Developing Friendships

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Friendship Development Instructions
How Do I Get More Friends?

1. Follow Jesus’ Pattern
From the beginnings of our relationship with Jesus, we are supposed to be telling those around us that Jesus is Lord and that He is our Lord. Should that not be true, then we need to take a look at Jesus’ approach to developing various types of relationships and friendships. He was perfect in the way He approached people and how He tried to offer them help. Let’s go over a way to help people by allowing them to decide whether or not they want our help through the power of Jesus.

2. Identify And Define Your Relationships
If you don’t accept this assignment from Jesus, you will go about your day and very often not help anyone spiritually. Let’s look at the five types of relationships again:
  1. There are business relationships that are just about buying and selling products to one another.

  2. There are casual friendships where you talk about things you have in common like the weather, sports, and other people you both know.

  3. There are personal friendships where they are willing to start opening up and sharing a few of their problems, struggles, or difficulties.

  4. There are sincere friendships where the person wants help with their issues and problems and are willing to consider getting help from Jesus.

  5. And, there are mentoring friendships that are people who are willing to join you in getting involved in the programs, books, and studies on this website.

3. Ask Normal, Everyday Questions
The best way to get to know more about a person is to ask them questions about themselves. You aren’t trying to GET them into salvation, GET them to attend your church, or GET them into your small group. You are simply trying to GET to know them better. Don’t have ANY hidden agenda or future goal planned for them. You don’t know where each conversation you have with a person is going to go. By asking them questions, you are just TRYING TO SEE whether or not Jesus has prepared your business relationships, casual friendships, personal friendships, or sincere friendships to move to the next level of friendship.

4. Ask Sincere Questions
In order to find out whether or not each of these relationships are ready to move to the next level, you simply ask them questions you do not know the answers to. With business relationships, if you don’t know where they live, ask that question; if you don’t know what hobbies they have or special interests, then find out about that. You just need to help them open up and start talking about themselves.

When you ask a question, listen to their answers and memorize these things about them. If Jesus wants them to, your non-threatening questions will take a business relationship to a casual friendship; or, they will take a casual friendship to a personal friendship. As far as you know, it may all stop there and never be able to be taken to the next level; you never know what each person is open to AND YOU ARE OKAY WITH THAT.

Understanding The Heart Of Relationships
In building friendships, you must avoid trying to talk people into something.

Friendship building must ALWAYS be times of getting to know more about a person; and, you must be WILLING to let them get to know you. You must allow them to find out about your healings, miracles, blessings, and transformations that Jesus has done for you.

Build Business Relationships
In establishing a business relationship you are simply trying to find out what a person has to offer. You are checking out their products and services so you can decide whether or not they have something you want or need. You probably have some criteria as to where you buy these things. It can be price, brand, convenient location, a place where you have always shopped, the way they display their products, or the personnel. Jesus, wants you to reevaluate your criteria for where you do your shopping. As often as possible, you would try to do business with certain people so you can see if Jesus wants a casual friendship to be established with them.

Only Jesus knows who will be people He wants you working with. You just have to trust Him to open certain people’s hearts to the questions you ask. You will also need to trust Him to block off all relationships He doesn’t want you developing.

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