Special Features

Textbook For
“HELP Benefits”

HELP eMagazine
Two Pages A Day
Jesus has helped and empowered the development of HELP eMagazine so you can be successful at life. But, it requires you to apply yourself to two pages of reading and praying each week. Even if you have been a Christian for a long time, there are areas of your life where you are still struggling. Just like your body needs food on a regular basis, so does your spirit. If you neglect your body and fail to properly feed it enough high quality food, it won’t get the energy it needs. And, it won’t get the materials to adequately build the cellular structure for your health. Jesus will help and empower you to start doing this reading and praying, if you will ask Him to.

Daily Spiritual Food
There are Christian leaders who are trying to help large quantities of people while suffering in various aspects of their own lives. You have probably heard about some of them on the news. They know and teach the principles; but, they aren’t looking to Jesus for His help in their spiritual growth. They are trying to live the Christian life by using their own efforts.

It would be like an athlete, who was trying to play some extreme sport, not making sure they were eating a lot of high quality food. Jesus will be teaching you some VERY important procedures for empowering you to LIVE what you learn. We all need to face the fact that we can’t live life or the Christian life by our own efforts; Jesus has to empower us to live it.
It Takes Studying And Praying With Jesus
Don’t Stop There
The reason you see Christian leaders and maybe even some of those Christians around you fail in their relationships with you, themselves, and Jesus is because they have only taken one or two steps into Christianity. Jesus will teach you how to start taking very important steps that will change your life.

Go All The Way
No one can win at being successful in music, sports, business, or life in general by taking one or two steps in that direction. You don’t want a person piloting your plane that has only learned a little bit about flying. You don’t want a surgeon working on your brain who just saw it done on TV. You wouldn’t expect a teacher to do a good job of training you, if they failed the subject themselves.

Jesus Will Take You There
Jesus SUCCESSFULLY lived the life He is teaching and empowering you to live. He knows what it takes to live life because He has already lived it. Plus, He is the One Who created this life in the first place. He and His Bible are the only way for anyone to win at life.

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