The Submission Courses Part 1

Truth For
“Submitting Your Attitudes”

Allowing BELIEVING To Transform Your Heart
You are now moving into the fourth step in The Six Biblical Principles, which is BELIEVE. The principle of DESIRING guides Jesus into what you want or don’t want. STUDYING the Bible gives you truths that will help you understand what is available to you. PRAYING invites Jesus into the issue so you can start getting more of His help. And, BELIEVING provides Jesus with the ATTITUDE that He honors so you can get His power.

Heb 11:6 (NIV) And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must BELIEVE that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Why does God require us to have the faith to believe He exists and rewards those who earnestly seek Him? Faith is an acceptance of God’s honesty and integrity. If He reveals His existence through His creation, then He expects us to BELIEVE it. If He tells us in the Bible that He HAS done something, then He expects us to BELIEVE it is true. If we don’t, we are calling Him a liar; like us, God doesn’t respond well to people who doubt His honesty and integrity.

Mat 5:5 (NIV) Blessed are the MEEK, for they will inherit the earth.

Professionals And Experts
We all know we can’t be good at everything; we know there are people who do what it takes to become professionals in certain fields. As you go out and transact business, you take advantage of things other people have specialized in. You BELIEVE IN pilots to fly you places, farmers to grow your vegetables for you, and certain suppliers to supply you special products and services. The relationship you have with all these people has to do with meekness. You are BELIEVING IN professionals, teachers, leaders, and experts to take control over certain areas of your life and needs.

God’s Power-Attitude Of Meekness
You must not choose the wrong professionals, teachers, leaders, and experts. They may even be the very best in their field; but, if their attitudes and character are wrong, bad, or evil, you will get cheated. Jesus and His Bible are trying to inform you as to who and what to BELIEVE IN for your life and needs. Meekness from God lays out principles, concepts, philosophies, and truths that you had better BELIEVE and make your final authority. If the Holy Spirit speaks to your conscience, if the Bible says something to you, or if Jesus causes something to pop up in your mind that is trying to help you make a decision, it is vital that you BELIEVE IT and make it your final authority; they are telling you THE TRUTH.

Attitude And Character Control
Your attitudes and character are controlling you; they are your system and method for making all your decisions. Prior to you submitting them to Jesus, they will tell you what is right, good, righteous, wrong, bad, or evil and you will BELIEVE them. They are your interpretation of what is valuable, trustworthy, true, and best for you. If you get a message from the Holy Spirit in your conscience, a truth from the Bible, or a thought from Jesus in your mind, the attitudes and character in your heart will evaluate them. Your attitudes and character will ANALYZE the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and Jesus as if your attitudes and character are the final authority for your life. If you only got on the scales to see how far off the scales were, you would never be able to find out how much you weigh.

Honor And Respect
Your current attitudes and character BELIEVE, honor, and respect how YOU feel, what YOU think, and what YOU want. All information coming your way has to pass YOUR attitudes and character test before it is BELIEVED as true, good, best, or valuable FOR YOU. If you have your own truth, your own BELIEF system, your own evaluation method, and your own decision-making process, then the Holy Spirit, Jesus, the Bible, and your heavenly Father won’t be able to help you. Because their ways and thinking are so advanced over yours, a lot of what they will be trying to give you will not make sense to you. How does gravity keep you connected to the floor of your house? Why don’t you float off like you do in space? You can’t see gravity, can’t capture it, or analyze it with the very best technology; but, it is there.

Sin And Righteousness
Why is adultery and fornication wrong? Why is lying a sin? Why does God want you to do to others what you would have them do to you (Mat 7:12)? Why is Luke 6:38 (NIV) true? Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why must we obey Jesus’ commandments? Teaching them to OBEY EVERYTHING I have commanded you (Mat 28:20a). With your current attitudes and character, you will pick and choose which of Jesus’ commandments you will obey. But, the end results of the life path you choose because of this will hurt your deeply.

Believing In God’s Power-Attitude Of Meekness
John 16:13-14 (NIV) But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into ALL truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to Me by taking from what is Mine and making it known to you. God’s power-attitude of meekness will empower you to BELIEVE IN ALL truth. It will help you allow it to be your final authority on all subjects. You will have a receptive attitude toward anything and everything God says. If anything disagrees with God and the Bible, you will choose God and the Bible.

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