The Power Courses Instruction

Truth For
“How Do I GET The Power Life?”

The Doors Into God’s Eternal Kingdom
And lead us not into temptation

Learning Things The Hard Way
Learning About Free Will
And lead us not: Here we are asking God to take leadership in our life. And, we are asking Him to not allow us to go into areas that would cause us to sin. Since God is a good God, why would we need to ask Him to not lead us in the direction of temptation? God isn’t like Satan; He doesn’t make us do His will. He honors our God-given free will and will ALLOW us to go places He doesn’t want us to go.

Thinking We Know What Is Best
There are two ways for people to learn life lessons from Jesus. The best way is for us to give Him permission to teach us the things we need to know without us having to learn the hard way. When we want a certain job, a certain deal, a certain relationship with a certain person, a certain house, a certain car, a certain amount of income, etc., we may find ourselves insisting that God LET us go in that direction.

God Doesn’t Want You Led Into Temptation
When God “leads” us during a time when we take ourselves into temptation, He isn’t wanting us to be tempted; He isn’t tempting us; He doesn’t even want to have to “LEAD” us while we are in there. It is a moment where God “lets” us go there; BUT, if we insist on going there, we will go under His rules and discipline.

Learning A Painful Lesson
Because it is an issue and moment of rebellion and not a DESIRE to quit Christianity, we don’t lose our relationship with Him; we don’t get turned back over to Satan; we remain in our relationship with our heavenly Father, but, we are being taught a very important lesson about the incredible knowledge, foreknowledge about the future, understanding, and wisdom of God. If we yield to Jesus’ training during these times of our rebellion, we will learn THE HARD WAY that God was resisting our decision for a VERY good reason.

Learning The Best Way
Some of us are pretty hard headed. We have to learn some things by going out and committing sins and paying the consequences. But, there is a much better way of handling our rebellious attitude. When we find ourselves struggling with doing things God’s way, all we have to do is take it to Jesus and ask for His power to help us do it God’s way. He will give us the power and the wisdom to avoid having to learn the hard way.

We Have To Be Able To Be Led
There Are A Lot Of Things We Don’t Know
God wants us to have a teachable attitude so He can just tell us things and us do them. He would like for us to take His new training information and start praying and asking for the power to be able to get it into our lives. But, because we come into this relationship with God and don’t completely trust Him yet, we do need to pray this part of this prayer.

YIELDING To Temptation
God has committed Himself to honoring our decisions. He is determined to maintain our God-given freedom of will. So, He allows us to be led into a tough situation where the temptations to sin and do wrong are strong. God, Himself will never tempt us to sin. However, He will allow us to go our own way for a time while He makes sure we don’t get tempted and not have a way out. Let’s see what it looks like for us to insist on YIELDING to temptation but with our heavenly Father keeping us under supervision.

God Disciplines Those Who Want It
We ALL get tempted; but, NONE of us have to YIELD to it. 1 Cor 10:13 (NIV) No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. God will make sure a temptation isn’t some strange, unique temptation that no one has ever seen before; He will remain faithful to you; He won’t let it be overwhelming; and, He will always provide you a way out. But, if you will pray this part of this prayer and get Jesus’ power, you will be able to avoid YIELDING to most of them.

Get Jesus’ Power To Not YIELD In The First Place
The temptation to do wrong, bad, or evil things is strong inside us. When we yield to temptation, addictive pleasures come our way. We get pleasure from simple wrong, bad, or evil things such as talking about someone or bawling them out. It is hard to explain why we get pleasure out of hurting people’s reputations or feelings. But, it can all be traced back to the spiritual disease of sin.

Get Jesus’ Power To Resist The Motivation
Some aspects of the sin disease pushes us toward making ourselves look good at other’s expense, while other sins actually involve us hurting ourselves. For example, drug and alcohol abuse tear away at our body and brain. Why we would sin against our body and hurt our own life is quite a puzzle. We need this prayer to help keep us from hurting ourselves and others.
But deliver us from the evil one

Satan Used To Control You
The evil one, Satan: This is a prayer for the transfer of control; you are praying for a deliverance from Satan’s control over you and your life. By accepting Jesus as your Savior, Lord, and King of your life, you can be delivered from the control of Satan. By praying this you are being set free from your old god, boss, lord, and tyrant. You aren’t just getting Jesus, you are being set free from a control that was not honoring your God-given free will. Satan, the evil one, was tempting you, luring you, pushing you, deceiving you, addicting you, and creating lifestyle habits that you couldn’t control.

Satan Can’t Control You But, He Can Tempt You

Deliver us from the evil one: This deliverance has two parts to it:
  • First, it is a prayer for a deliverance from Satan’s control. You are inviting Jesus to drive Satan out of your mind and heart where he has been luring, driving, misleading, deceiving, and controlling you. You are asking for Jesus to un-train you concerning who is now in control of your life. You now belong to Jesus; you no longer are under Satan’s power. He can’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do. Jesus is available to you anytime you want Him to bring control, power, and deliverance to you.

  • Second, you are making this prayer a daily issue. You are asking Jesus to deliver you from those things Satan tries to tempt you with. You are asking for Jesus’ power, training, and relationship so you and He can work together to defeat all efforts of Satan against you.

Satan Has The Right To Tempt You
Your Battle Isn’t Against You
The evil one, Satan: Most of the pressure you are experiencing to do bad, unloving things to yourself and the people around you comes from the evil one, Satan. Not only that, most of the bad things that happen to you circumstantially come from him. The bad “luck,” difficult circumstances, and temptations to sin typically come from him.

Satan Doesn’t Come As Himself
Thoughts and feelings pop up in your mind and heart that feel like they are self-generated. You can think and feel things that are not like you; anger, hatred, frustration, jealousy, covetousness, greed, and all kinds of other wrong, bad, or evil things. But, unless you yield to them, they never actually were a part of you. Those who don’t realize that these “flash” temptations that pop up in their mind and hearts are not coming from themselves, will ACCEPT that these are their own thoughts, feelings, and desires.

You Are About To Be Ready To Start
Trying Christianity Out
You Are Becoming A Child Of God!
As you pray the prayers in your workbook you will have just asked your heavenly Father to make you His child and a citizen in His Kingdom. He will be ready to start answering your prayers as you begin your life as a Christian. This will be a time for you to try it all out and see if you want to become a permanent member of His family and Kingdom.

Your First Birth Will
Help You Understand Your Second Birth
We will be using the illustration of a baby being formed in its mother’s womb, then going down the birth canal, and then being born into a new world. This will help you understand what is now happening to you.

The Power Courses
How Do I GET
The Power Life?
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