Christian Fellowship

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A Friendly Church
You need opportunities to start meeting the people in Jesus’ Church. Whether the church you are trying out provides a time before, during, or after church, there needs to be a time when you can meet and visit with Jesus’ people. You need to meet Christians of your own age, life situation, and spiritual level. The church needs to be made up of people who are friendly and willing to meet new people. They need to help you feel welcome and a part of the group.

Getting Acquainted
If you find yourself standing around by yourself, you MAY be at a church where new people aren’t able to meet the people of the congregation. Talk to those who welcome you at the door; see if there is a special meeting you can attend where you can get acquainted with new people. There may be a time and a place where people get together to get acquainted. Also, there may be those who are willing to take you around and introduce you to some of the people of the church.
Join Special Groups
There may be special age group meetings that you can attend. The handout they give you at the door may tell about age group meetings, special bulletins may be posted in the entrance to the church building, and fliers may be laid around in certain places that tell about other church meetings. They may have a booth or table where helpful people stand to answer questions.

Give Them A Chance
You may need to fill out a card that gives some of your personal information. This may invite someone to call, text, or email you and chat with you about your experience at the church. This can give you a chance to ask questions and find out how to meet those of your own age. But, if it becomes too difficult getting in touch with the people in the church, you may need to keep searching. Just pray and ask God to guide you concerning how much effort you should put into trying to meet the people in that church.

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