Christian Fellowship

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Christian Friends
You need a few people who are on the same basic spiritual level as you. They need to be willing to study with you, pray with you, and have fun with you. They need to be people who don’t try to tell you what to do. They need to be willing to discuss all the possibilities of what you need to do. But, as in all cases with all your relationships, they need to be willing to let you make the final decision between you and God.

Good Christian Friends
Good Christian friends need to be people who will warn you and tell you what you need to hear even when you don’t like hearing it. If they are people who will only tell you what you want to hear, then they aren’t good friends. However, a GOOD Christian friend will be a person who will use the Bible to warn you. They won’t be trying to run your life with their personal opinions; they will help you see where you are going wrong in your relationship with God and His Word.
Friends With A Good Influence
Your friends need to be people who are influencing you to a closer relationship with God. If you find them drawing you away from your times with God, His Word, and His people, then they are bad “friends” and they are probably a bad person. Just because someone has a good personality, is fun to be around, and has similar human interests doesn’t mean they are a good friend. The most important quality in a friend is one who loves Jesus and follows His leadership.

Faithful Friends
A good Christian friend is one who is willing to point you toward God during times when you are starting to think, plan, and do things that are against Biblical training. If you find yourself getting more and more excited about God when you are around them, then they are good Christian friends. If you are going through a financial, emotional, relational, physical, or spiritual struggle, they will be willing to sacrifice their time and effort to be there helping you look to God and His Word.

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