Special Features

Textbook For
“HELP Introduction”

The Protection Courses
Sharing Victorious Living
Once we have allowed Jesus to help us get rid of those things that have been hurting us and preventing us from being successful in life, we are ready to learn how to help protect others. Jesus will teach us how to share the full armor of God with others. While others are learning how to get their armor on and how to use it effectively, we will be empowered by Jesus to keep them safe from outside attacks against them.

The Protection For Others Course
Jesus has provided us with powerful protective spiritual equipment. He has taught us how to be guarded and protected from things trying to get into us and our lives. Once we have learned how to use these six protective pieces of armor for being protected ourselves, we are ready to make sure new and untrained Christians are protected.

The Protection Through Relationship Course
Jesus wants us to learn how to love and care for others just like we care about ourselves. He will teach us how to build relationships that are meaningful and loving. As we share our training and spiritual abilities with others, they get a chance to be protected on a level they aren’t ready to take advantage of through their own relationship with Jesus. As they are learning and growing in their relationship with Jesus, we are able to keep them safe.

The Protection Through Jesus Course
We can’t always be the protector of the people around us. They have to learn how to put on their own full armor of God. Jesus will use all of us who already know how to put on and use our spiritual armor to help others do the same. Jesus will use you to help others learn and be empowered in their lives.

What’s Next
Jesus has helped us provide a three year training program for helping you be able to use these programs and materials in other people’s lives. Bible Life University takes all the programs on the wctlc.com website and use them to help other people. It will help you make sure you are continuing to grow spiritually while you are taking others through those materials and programs Jesus took you through.

Bible Life University
The Beginning Year
Jesus wants to take all the victories and breakthroughs He has given you and pass them on to others. In the first year of Bible Life University, it is a time of learning how to take the wonderful things that happened to you and pass those victories on to those around you.

The Growing Year
Jesus will actually take you into a way of working with others who are going through things you have never gone through yourself. During these studies, He will teach you the principles that work in areas of people’s lives that are somewhat more complex and difficult than anything you may have had to face. This is a wonderful time of training and being empowered to advance in your abilities to help hurting people.

The Maturing Year
During this time of training and spiritual growth, Jesus will help you expand your and His influence far beyond where you live. He has plans for you to do things that will fit in perfectly with the way you think, the things you enjoy, and the skill sets He has given you. This will be a very exciting time of training and empowerment that will help you help others who are in other parts of the world.

The World Changers TLC Program
You and Jesus will work together to help you develop programs and materials that will represent you. Jesus is giving you life-classes and training that will empower you to produce things that will make World Changers TLC even more powerful and effective. It is unlimited as to what we can accomplish together with Jesus.

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