The Submission Courses Part 1

Textbook For
“Submitting Your Emotions”

If you come to God with no questions, you will leave with no answers.

Problem Motivated
Bring Your Burdens
Mat 11:28 (NIV) Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. If you aren’t aware of your spiritual, financial, emotional, relational, and physical needs, then spiritual studies, church attendance, Bible study, prayer, good Christian books and music, and Christian fellowship can be boring. But, if you involve yourself in these things so you can get healed, delivered, blessed, and be successful over your issues with life, then they take on a whole new meaning. But, even though this approach starts opening the door to an exciting relationship with God, you need to make sure it moves to the next level.

Keep Bringing Your Burdens
During those times when you need a miracle from God for one of your needs, you will often develop a LIMITED desire to grow close to God concerning that issue. Only coming to God with one issue, getting it solved, thanking Him for helping, and then leaving, establishes a temporary relationship with Him. We are momentarily using God to get our spiritual, financial, emotional, relational, or physical needs met. It is good you came to Him with your need; but, you need to keep coming. He has a lot more to offer than just meeting a few of you needs.

Problem Solved!
Thanks For Healing My Emotions
Typically you will lose your interest in the Bible, church, Christian books and music, prayer, and Christian fellowship once your problem and the pain it caused is solved; that is establishing a business relationship with God. As soon as you get the impression you have your answers and your problems are solved, you may go back to the way you were living before. You developed a crisis, problem, and need a relationship with God; but, you didn’t learn that submitting your emotions to God opened the door to love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Gal 5:22-23).

Thanks For Introducing Me Into A New Way Of Life
Difficulties with life got you started seeking God, and that is a good thing; but, these difficulties won’t keep you growing spiritually. They won’t help you get the new philosophies, principles, and training you need for life. They won’t force you to crowd it all out with a heart filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Gal 5:22-23). If you can learn and get the new philosophies, principles, and training you need for life WHILE you are getting the victory over this life problem, it will help you establish a permanent, love relationship with your heavenly Father.

Don’t Let The Miracle Distract You
Sometimes we or someone we have known has gone far from God after they received a wonderful miracle of a new job or a great healing. Why? We or they weren’t seeking a permanent relationship with God and ALL He has to offer. It is normal for all of us to START OUT using God so as to get a need met in our life; but, God wants us to learn how to build a close and permanent relationship with Him FROM IT. The absence of pain is only part of your relationship with your heavenly Father. If you start your day with the blessings of God, you will have a much more successful day.

How To Have A Life Filled With
Love And Success:
  1. Christians who sincerely want to know what it is going to take to have an intimate relationship with God and be mightily blessed by Him will all approach God with a lot of diligence.

  2. Christians who approach God with a lot of diligence will approach God with a lot of questions about why they fail, why they face difficult problems, and why they can’t seem to win over them.

  3. Christians who approach God with a lot of these types of questions are Christians who allow God to show them a lot of their weaknesses, inadequate philosophies, and weak principles. This is because these weaknesses, inadequate philosophies, and weak principles are the reason why they fail, why they face difficult problems, and why they can’t seem to win over them.

  4. Christians who allow God to show them a lot of their weaknesses and wrong philosophies will want these weaknesses and philosophies filled with the strength and truth of God.

  5. Christians who allow God to fill their weaknesses with His strength and truth will gain a close and intimate relationship with Him. They will be people who find a love relationship that blesses and heals them as a person.

Love God With All Your Heart
Discussing Everything With God
You need to want God’s help NOT ONLY in the momentary issues you are facing now with life; you need to start wanting His help with EVERYTHING you are facing. As you want to be one of God’s best friends, you will approach the things of God with all of your heart. God becomes your goal when you are seeking Him for more and more reasons. This allows the wonderful things of God to enter into all of your life. Rather than just getting His miracles, blessings, and supernatural help with you problems with life, you will get them in every area of your life.

Questions All Day Long
Your relationship with God needs to grow from this one problem with life, to a permanent lifestyle of wanting God to work together with you all the time; you will want a permanent, all-day-long friendship with Him. 1 Th 5:17 (NIV) pray continually. You are heading into the place where you allow your problem with life to lead you into much more. You will be finding out how to have a complete and totally wonderful life. This will help you find the answers for ALL your problems and the true meaning for ALL of life. Your problem with life will get you started; then you will move on from there.

Enjoying Each Other’s Company
Problems cause negative experiences and emotions. Blessings, miracles, and successes cause positive emotions. Your problem with life is hurting you; your relationship with God is blessing you. As you work through the difficulties of your problems, it is so much better to work through them WHILE experiencing the blessings of your relationship with your heavenly Father. Your life will never be perfect; you will always be able to focus, concentrate, and meditate on lots of difficulties. The solution to your problems is your wonderful, dynamic relationship with God; spend most of your time focusing on Him and His provisions.

You Have To See Your Faults
Be Sincere With God
Heb 10:22: Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.

Blame And Judging Keeps Your Attention Away From You
Mat 7:2-4 (NIV) For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Blame Keeps You From Being Healed
A lot of the time our problems seem to be coming exclusively from someone else. We can feel like it isn’t our fault for us to say, do, feel, and think the way we do. Putting the blame on other people or on circumstances may make you feel better; but, IT WON’T BRING HEALING TO YOU. Until you are able to ONLY deal with your faults, you will always have a problem that cannot be solved completely. Let Jesus show you your part of why you are suffering.

It May Be Someone Or Something’s Fault
It may be true that it isn’t your fault for why you are suffering and struggling. You may have been pushed into this current situation by other people and bad circumstances; however, the solution still has to be accomplished inside of you. The answers are between you and God exclusively; ask God to help you forgive those other people; ask Him to help you forget those bad circumstance. It’s YOU that needs to be healed; many things outside of you can’t be changed. If your focus is outside of you, then Jesus can’t heal YOU.

Own Up To Your Part
Trying to forgive yourself, trying to justify why you are in this situation, trying to explain away the magnitude of your problem, trying to fool yourself or other people into believing you don’t have a problem, trying to ignore your problem, and trying to hide your problem all interfere and cause delays in getting help from God.

Honesty And Openness Bring Healing
God is wanting honesty and openness from you; He knows everything about you. It may hurt your heart to admit how bad things are in your life. It may attack your self-esteem and your self-confidence to own up to the part you have and are playing in you getting into trouble. But, if you will go ahead and let God help you admit everything, it will speed up your healing.

Permanent Solutions
Joy Enhances Your Healing
If you submit your emotions to God to bring the answers and supply for your needs, then He will crowd life problems out of your life. He will answer your prayers by giving you a powerful and pleasurable relationship with Him. In other words, rather than having the delays to your healing kill your joy, let joy speed up your healing. That love relationship with your heavenly Father will satisfy the need that your mind and heart were trying to fix as you participated in allowing or causing this problem with life in the first place.

Changing What You Think About
Once you and your heavenly Father are communicating through an open heart of love, you will start filling your heart and mind with good things. You will be able to hear, understand, and yield to the Holy Spirit influencing you through your conscience. You will be able to learn, understand, and apply Biblical principles to your thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds. And, the work He is doing in you will flow through you into the lives of those around you.

The Submission
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