Special Features

Textbook For
“HELP Benefits”

The Textbook Page
This is the textbook page; your second page will be the workbook page. Jesus’ purpose for you exposing yourself to the textbook page is for you to study the Biblical principles that you need to be aware of. You need to know these powerful principles exist; you need to know what they mean; and, you need to know how to get them working in your life. The textbook page will be providing you a lot of information that has great power in it; but, you are going to need Jesus to explain what it means and how to use it.

Hunting For Happiness
Welcome to HELP eMagazine. Jesus is providing you a way of life that has worked miracles and tremendous blessings in millions of people’s lives. Like you, they tried all kinds of things to find happiness, peace, pleasure, and freedom from pain. They had great expectations as they started out in life. Some of the things people add to their lives came from other people; other things were handpicked by the person. In your pursuit of happiness, many of the things you tried failed to provide you with the results you were seeking. They gave you pleasure for a while but soon disappeared; AND, they also produced side-effects that hurt you.

Jesus Is Your Best Friend
You may have chosen people, alcohol, drugs, money, possessions, sex, and various other things trying to find experiences that would give you lasting happiness, pleasure, and freedom from pain and emptiness. It wasn’t until you found a relationship with Jesus that you discovered the results you were looking for.

Come With Your Problems
Your first contact with Jesus demonstrated that He has the answers for living life the way it was meant to be lived; but, you came to Him carrying a lot of baggage. You may have all kinds of addictions, relationship problems, emotional issues, financial complications, and physical needs that require a lot of undoing.

Your Past Doesn’t Matter
Jesus just wants you to know that He is your answer and His Book, the Bible, holds the keys you are going to need. One of the first things He will do for you is set you free from the guilt, worry, and pain from all the things you did and are still involved in.
You Are Totally Forgiven
He will help you with the things that were forced on you from others and the things you tried yourself. Those things that failed to help you find happiness were totally forgiven and erased from your life. This happened when you prayed and asked Jesus to forgive you of all your sins and when you did what Romans 10:9-10 instructed you to do. If, for some reason, you aren’t sure you did this, just select the “PRAYER” button below and it will help you make sure.

You Have A Clean Record With God
Everyone has done many things they are now ashamed of. As you look back on your life, it is amazing what you did to yourself and to others. But, because you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, Lord, and soon coming King, He has forgiven you from every wrong thought, feeling, activity, and conversation. He made it possible for you to start over with a clean record. Then He started you on a path to finding real happiness and life-success; and, that is where Jesus is taking you right now.

Your Problems And Issues
Aren’t Too Big
The benefits of studying all these things with Jesus is, He will set you free from as many and as big of an issue as you may have. Nothing is too hard for Him; He can do what no one else can do. He has unlimited resources, unlimited love, unlimited patience, unlimited power, and unlimited blessings. You are entering into Jesus’ way of life that is far more powerful than anything you can find on your own.

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