Christian Fellowship

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Small Groups
Most churches have small groups that are designed for special needs and age groups. These are helpful to meet all the special needs found in the larger group of Christians. However, there is another kind of small group that you need to create so you can not only get your needs met, but can help others with their special needs.

Creating A Small Group
It is good to work with people on an individual basis. But, you will also need to allow your friends get together. As you introduce them to each other, they will see how Jesus is using you in all their lives. The stronger ones can help the weak ones; and, you can show them all how Jesus’ family is built. This small group is vital for reaching out to the desperate needs of the community. The next study addresses the methods of you finding people to mentor. It helps you reach out to others like someone reached out to you. Just like you needed Jesus and all His provisions, so do they.

Fighting Selfishness
One of the problems you can experience is spending all your time with Christians. Churches can be fun places for Christians to gather and can gradually absorb all your time and energy working on and with Christians. The building, the organization, and the people have needs that can take up all your time and use up all your energy. Be sure to stay in Jesus’ plan for reaching your friends that live in your community.
It Takes Love And Commitment
Unsaved people can be difficult to talk to and help. Their life can be so bad that it hurts you to see all the pain they are going through. They can be argumentative and resistive to various aspects of Jesus’ message. They can be cooperative at moments and then fail to work with you the next. They can be faithful for awhile and then drop out all of a sudden. You can enjoy being with Christians so much that you find it hard to break way for a while and help these hurting and needy people.

You Needed Someone Like This
Those you have helped to become Christians also have ups and downs in their commitment to Jesus. However, both the unsaved and the new Christians need your encouragement. You are their lifeline to starting and growing in Jesus. Just think about how important it was for you to have all those things He provided to you. Think back to the time when you didn’t even want Jesus. Then think about all it took to get you where you are now. These people are depending on you to help them make the same journey. Ask God to guide you to those He wants you to spend time with. Ask Him to help you be willing to work with those who aren’t much fun being with. Let Him decide where you should spend your time.

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