Special Features

Textbook For
“HELP Benefits”

Who Are You Trusting With Your Life?
Life doesn’t work like you think it does. It doesn’t even work the way many “experts” tell you it does. Most of the “experts” you listen to are failing at life themselves. The only real success they are experiencing is that they are selling a lot of books and making a lot of money from those sales. But, behind the scenes, their lives are a mess.

Jesus won’t be telling you what the majority of the people want you to believe about life. He will be exposing you to His Book; He and the Bible are the only real authority in this world. He will help you find out what HE wants you to believe and how HE wants you to live. That will make it possible for you to start winning in ALL the areas of your life.

This Is Going To Cost You Something
You will NOT be charged for any of these resources. Jesus wants you to be able to learn and grow in all these things for free. He won’t get you started working with these materials and get you hooked on their principles and then let WorldChangersTLC.com start sending you bills, pleas for donations, or make you start paying for additional products or services. But, it will still cost you time, effort, and money.
Start Investing In Your Future
  • It may cost you money because you need to give up some source of income that isn’t good for you; and, you may want to start buying good Christian music, books, and videos from other sources.

  • It will cost you time studying and applying yourself to the study of these concepts. BUT, it will only be two pages a day. Anyone can do that!

  • It will cost you effort by Jesus helping you make yourself start doing things that you couldn’t do before. But, all your investments in your own personal, spiritual growth will be more than worth it.
The benefits for all your investments will be tremendous. Jesus will give you a life that is filled with victories, successes, blessings, and miracles. You and He working together will accomplish things you never dreamed possible.

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