Books, Prayer Studies, And Worksheets

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Books, Prayer Studies,
And Worksheets
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In addition to the worksheets located throughout the courses, there are worksheets that further aid you in your life and spiritual growth. Below, you will find a list of worksheets that you can download from this page. There is a brief description for each worksheets.

LIFEstyle: The Jesus Life Workbook
This is a workbook that is used in conjunction with the textbook, “The Jesus Life.” Jesus expects us to live out those things He teaches us. He doesn’t want us to just know and understand these life principles, He wants us to enjoy the benefits of them. Many Christians, who have been saved for a long time, are still struggling with issues, problems, and relationships that should have been mastered years ago. The Scriptures in this workbook are from the textbook, “The Jesus Life;” they will lead us into the Biblical system of taking faith-action. This workbook will be using these Scriptures to illustrate how faith-action works.

LIFEstyle: The Six Success Principles Workbook
This is a workbook that is used in conjunction with the textbook, “The Six Success Principles.” There are six things that God requires BEFORE we can get many of the things He has to offer. If we neglect, ignore, or fail to know how to use them, our life-changes will be very limited. The Scriptures in this workbook are from the textbook, “The Six Success Principles;” they will lead us into the Biblical system of taking faith-action. This workbook will be using these Scriptures to illustrate how faith-action works.

LIFEstyle: Success Attitudes Workbook
This is a workbook that is used in conjunction with the textbook, “Success Attitudes.” There are eight attitudes we have to have in order to get God’s blessings flowing into our lives. Jesus presents a list of these eight items for us to become aware of. He wants us to start praying and asking God to help know what they are and what they mean. So, we spend some time looking at them in the textbook, “Success Attitudes.” In the “LIFEstyle: Success Attitudes” workbook we will be “doing what it takes” to get them into our lives. They are those things we have learned through the Scriptures in the textbook.

LIFEstyle: Getting Set Up For Life Success Workbook
This is a workbook that is used in conjunction with the textbook, “Getting Set Up For Life Success.” There are some things most Christians don’t know; they are vital truths; but, they are misunderstood, ignored, and not believed. Romans chapter seven tells us about the problems we go through AFTER we accept Jesus’ salvation. We will take the verses in this chapter and make sure we ask God to help us with these Christian problems. The Scriptures in this workbook are from the textbook, “Getting Set Up For Life Success;” they will lead us into the Biblical system of taking faith-action to get set free from these issues. This workbook will be using these Scriptures to illustrate how faith-action works.

LIFEstyle: Committing To A Life Of Success Workbook
This is a workbook that is used in conjunction with the textbook, “Committing To A Life Of Success.” Jesus wants us to be moving forward in our spiritual growth. He expects us to take advantage of our clean record with God. He expects us to use that relationship with Him to get the attitudes, character, and power we need to start LIVING the Christian life. The Scriptures in this workbook are from the textbook, “Committing To A Life Of Success;” they will lead us into the Biblical system of taking faith-action. This workbook will be using these Scriptures to illustrate how faith-action works. We will take faith-action to live a life of success as we go about the activities of our everyday life.

LIFEstyle: The Seven Success-Building Questions Workbook
This is a workbook that is used in conjunction with the textbook, “The Seven Success-Building Questions.” Jesus provides us with a faith that is much more powerful and effective than our human faith. The whole of the Christian life is built on the issue of faith. Without a consistent faith, we can’t get the provisions of God. So, Jesus helps us by making sure we have a faith that brings great rewards. The Scriptures in this workbook are from the textbook, “The Seven Success-Building Questions;” they will lead us into the Biblical system of taking faith-action. This workbook will be using these Scriptures to illustrate how faith-action works.

LIFEstyle: The True Voice Of Success Workbook
This is a workbook that is used in conjunction with the textbook, “The True Voice Of Success.” Jesus is talking to us through the Bible. He is speaking faith, truth, transformation, and blessings into us. But, we have to be able to hear His voice, identify it, understand what He is saying, and yield to it. Our body, the world, and Satan are all talking to us at the same time. We have to know how to separate Jesus’ voice out of all other sources that are trying to speak to us. The Scriptures in this workbook are from the textbook, “The True Voice Of Success;” they will lead us into the Biblical system of taking faith-action. This workbook will be using these Scriptures to illustrate how faith-action works.

LIFEstyle: The Power To Succeed Workbook
This is a workbook that is used in conjunction with the textbook, “The Power To Succeed.” God gives us His love at salvation so we will be able to establish and maintain meaningful, successful, and long-lasting relationships with the people around us. God’s love provides us with the power to cooperate and work together with those people we are trying to reach our goals and fulfill our plans with. The Scriptures in this workbook are from the textbook, “The Power To Succeed.” They will lead us into the Biblical system of taking faith-action. It will be taking these Scriptures to illustrate how faith-action works and how to use it to get the results we need.

LIFEstyle: Success Through Faith In Truth Workbook
This is a workbook that is used in conjunction with the textbook, “Success Through Faith In Truth.” One of the main reasons we fail in life is because we are misinformed. People influence our lives, who think they know what they are talking about. They look successful because they have money, possessions, positions, popularity, prestige, power, pleasure, and accomplishments. But, when they stand before Jesus on the Judgment Day, He will declare them failures. The Scriptures in this workbook are from the textbook, “Success Through Faith In Truth;” they will lead us into the Biblical system of taking faith-action. This workbook will be using these Scriptures to illustrate how faith-action works.

LIFEstyle: Success Through God-Esteem And Confidence

This is a workbook that is used in conjunction with the textbook, “Success Through God-Esteem And Confidence.” The world teaches us to have self-esteem and self-confidence. The Bible teaches us to have God-esteem and God-confidence. If we get our esteem and confidence in and through ourselves, then the scope of our success lays in all our human limitations. Since nothing is impossible with God, when we put our trust in Him, we move into the realm of the supernatural power of God. The Scriptures in this workbook are from the textbook, “Success Through God-Esteem And Confidence;” they will lead us into the Biblical system of taking faith-action. This workbook will be using these Scriptures to illustrate how faith-action works.

This concludes
“Books, Prayer Studies, And Worksheets” Course
And it concludes the
“The Resource Courses” Series.

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“The Strategy Courses”
and the next course called
“Living Victoriously Introduction 1”
next week.

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The Strategy Courses

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