The Power Courses Instruction

Truth For
“How Do I KEEP The Power Life?”

GETTING A Power Mouth And A Power Heart
Your Mouth And Heart NOW Work Differently
The first requirement you were given had to do with your mouth. In order for your spirit to start breathing IN, you were told to start telling your friends, relatives, and associates that you had accepted Jesus as your Lord; and, you were to let them know that you believe Jesus is THE LORD of all existence. BUT, that assignment may have been like a baby trying to pick up a chair. It may have been like them trying to say “daddy” or “mother.” Some of your first attempts may have sounded like the babblings of a baby. OR, you may be a late producer who will start off slow and then accelerate later.

Speaking And Believing The Truth
If you were to plant a small pebble in the ground, you would understand that it wasn’t going to grow a pebble plant. When you speak human words, they are like pebbles. You might use them to build something, design something, or mix with something; but, you would never expect to use them to grow something. If you plant a seed, and if that seed is still alive, you would be able to grow a plant of the same type as the seed. Your mouth and heart have had THE truth planted in them. It literally grows inside you, it expands, produces more truth, and grows into transformations and changes in your life.

Speaking And Believing Human Words
Human words, like planting pebbles, can give you information for you to use to build your life. But, you have to learn them, memorize them, use them, and apply them yourself. This is called human teaching, human learning, and human effort. It consists of self-help training, self-motivation, being self-taught, being self-made, and only having personal accomplishment. ONLY to the degree that you “have what it takes” will you reach your goals. BUT, you remain where you are, believing what you believe, and accomplishing what you accomplished; you are alone! You are limited to your own resources.

Speaking And Believing Jesus-Words
The truth coming from Jesus is alive, it grows inside you, it improves you, it changes you, it heals you, it works miracles in you, and it protects you. You don’t have to take it and make it do these things. Rather than applying Jesus’ words, you yield to them and allow them to do their work. You don’t have to learn a whole bunch of information on how to treat yourself and other people; you just have to pray and ask Jesus to empower you to love them and care about them as much as you love and care about yourself. It then becomes obvious to you how to treat people like you would want to be treated.

USING A Power Mouth And A Power Heart
Now You Try It
As you learned to talk, all you could do was express yourself; you couldn’t speak things into existence. Jesus went around saying things and it changed things. He spoke to a storm and it became calm; He spoke to a fig tree and it died; He spoke to sick people and they became well; and He spoke to addicted people and they were set free. When you start breathing IN and OUT the Romans 10:9-10 truths, it is not only you learning how to breath, it is you learning how to live as a spirit being. It not only gives you constant life as you breath in and out through Romans 10:9-10, it starts speaking life into your friends.

Life-giving Words
With human words, you would have to argue, convince, debate, and sell people on Christianity. With you going around telling people the truths in Romans 10:9-10, you are actually telling them that you have a new way of life. AND, you are actually planting seeds in them that will grow. You now believe something you didn’t believe before. You are talking about things you didn’t talk about before. Once you let people know you believe Jesus is Lord and that you have accepted Him as your Lord, they will watch you and see what it does to you, in you, for you, and through you. But, what they don’t know is, you aren’t having to make these changes in yourself; Jesus is doing it with your cooperation.

Life-giving Beliefs
When you were telling people what you believed from a human perspective, you were talking as someone who HOPED you were right. You hoped that those things you believed were true. You hoped they would make you a better, more successful, and happy person. But, the truth about your belief system was, YOU WOULDN’T FIND OUT IF YOU WERE RIGHT UNTIL IT WAS TOO LATE TO CHANGE.

If you marry the person you HOPE is the right one for you, you won’t find out until much later. If you join a company or business partner that you HOPE is your best career move, you won’t find out until much later. If you invest your money in HOPE, if you pick your career and get an education based on HOPE, you won’t find out until much later.

What if you base your life on the One Who KNOWS; what if you allow Him to tell you the TRUTH about who to marry, who to go into partnership with, who to accept as your friends, who to choose to train you, and who to tell you what to believe? As you succeed in life through this relationship with Jesus, your partners, friends, associates, and contacts will be watching. As Jesus’ truths GROW in you and out of your life, your RESULTS will prove to your friends, associates, partners, and clients that Jesus is alive, real, and trustworthy.

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