Praying The Psalms

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Lord, I Want To Be Righteous

Blessings For What You Don’t Do
Psa 1:1 (NIV) Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.

We need help not living our life according to the advice of the wicked or worldly. It’s important for us to commit ourselves to God’s counsel. Even when the counsel of the world sounds like the perfect answer, we need to ask for His guidance and power to not yield to it. Rather than us living our life after the patterns and systems of sinners, we need to be an influence on the sinner rather than being influenced by the sinner. It is vital for us to not join in with those who are gossiping, talking bad about others, sharing people’s faults and shortcomings, and enjoying it when people fail or fall.

Blessings For What You Do
Psa 1:2 (NIV) But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.

Jesus can help you enjoy the concepts of His Word. He can help you want to know them and live your life by them. If you ask Him to, He will help you read, study, memorize, and use His Word for all the decisions of your life. He will give you the power to have His Word in your life in such a way that it becomes the thoughts and guidance of all your days and nights.

Looking At The Blessings
Psa 1:3 (NIV) He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.

We have to have Jesus’ blessings. The streams of His Holy Spirit are vital to your moment by moment survival. And, they are vital to all you do to minister to others. You and the people around you are counting on the streams of water of Jesus’ Spirit to bless, nourish, and empower you. But, you have to let the results of His streams of water be a fully developing Christian life and ministry.

We need to let all that we are and all that we do bring glory to Jesus. Ask Him to make it possible for everything you do to prosper for the growth of your life, the meeting of the needs of His people, and the salvation of the lost. Ask Him to help the people around you see the fruit of His Spirit and the growth brought about in your life as a mighty work by His supply.
Looking At The Lack Of Blessings
Psa 1:4 (NIV) Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away.

It really changes things when you pray for the wicked, when you pray that Jesus’ Holy Spirit would convict them of their sins. It gives them a chance to see the folly of their ways, repent, and turn to Jesus. As you pray that He would help them see how their wickedness is ruining their lives, it makes it possible for them to come to their senses and accept Jesus as the Lord and Savior of their lives.

God’s Blessings Effect Time And Eternity
Psa 1:5 (NIV) Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.

The unsaved also need help getting a glimpse of the judgment day. Jesus needs to give them a clear picture of where they are heading. And He needs to help you present the gospel message to them. When they hear Jesus’ message, He can give them the ability to understand and respond to it. This will help their hearts be transformed before it is too late.

Looking At Where The Blessings Come From
Psa 1:6 (NIV) For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

Ask Jesus to bless the lives and ministries of His people. They need protection from the efforts of those used by Satan. Pray that all the wicked, who will not turn to Jesus, to be thwarted in all their efforts. Jesus needs to resist them when they try to circumvent the preaching of the gospel and the spread of its message. If you ask Him to block the efforts of the wicked and prosper the efforts of His people, He will answer your prayers.

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