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Textbook For
“HELP Introduction”

It’s Going To Make Me Be Like You?
Living A Defeated Life
You have probably met some Christians who are living very defeated lives. They could be going around trying to get others to become Christians. This may have confused you and caused you to doubt Jesus’ plan for helping you. However, most of these people aren’t “doing what it takes” to learn Jesus’ methods and principles.

Living A Victorious Life
If the principles of your life become so powerful and transforming that people can see the successful life you are living, they will start submitting to those Biblical principles for their lives. You can be the example for helping and bringing healing to those around you.

Here’s How It Works
Let’s say you lack the ability that Jesus gives Christians to evaluate people and opportunities. Suppose you make decisions that are mostly wrong and end up surrounding yourself with people, a job, a career, training, and habits that bring great stress and disappointment to you.
  • But, let’s say you start realizing that Jesus loves you more than you love yourself.

  • Suppose you start seeing that Jesus knows everything.

  • What if you started recognizing that He is a lot more powerful than you are?
This would help you allow Him to start showing you where your problems and difficulties are coming from. This would help you see where you and He would need to make changes in your life. If Jesus starts opening your eyes and helping you know in advance what kind of people, opportunities, jobs, careers, hobbies, training, recreation, vacations, and life’s decisions to make, you can see how it would greatly improve your life.

The Freedom-Of-Choice Dilemma
Bad Options
Suppose you provided all kinds of special benefits and programs for your friends. But, inspite of all your efforts to help them, they ignored your provisions and went ahead and messed up their lives. If you try to force them to take advantage of your help, you would be trying to take away their freedom of choice. If you get mad and take away all your provisions, you would be taking away their opportunity to change their minds. If you punish them for not taking advantage of your help, you would be trying to make your gifts a law. That is the dilemma that Jesus is faced with.

The Jesus System
Jesus has great provisions for all of us to take advantage of; but, we frequently ignore those provisions and go ahead and ruin our lives. It is true that, when we fail to take advantage of all He offers, our lives get messed up; however, that isn’t Him punishing us. It is just the results of us using bad principles to try to live life. Jesus has provided us with incredible things that will transform our life into wonderful experiences. He keeps offering them, but allows us the freedom to decide whether or not we want any of them.

You Are Free To Decide
Jesus is all about freedom of choice. If you understand this main principle about Him, it will help you get all your needs met by Him. It is important to know that He ONLY helps those who believe in and ask for His provisions. Also, He only helps those who are willing to put in the effort to read about and study how His provisions work. It will be hard for you to take advantage of those things Jesus has to offer, if you don’t know what they are or how they work.

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