The Submission Courses Part 2

Textbook For
“Submitting Your Choices”

Believing You Are Submitting Your Choices And Decisions

Opening Four Doors To God
Mark 12:30 (NIV) Love the Lord your God with all your HEART and with all your SOUL
and with all your MIND and with all your STRENGTH.

Opening Your Mind To God
Believing You Have The Power
To Submit Your Choices And Decisions To Jesus
Step four in The Six Biblical Principles is for you to BELIEVE. It comes to you by Jesus speaking faith into you; it is an assurance, a confidence, a knowing that what He is saying to you is a fact. But, it goes even farther than that; you don’t just BELIEVE it is true; you BELIEVE it is true IN you. It typically comes as a sudden realization that you HAVE that thing you have been DESIRING, STUDYING about, and PRAYING for. It is the moment when it becomes a reality in you and your life.

Heb 11:1 (NIV) Now faith is being SURE of what we hope for and CERTAIN of what we do not see. Without step four in The Six Biblical Principles, you would go on for the rest of your life TRYING TO GET those things you need from God. There would never be a moment when you KNEW you got it. It is a moment when even though you may not SEE the results, the faith Jesus spoke into you empowered you to know you LITERALLY have that item you have been applying The Six Biblical Principles to. The end result of this BELIEVING is, you will join Jesus and be able to take FAITH-ACTION and start living on the basis of the fact that you DO HAVE IT!

Submitting Your Mind To Jesus Through BELIEVING
Heb 11:1 (NIV) Now faith is being SURE of what we hope for and CERTAIN of what we do not see. It is hard to make a decision if you are never SURE or CERTAIN that it is the right one. When Jesus puts faith into your heart and MIND, all of a sudden you KNOW what you should do. You feel a confidence, a power, and an assurance that you are about to make the right decision. Then if later some circumstances or results start to indicate that you made the wrong decision, you will KNOW you didn’t.

Jesus Speaking Faith Into You
Rom 10:17 (NIV) Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word (rhema) of Christ. The Bible is the written or LOGOS Word of God; it is final, unchanging, and the totally correct COMMANDMENTS of God. It isn’t optional, up for discussion, or something you can decide whether or not you believe. IT IS THE TRUTH! Faith come from Jesus as the spoken or RHEMA Word of God. It comes to you personlly; it CANNOT be passed on to other people. It isn’t something that you can apply to other aspects of your life. It is a specific, spoken or RHEMA word from Jesus for you, for that moment, and for that choice or decision. If you want a WORD from God that you can apply to EVERYONE, for EVERY situation, for the REST of your lives, it MUST come from the Bible.

Faith Comes From Hearing
The way you got human faith was to successfully accomplish something over and over again. In Christianity, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word (rhema) of Christ. If you are about to make a decision that is contrary to the Bible (logos), then you don’t need a spoken (rhema) word from Jesus. Jesus isn’t going to speak faith into you that is contrary to the LOGOS words of the Bible. If you get ANY indications that you should DECIDE to do something contrary to the Bible, IT ISN’T A WORD FROM JESUS!

The choices and decisions you need a rhema word from Jesus on are those that the Bible doesn’t address. If you are making a decision that is totally honest, pure, righteous, and loving, then the Bible part of the desision has been addressed. But, even though it is totally honest, pure, righteous, and loving, if Jesus doesn’t want YOU doing it, then the rhema word to you is, no. King David wanted to build God a temple that God wanted built; but, God didn’t want David to build it; He wanted Solomon to build it. David’s desire was totally honest, pure, righteous, and loving; but, it wasn’t God’s plan for David. So, David got a rhema word from God that was specifically for him, for that moment, and for that issue.

Faith For Submitting Your Mind To Jesus
Submission through Authoring And Perfecting
Heb 12:2 (NIV) Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, Who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Choices and decisions have to be made all during your day; some of them are spiritually neutral; you aren’t deciding whether to sin, lie, cheat, mislead, or hurt yourself or someone else. You are trying to find out whether it is the best decision for the circumstance or need. Jesus authored your faith at salvation and justification; now He is perfecting it. You are learning how to get His faith for the mundane, normal, common, simple issues of life. You are learning to consult Him moment by moment and issue by issue all day long.

Giving Up Human Faith
James 1:6-7 (NIV) But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive ANYTHING from the Lord. Your human faith will cause you to BELIEVE in yourself. It will take your eyes off of Jesus and cheat you out of all the blessings, benefits, and power you would have received if you had made a Jesus-decision. Even if your human faith led you into the same decision Jesus would have led you into, it would cheat you out of the Romans 8:28 provision of God FORCING everything to work out for your good.

Faith Comes As A Power To Decide
Faith from Jesus gives you the power to BELIEVE; you may hope, wish, have positive feelings, or try to determine something; but, faith is totally different from anything you can work up. Sometimes you have a decision to make that has a deadline. It looks like if you don’t make a decision right away, you will miss the “opportunity.” Faith from Jesus, so you can BELIEVE, requires that you WAIT on Him. As the clock keeps on moving forward and the deadline gets closer, you may feel like you had BETTER make a decision. 1 Pet 1:17 (NIV) Since you call on a Father who judges each man’s work impartially, live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear. If you are going to be motivated by fear, then reverently fear God. Ask Jesus to help you NOT make ANY decision until He speaks faith into you so you can know what choice or decision to make.

The Submission
Submitting Your
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