Special Features

Textbook For
“HELP Introduction”

HELP eMagazine
Jesus has the ability and willingness to help everyone regardless of where they are in life. Whether you are suffering from some major problem that is debilitating you to such a degree that you are about to give up on life, or, you are doing great and are ready to start helping hurting people, Jesus has something for you. He has helped and empowered us to prepare programs and studies so He can help you where you are. HELP eMagazine is a Jesus-submitted internet magazine; and, He is making it available to help you from beginning to the end in your life. He is ready to work with you on your personal needs and friendships.
  • If you are needing help in your own life, Jesus is ready to address any issues you may be going through. He is ready to help you with anything from a minor problem to the most difficult struggle you face.

  • If you are looking for a good source of material for daily encouragement and training, Jesus is ready to use the resources provided by HELP eMagazine to assist you in living life to its fullest.

  • If you are wanting to help others, Jesus is ready to help you in making sure things are working well in your own life so you will know how and be ready to help those around you. Then He will help you take advantage of your spiritual growth and training and be able to use these materials to help others.
  • If things are working well in your own life but you don’t know how you got there, Jesus can use these materials to help you apply step-by-step methods to share what you have with others. However, it is VERY important to only share those things a person is ready for spiritually.

A person can’t help others with things they haven’t gained success in for themselves; but, Jesus solves this problem and helps people reach their highest goals in life. He is helping them BECOME the person they need to be. This helps you BE a great asset and source of encouragement and healing to the people around you.
Why Won’t This Thing Go?
You might jump in your car, adjust the seat to the perfect position, set all your mirrors so you can see all around you, take the emergency brake off, and put the car in gear; but, if you haven’t started the engine, it is going to be a short trip. Everything may be ready; but without the power of the engine, you will be going nowhere.

POWER to live a life that is morally good, with philosophies that work in real life, having attitudes that are acceptable to you and your friends, and with words, actions, thoughts, and feelings that help you and your friends succeed in life, are vital for you and those around you.

You are the main event for you and the people around you being changed IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.

Jesus Empowers Us The Right Way
Being changed is one thing; the POWER to change in the right direction is a whole different issue. No matter how great, successful, and powerful a group of people get in their leadership positions, if they are morally wrong, have philosophies that don’t work, have attitudes that are mean and evil, and their words, actions, thoughts, and feelings are corrupt, then every change they make to our world will be bad.

Here is what we all need to understand about Jesus. He has been working on the issue of good attitudes and character from the very beginning of time. His number one concern and effort have been working on the internal character of us humans.

We, as humans, don’t put a lot of work in the attitude and character area. We just want to be able to know how to make money, buy things, get positions, popularity, and power, and have a successful and happy life. Jesus wants to take you through study, training, and empowerment so you influence your world in the right direction.

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