The Power Courses Instruction

Textbook For
“How Do I GET The Power Life?”

The Doors Into God’s Eternal Kingdom

Your kingdom come
Getting The Kingdom Before Entering It
Kingdom: Before you can enter into God’s Kingdom, God’s Kingdom is going to have to enter into you. That probably doesn’t make a lot of sense right now. But, just be patient with the concept and it will gradually come clear to you.

God’s Kingdom is only going to be as great as the people who live there. If there are murders, thieves, cheats, liars, and bullies there, then it is going to be a lot like what we have here on earth; but, times eternity. There would be wars, pain, suffering, and people taking unfair advantage of one another; and, it would keep getting worse forever.

Getting Ready For The Kingdom
You MUST be set free from even the smallest of attitudes, thinking, feelings, words, and deeds that are creating problems and conflicts. To be an asset to God’s Kingdom, yourself, and all the people there, you are going to need to be changed. You can’t change these things in you; but Jesus can. He can get you ready for God’s Kingdom, your life here, and eternity by putting the character and principles of God’s Kingdom in you now.

Asking For God’s Kingdom To Come In
If you want to allow the character and principles of God’s Kingdom to enter into your personality and emotions, then you will need to pray and ask for His Kingdom to come inside you. In other words, this is a series of requests you are making of your heavenly Father, God. When you say, Your Kingdom come, you are asking Him to put His Kingdom in your heart, in your life, and in the issues you are having with marriage.

Asking Invites God To Do What We Need Done
One of the main requirements of the born again child of God is that they accept Jesus as their Savior, Lord, and King. When you say: Your kingdom come, you are giving God permission to put the King of the Kingdom into your heart, mind, and life. It is the moment you accept Jesus as the Savior, Lord, and King of your life; BECAUSE Jesus is the King of this Kingdom. If you pray this part of this prayer, when you ask for God’s Kingdom to come, you are inviting the King, Jesus, to come inside you.

Qualify Others For Your Kingdom
Don’t Forget Your Friends
By using the words “our” and “us,” in this prayer, you are also asking God to bring Jesus, the King of His Kingdom into the hearts and lives of all the people on this planet. This prayer, Jesus gave us, isn’t a selfish prayer; it is a prayer for you and everyone else. It is teaching you to always want everyone else to receive all the good things that happen to you.

Ask Jesus To Do These Things For You And Your Friends:
  • Ask Jesus to speed up the process of giving everyone the good news message about God’s Kingdom.
  • Ask Jesus to allow everyone to try God’s Kingdom out.
  • Ask Jesus to give everyone time to make a knowledgeable decision about God’s Kingdom.
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Do You Want A Change Of Will?
Will: The reason there is so much suffering on earth is because people are being allowed to do what they want. God is giving us a complete picture of what life is like when people are free to do anything they WANT. You have been running your life with a God-given freedom of WILL. You have chosen to be the way you are, the way you think, the way you talk, and the way you do the things you do. Your God-given free will has put you in charge of your life.

Do You Want A Kingdom Will?
If you are completely satisfied with your life and the way you are running it, then you will not want to pray Jesus’ prayer. God’s WILL is pure, fair, gracious, merciful, and sinless. If you want to USE people for meeting your financial, sexual, physical, and emotional needs, then you aren’t ready to pray and ask God to let His will be done in your life, as you live here on earth. You have to be WILLING to ask Him to make these Kingdom changes in your philosophies, thoughts, feeling, words, and deeds.

This Is How To Have World Peace
Wanting Peace But Not Giving Peace
People are constantly talking about world peace. They wear peace symbols on their clothes and as jewelry.

Most people want peace to come to them but don’t want to do what it takes to allow peace to flow out of them to others.

People typically want to continue to exercise their God-given free will; but, they want YOU to limit YOUR behavior so they can have peace. But, no one wants to be the only one who is being peaceful, loving, and kind while being mistreated by everyone else. If you ask God to put His will in your life, you are going to need to ask Him to also do His will in the lives of the rest of the people on this planet; or, you will be the only one being peaceful, loving, and kind.

Bringing Heaven To Earth
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven: Right now, at this moment, heaven is in perfect harmony and peace while being one of the most exciting places in existence. If God’s will starts being done on earth just like it is currently being done in heaven, then peace, harmony, love, excitement, and true happiness will come into this world. How is that going to happen? One person at a time. The Bible makes it clear that everyone isn’t going to allow God’s will to be done in their lives; but, many will. The more people become Christians, the more God’s will, will be done on earth as it is being done in heaven.

Ask Jesus To Do These Things For You And Your Friends:
  • Ask Jesus to speed up the process of giving everyone the good news message about God’s will.
  • Ask Jesus to help everyone try yielding to God’s will.
  • Ask Jesus to give everyone time to make a knowledgeable decision concerning God’s will.

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