The Submission Courses Part 2

Textbook For
“Submitting Your Choices”

Using Faith-Action To Submit Your Choices And Decisions

Opening Four Doors To God
Mark 12:30 (NIV) Love the Lord your God with all your HEART and with all your SOUL
and with all your MIND and with all your STRENGTH.

Opening Your Mind To God
Submitting Your Choices And Decisions To Jesus
Step six into The Six Biblical Principles is FAITH-ACTION. The Six Biblical Principles are all pointing to FAITH-ACTION. The fourth step of BELIEVING is the moment when you KNOW Jesus has given you the thing you have been DESIRING, STUDYING about, and PRAYING for. But, FAITH-ACTION is the moment when you can actually start practicing living it in your life. Jesus uses BELIEVING to let you know you have it; then He uses FAITH-ACTION to empower you to live it. Until you join Jesus through FAITH-ACTION, this wonderful thing you have been DESIRING was only credited to your record with God.

James 2:17 (NIV) In the same way, FAITH by itself, if it is not accompanied by ACTION, is dead. Jesus said it this way: Mat 7:24 (NIV) “Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” FAITH-ACTION is required of you; but, Jesus used your DESIRE, STUDY, PRAYING, BELIEVING, and LOVING to bring you to this dynamic place where you and He start living on the basis of the fact that it is finally ready for you to live. It is a moment of blessings, rejoicing, thanksgiving, and doing something you were never able to do before.

Submitting Your Mind To Jesus Through Faith-Action
Jesus has put FAITH in you for knowing that you can now make decisions that are pleasing to God. Once He has done that, you have the power to BELIEVE your decisions are going to have the POTENTIAL of being great decisions. But, it is like learning how to ride a bicycle; you may have good balance, be a quick learner, have a great bike to ride, and have a wonderful place to ride it. However, even though all these great things are in place, you are still going to have to LEARN how to ride a bicycle.

Learning How To Stay In Touch
1 Th 5:17 (NIV) pray continually.
  1. To pray continually is your DESIRE!

  2. To pray continually is what all your STUDY is about; you are learning how to be in constant contact with Jesus.

  3. To pray continually is the goal of your communication with Jesus, you need to be constantly PRAYING and asking Him what is the best decision for the moment.

  4. To empower you to be able to pray continually is why Jesus is speaking faith into you; He wants to empower you to be constantly BELIEVING for everything you and He are doing together.

  5. To pray continually is what LOVE is all about; you don’t want to be making decisions that aren’t win/win for everyone involved.

  6. To pray continually means that as you join Jesus in FAITH-ACTION, you are constantly talking to Him about each move you make.

Once You Get A Brilliant Idea
John 15:5 (NIV) I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man REMAINS in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; APART from Me you can do nothing. When you get a wonderful idea from Jesus concerning a decision you should make, that is just the beginning of your relationship with Him. The way you make the decision, the way you present it, the way you involve it with other people, and the way you carry it out, all need Jesus’ input. However, the excitement of getting a brilliant idea can send you off on your own.

Rom 1:21 (NIV) For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Making a wonderful decision after much dreaming, goal setting, researching, and allowing Jesus to guide you through it all is a great thing. You and Jesus have put together something that has a lot of potential. Now, it is time to appreciate all He has done to bring you to this place.

FAITH-ACTION isn’t just formulating a dream or a goal that is completely approved by God. It isn’t just putting together a plan that only God could have come up with. It is also a FAITH-ACTION of praise, worship, thankgiving, appreciation, and fellowship. Words need to flow out of your mouth to God and to the people around you that express the individual aspects of getting to this place. The more you ask Jesus to help you notice, identify, and acknowledge each thing God does for you, the greater each decision you make will be. Keep some kind of mental or written record of these miracles, blessings, brilliant ideas, and circumstancial enhancements that God did for you.

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