His Sonship In You
Psa 2:7 (NIV) I will proclaim the decree of the LORD: He said to Me, “You are My Son; today I have become Your Father.

You have received your sonship through God’s Sonship. Praise Him for the privilege of being His child. Thank Him for adopting you through His Spirit of adoption. Tell Him how awesome He is! Tell Him that you love Him and dedicate yourself to praising Him throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity.

See That The Nations Belong To Jesus
Psa 2:8 (NIV) Ask of Me, and I will make the nations Your inheritance, the ends of the earth Your possession.

You have received the ministry of Jesus into your life and ministry. The work Jesus started in His flesh He is now free to do in and through your body. Your body is a vessel of Jesus’ Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is taking the things of Jesus and showing them to you. Now, all you have to do is agree with all that the Holy Spirit is showing you. You just have to yield to all that Jesus did; and give your body over to Him to do them again in your generation. Let Jesus, Who inherited the nations, speak to the nations through you. Let everything He wants to say and do flow through you to them.

Know That Jesus Is In Charge
Psa 2:9 (NIV) You will rule them with an iron scepter; You will dash them to pieces like pottery.”

Ask Jesus to start preparing the nations for His rule. Pray that He will prepare their hearts for receiving Him as their Lord and Savior. Ask Him to make those who resist Him be few. Ask Him, if at all possible, to make few all those who have to be dashed to pieces. Pray that He will find great faith among the nations. Pray that all people and tongues accept and worship Him. Ask Him to help you obey the Great Commission and plant the seeds of the gospel in every heart. Ask Him to help you water it with the life and power of His Holy Spirit. Ask for a supernatural work to be done in all lives on this earth. Then ask Him to let His rule in all our lives be one of great submission, love, and obedience.

Pray For The Leaders Of This World
Psa 2:10-12 (NIV) Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry and you be destroyed in your way, for His wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in Him.

Pray for all the leaders of all governments. Pray that they listen to this warning and heed it. Ask Him to change as many leader’s hearts as are willing to be changed. They need His help to submit their leadership to His Lordship. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. All leaders need to see this and give their lives and ministry over to Him. If they won’t, we need Him to replace them with those who will submit to Him. We need Him to give us leadership that will make it as easy as possible to spread His gospel message and all the words of the Bible to every person on earth.

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