The Power Courses Presentation

Textbook For
“The Importance Of Eternal Life”

He Is Kind And Gracious
Ruling And Judging Perfectly
Isa 11:2 The Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him--the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. The beauty of Jesus’ life is recorded in the Gospels (the first four books of the New Testament). Jesus loves people; He especially cares about those who are in trouble or are hurting. It is easy to accept His leadership; He is the type of person Who treats people the way they want and need to be treated; but, we have to allow Him to join us in this relationship.

Perfect Attitudes And Character
The Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him: Our heavenly Father’s Spirit is on Him and is flowing through Him so we can see our Father’s character too. As you see the attitudes and character of Jesus, you are seeing the attitudes and character of your heavenly Father. Jesus and the Father are exactly alike; if you learn to like the way Jesus is, then you will be liking the way your heavenly Father is as well. In other words, Jesus, our King, will lead with ALL the love, wisdom, understanding, counsel, power, and knowledge of God. Jesus’ counsel and power will all be from the God of the universe.

Learning To Like What You See
One of the reasons Jesus came in bodily form, several thousand years ago, was to let us see what kind of a God, our heavenly Father is. In other words, Jesus only said, did, and lived like God, the Father, wanted Him to. As you read about Jesus in the Bible, you will see what He and the Father are all about. If you like what you see, you can allow Him to win your heart over to His love and kindness.

He Is Able To Get At The Truth
Ruling And Judging With The Truth
Isa 11:3 And He will delight in the fear of the LORD. He will not judge by what He sees with His eyes, or decide by what He hears with His ears. All during your life and when the new world order is set up, Jesus will be able to see beyond the obvious. He will be able to rule with the full knowledge of what did happen; that will make life fair. He is and will be an Authority that makes life fair for all.
Ruling And Judging With Fairness
Earthly courts and leaders are always trying to get at the truth in all situations. It can take years of evidence, research, trials, debates, and sorting through lies trying to find out what really happened. Finding the truth isn’t always possible in the current systems. But, Jesus automatically knows the truth and makes His decisions based on those true facts. His attitude toward the way God, the Father, thinks will influence all His decisions. With His incredible knowledge, understanding, and wisdom, He will use His wonderful attitudes and character to produce win/win situations for all involved.

Ruling And Judging With Love
And He will delight in the fear of the LORD: If a person is afraid of doing the right thing because they might lose their job, if they fear the Lord more, they will do the right thing anyway. But, if that person learns to love doing the right thing, they will do it without any kind of fear. 1 John 4:18 (NIV) There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. Jesus is this love; He will always lead with the honesty, love, and the care that our heavenly Father does. He will always have the same character and attitudes God, the Father, has. He will be a leader for everyone who accepts Him as their Lord and Savior; and He will be perfect. There will never be injustice in His rule.

He Can Be Your King Now
Well, that’s great for the future; but, what about our problems now? This Kingdom is available to you now. The social pressures, people’s opinions and criticisms, the socially acceptable way of doing things, and all the man-made rules that are currently being levied against you can be removed from your heart and life. The truth of the matter is, no one actually lives by them themselves; they just hold these high standards against everyone else.

We all fail to live up to other people’s expectations; but it doesn’t keep us from trying to please people. And, it doesn’t keep all those other people from trying to force you to live up to those expectations. They know they aren’t succeeding; but, they still can treat you like you are the only one who is failing. You can become a child of God and a citizen of His Kingdom and God’s rules will set you free from all these human rules.

The Power
The Importance Of
Eternal Life
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