The Submission Courses Part 1

Textbook For
“Submitting Your Emotions”

Here’s How Spiritual Growth Works
You Need Conformation
Jesus has shown you how you can influence your heart by making sure you store up good things in it. Jesus taught you how the Holy Spirit influences your heart by speaking to your conscience; and He showed you how to respond to Him. Now He is getting ready to show you how the Bible influences your heart. If you feel a warning from the Holy Spirit speaking to your conscience, your mind will have to be convinced that the feeling is valid. The way it is convinced that the feeling is valid is to do research. The mind makes its decisions based on facts or at least information it “believes” to be facts.

Your Conformation Must Be Based On Truth
If your research is coming through searching the Scriptures in the Bible, then power will come with it to help you get rid of any resistance from your heart, your mind, or your will. If the changes in your heart, mind, and will are from God, then the new you will see improvements in your struggles with life. If the Holy Spirit and the Bible are telling you to do or not do something, you may experience a battle or resistance from your body, the things you taught your mind and heart through world training, and temptations of the devil that you have yielded to in the past.

God’s Type Of Freedom
Your Body, The World, And The Devil
You have received a freedom that you may not quite understand. Jesus didn’t just set you free from your past, present, and future sins, He gave you your God-given free will back. Bait, lures, and traps from Satan are all designed to take away your God-given free will. Once you sinned ONE TIME, your body, the world, and Satan started dishonoring your God-given free will. Like a fish caught on a hook, your body, the world, and Satan started “reeling” you in. You experienced control, pressure, strong temptations, habits, addictions, and drives that used every technique possible to force you to do what they wanted. You most likely found yourself doing and not doing things AGAINST your will.

You And God
John 8:32 (NIV) Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. You may think that all you got was freedom from all the wrong, bad, and evil things recorded on your record. The truth of the matter is, you got a lot more freedom than you have ever imagined or could expect. John 8:36 (NIV) So if the Son sets you free, you will be free INDEED. Whether you realized it or not, once you were born again, you got your God-given free will back. That puts a lot of power, opportunities, and responsibilities on YOU.

A Very Free Freedom
Jesus said in Matthew 11:28 (NIV): “COME TO ME, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” If you don’t COME, Jesus won’t go ahead and pursue you anyway. John 15:4 (NIV) REMAIN in Me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you REMAIN in Me. If you don’t REMAIN, Jesus won’t keep you from leaving. John 8:31 (NIV) To the Jews who had believed Him, Jesus said, “If you HOLD TO My teaching, you are really My disciples.” If you don’t HOLD TO Jesus’ teaching, He won’t force you to. You are free indeed!

Learning A New Type Of Relationship
Some Things You Must Know
Jesus is willing and able to help you with your issue with life. But, the problem you face with getting Jesus’ help WITH ANYTHING is understanding how life with Jesus works. Since your life with your body, the world, and the devil have been so invasive and enslaving, it will be a drastic change in freedom that you may not take advantage of. You may find yourself waiting on God WHILE He is waiting on you. Now that you have your God-given free will back, let Jesus show you what your responsibility is, so you can get His help.
  1. You must learn how intensely Jesus honors your God-given free will all the time; He will only do what you DESIRE Him to do.

  2. The next thing you need to understand is, He will only use Bible principles you are familiar with; if you haven’t STUDIED and learned a Bible principle, He won’t use it.

  3. Another thing you need to know is, He won’t help you with anything you don’t PRAY and ask Him to help you with; prayer is your way of inviting Him into each situation you want help with.

  4. After that, you have to learn how to wait for Him to give you the faith you need so you can BELIEVE and be sure He HAS given you His power to win over each situation you want help with.

  5. Then you have to do EVERYTHING based on God’s LOVE. If you try to get Jesus to help you with something that is selfish and only beneficial to you, He won’t do it.

  6. Finally, you have to ACTUALLY do it, if you know it, understand it, and know how to apply it but don’t do it, you will fail at each situation you want help with; you must take FAITH-ACTION. Jesus will join you in faith-action; He will empower you to take faith-action; but, you must be WILLING to join Him in that way of life.

Once you start living on the basis of these Six Biblical Principles, you will start experiencing a greater degree of His power-relationship. Because these principles help you understand what your responsibility is, it gives you six things you know you must do to invite Jesus’s help into your life. This power-relationship with Jesus will set you free from problems and issues that are trying to defeat you.

How To Do Your Part In Submitting Your Emotions
Do you DESIRE to submit your heart to Jesus? Are you willing to STUDY and learn how to submit your emotions to Jesus? Are you willing to PRAY and ask Jesus to help you submit your emotions to Him? Are you willing to fix your eyes on Jesus until He gives you the faith to BELIEVE He HAS given you the power to submit your emotions to Him? Are you willing to LOVE others enough to share your training and breakthroughs with them so they can submit their emotions to Jesus? Are you willing to join Jesus and take FAITH-ACTION and live on the basis of the fact that you have the power to live an emotionally submitted life? If so, you are doing your part in submitting your emotions to Jesus.

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