The Submission Courses Part 1

Textbook For
“Submitting Your Emotions”

A Simple Process
Your Mouth And Heart
Rom 10:9-10 (NIV) That if you confess with your MOUTH, “Jesus is Lord,” and BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART that God raised Him from the dead, you WILL be saved. For IT IS WITH YOUR HEART THAT YOU BELIEVE and are justified, and it is with your MOUTH that you confess and are saved.

Jesus Makes It Work
This Romans 10:9-10 exercise doesn’t seem like much of a power program. But, it is a miracle moment where JESUS takes your mind and transforms it into a new mind. Because you obeyed Romans 10:9-10, at that very moment, Jesus made you into a child of God, a member of God’s family, and a citizen of God’s eternal Kingdom. It is like taking a thorn bush and transforming it into an orange tree. This newly transformed orange tree may not have oranges on it yet; but, it now has the POTENTIAL for producing REAL oranges. Now your new mind has the POTENTIAL of thinking new spiritual thoughts and understanding new spiritual concepts.

The Way To Your Healing
Living In Sin Through Your Mouth And Heart
In Matthew 12:34-35 (NIV) you can see yourself in a condition of sin. You had a lot of wrong, bad, and evil things stored up in your heart. So, your mouth was responding to your heart. You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil SAY anything good? For OUT OF THE OVERFLOW OF THE HEART THE MOUTH SPEAKS. The GOOD man brings GOOD things out of the GOOD STORED UP in him, and the EVIL man brings EVIL things out of the EVIL STORED UP in him.

Saved Through Your Mouth And Heart
When you obeyed the requirements of Romans 10:9-10 you can see how Jesus is going to heal your struggles with life by using your heart and mouth. Jesus said: “For out of the overflow of the HEART the MOUTH speaks.” Romans 10:10 says: “For it is with your HEART that you believe and are justified, and it is with your MOUTH that you confess and are saved.”

Growing Spiritually Through Your Mouth And Heart
Since you were born again by obeying Romans 10:9-10, you can now consider what Jesus said in Matthew 12:35: “The good man brings good things out of the good STORED UP in him.” As you STORE UP the good things from God’s Word in your heart, it learns how to believe. As you STORE UP the things of God in your heart, it overflows out of your mouth and your confession of faith empowers you to live out the Victorious Christian Life.

Deciding To Receive Power
Suppose you use your mind and DECIDE to charge the battery in your phone; the electrical charge has a lot of power to run your phone. You didn’t produce the power for your phone from your own energy. But, you did allow the electricity to go into the bettery. The charge gave your phone power. You made the DECISION to ALLOW that power to enter your phone. That is what happened to you at salvation AND that is how it works for living out the Victorious Christian Life. You DECIDED to ALLOW Jesus to empower your heart with His salvation. And now, you are DECIDING to ALLOW Jesus’ power to fill your heart with good things.

Getting The Help You Need
Choosing To Store Up Good Things
From the moment of salvation on, it will be up to you to DECIDE whether or not, how often, and what kind of quality you STORE UP from God. If you decide to expose yourself to these Biblical principles and store them up on a regular basis, then you will receive great power from your heavenly Father to overcome your difficulties with life.

Benefiting From The Things Stored Up
Do you remember in Matthew 12:34-35 how Jesus explained that exposure to good things filled your heart with good things? Do you remember how He also said it would affect your mouth? Allowing your mind to be reasoned with in these studies helps you to be convinced of God’s truths. Your mind then transfers these truths to your heart and exposes it to good things. That teaches your heart how to communicate with your heavenly Father in the language of love.

Your Heart Condition
Why Did You Choose Sin?
In Matthew 12:34-35, Jesus taught you about how your mind influences what is STORED UP in your heart. And He showed you how that stored up material creates who you are. And it decides whether or not you can speak and understand the language of love with your heavenly Father which builds a relationship with Him. BUT, why would anyone want to store up wrong, bad, and evil things in their heart?

The Holy Spirit Tried To Talk You Out Of It
Now, Jesus is going to help you take a look at how the Holy Spirit influences a small area OF YOUR HEART called your conscience. John 16:8 (NIV) When He (the Holy Spirit) comes, He will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment. The Holy Spirit has been speaking to your conscience ever since you were old enough to know the difference between good and bad. From that moment on He has been causing you to feel good about somethings and bad about others. In other words, all this time He has been telling you what is good to store up and what is bad and you should refuse to expose yourself to.

You Wouldn’t Listen
In the beginnings, we all disagreed with the Holy Spirit on just about everything He spoke to our conscience about. Even though many of those things He spoke to your conscience made perfect sense to you, you still resisted it. It was because you didn’t want to feel bad about sinning; sin made you feel good; sin was fun; sin gave you temporary happiness. You thought that going against your conscience was getting you where you wanted to go. Even though the Holy Spirit made your feel bad about it, you thought you knew what was best for you.

Bait, Lures, And Traps
Keep this little explanation in mind:
Spiritual BAIT, LURES, and TRAPS are those things that make you feel good but are designed to take control of you. Spiritual FOOD and DRINK are those things that make you feel good and are designed to bless, heal, help, and make you successful at life.

Sin Is Spiritual Bait, Lures, And Traps
Bait typically has something good with a hook in it; it is like the hook on a fishing line. Fishing lures look like something good but aren’t; they imitate and appear to be something good; but, they are fake good; plus, they have a hook attached to them. Traps can have bait; but, often they are simply hidden along an animals path. The animal accidently steps on the trigger and gets caught in the trap. If there was some kind of warning placed in front of every trap, bait, and lure, the fish and animals would have a chance to decide whether or not they wanted to be caught. Your conscience, the Bible, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus are your signs warning you about the bait, lures, and traps in front of you.

Your Sources Of Training
Your Conscience Identifies Right And Wrong
The warning placed in front of every spiritual bait, lure, and trap was the Holy Spirit speaking to your conscience. When you were just THINKING about doing something wrong, bad, or evil, the Holy Spirit spoke to your conscience and caused you to feel wrong about it. He helped you know something wasn’t right about what you were considering to do. But, with your God-given free will, the Holy Spirit’s warning didn’t force you to avoid sinning. So, when you went ahead and sinned anyway, you found out that you experienced good with a hook in it. AND, when you went ahead and sinned, you STORED UP that wrong, bad, and evil in your heart. Now, Jesus is providing you with courses that CROWD OUT these wrong, bad, and evil things that got stored up in your heart.

The Bible Gives You God’s Truth
2 Tim 3:16-17 (NIV) All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, SO THAT the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. Now you are being given a full set of labels on all the issues of life. In the Bible God labeled all right, good, and righteous things as righteousness and all wrong, bad, and evil things as sin. This gives you ADVANCED information as to what is good for you and what is bad. You don’t have to try things to find out what they will do to you. And, as you submit to the good, they will start to set you free from those things you stored up in your heart.

The Holy Spirit Gives You Understanding
With the Holy Spirit speaking to your conscience, and with Him leading you into the truths of the Bible, it will be like walking into the grocery store. All you have to do is read the labels and you will know what kind of spiritual food you are accepting into your life and storing up in your heart. Based on the influence of the Holy Spirit on your conscience, your heart puts a positive or negative feeling on things you do to yourself and other people. God uses your conscience to help you be able to identify with spiritual issues. The good things and the evil things people store up in their heart are a part of their human and spiritual decisions.

Jesus Will Join You In Living His Life
2 Cor 5:17 (NIV) Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! First, you get the new Jesus life. Gal 2:20 (NIV) I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me. Second, you allow Jesus to take that new life and train you how to live it. John 14:12 (NIV) I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in Me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. Third, Jesus takes the trained you and joins you in doing some wonderful and powerful things together.

A Part Of The Love Language
Your Relationship With Others
Your goal is to have your conscience be soft and sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s influence. The way to do this is for you to treat people with love and respect. Your heart is going to have to be very sensitive to the needs of others. You have to allow Jesus to help you love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:31). You must allow Jesus to empower you to in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you (Mat 7:12). To do so is to start learning God’s language of love.

God’s ways are all about love; the Holy Spirit’s influence on your conscience is a training process of teaching you love. You have to know that the Holy Spirit is speaking to your conscience about how to treat yourself and others. Sin and righteousness don’t have anything to do with some arbitrary, whimsical, or random decision made by God. He loves you and those around you; sin and righteousness are all about what hurts you and what blesses you. You and the people around you may have a different opinion as to what is good or bad for you. But, God KNOWS for a fact what the end result will be in every decision you make. And, He gives you all the information and help you need to make good, healthy, and successful decisions.

Here’s How It Works
Sensitive And Willing
You have to be able to understand what each feeling means, as the Holy Spirit causes your conscience to feel His approval or His disapproval. AND, you have to be WILLING to obey that feeling and allow it to control your decisions. The feeling in your conscience will be about something you are thinking, feeling, saying, or doing. The way you establish the sensitivity of your heart to the Holy Spirit actually starts with your mind. Rom 8:5 (NIV) Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.

Steps to having your mind “set on what the Spirit desires:”
  • Step One: The Holy Spirit speaks to your conscience and causes it to feel bad about something you are feeling, thinking, saying, or doing.

  • Step Two: Your mind tries to decide what this guilty feeling means that is coming from your conscience.

  • Step Three: Once your mind decides it understands the meaning of the feeling from your conscience, it analyzes all available information from your brain and various outside sources. You compare those things you have learned from the past with the things you are currently being exposed to. You evaluate the feeling from the Holy Spirit with all your resources available to you.

  • Step Four: After you have done enough research to your satisfaction, your God-given free will takes it and decides what you believe and how YOU feel concerning that information.

  • Step Five: Your will’s decision is then stored in your heart as a feeling of acceptance of the message or a rejection of it. That decision is then added to any remaining old beliefs and becomes the new you.

  • The process of storing up things in your heart takes place moment by moment and issue by issue. As you go about your day, you are making decisions; the Holy Spirit is either helping you feel good about a decision or bad about it. The thing that will get STORED UP will be based on whether you listened and obeyed the Holy Spirit or not. Are you about to set your mind on the desires of the Spirit; or, are you about to set your mind on the desires of the sinful nature? That needs to be the question you ask yourself BEFORE you make a decision on every one of these events during your day.
God’s Grace And Mercy
Before you leave for the day, let Jesus make sure you understand one thing. All that has been presented today is just telling you what you are going to need; and, it is telling you how to go about getting it. God isn’t judging or condemning you for not having it ALREADY. All the information Jesus covered today and in all the rest of these studies is just to prepare you for what you need AND what GOD is going to be giving you. Don’t panic or get upset; just believe and trust God that He will be coming through for you soon!

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