The Submission Courses Part 2

Textbook For
“Submitting Your Will-Power”

Studying How To Submit Your Will-Power

Opening Four Doors To God
Mark 12:30 (NIV) Love the Lord your God with all your HEART and with all your SOUL
and with all your MIND and with all your STRENGTH.

Opening Your Strength Of Will To God
Studying How To Submit Your Will-Power To Jesus
The question you face in the second step into The Six Biblical Principles is, are you willing to STUDY the Bible? The Bible isn’t written like any other book; it was caused to be written by God. He knows how to transform your life rather than just teach you some information. The way it was written is supernatural; and, the power behind its writings are supernatural. STUDY in the Biblical sense takes on an entirely different meaning. You have to believe secular training books are telling you the truth; and, that is required of you in the Bible. But, you have to yield to Jesus’ faith to believe that and to believe one more thing. You must believe its words are transforming you.

Rom 10:8 (NIV) But what does it say? “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming: Your mouth and your heart are controlling your results as you STUDY. That isn’t the way it works in the secular world. BUT, THAT IS the way it works in the spiritual world. The first time you were exposed to these verses, you had no idea what was about to happen to you. Nothing had ever been offered to you through such a simple but powerful system.

Rom 10:9 (NIV) That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. You did this simple little exercize and instantly became a child of God, a member of His family, and a citizen of His Kingdom. Nothing could be simpler; and nothing could be more powerful. You joined God’s world just by using your mouth and your heart. But, what is often neglected is, a lot of Christians aren’t taught that all the Scriptures in the Bible are like this. You can spend the rest of your Christian life looking for how to obey all the instructions the Bible gives.

Rom 10:10 (NIV) For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. The Bible is a Book of power, creation, and transformation. It does give you instructions; but, that is just information. It is vital information; but, it isn’t the objective of the Bible. It isn’t until you take the information and allow it to become a part of who you are and what you do, that it has reached its objective.

Submitting Your Will-Power To Jesus Through Study
Your problem, like everone else is, you believe things that aren’t true. When that happens, your will-power is mislead and makes decisions based on false information. You had a purpose, a goal, a plan, and a strategy laid out; but, you couldn’t accomplish it because you were misinformed. Jesus, will take you through a process where you can submit your will to Him. This will bring you into truths that make sure you not only get the correct information, your will-power will be empowered by Him.

A Philippians 4:8 Controlled Will-Power
Phil 4:8 (NIV) Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.

It is impossible for your heart and mind to keep you properly informed on your own. It is easy to see that this takes making sure you are getting your information THROUGH Jesus. If you apply The Six Biblical Principles and start STUDYING to get your information by Jesus taking your through Philippians 4:8, your will-power will be able to function based on facts.

Your Will-Power DESIRING What Is TRUE
You must not guess that something is TRUE; you must not get your information from unreliable sources; you must not allow information to be accepted that you haven’t checked with Jesus about; and, you must not use your will-power on information where you are trying to convince yourself and others that it is TRUE. You must know for a fact that what you believe to be true is TRUE, BEFORE you use your will-power to make a decision.

Your Will-Power DESIRING What Is NOBLE
NOBLE information is information that represents or demonstrates fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals. If your will-power is locked into that which is right, good, and righteous, then you will decide and act on things that are beneficial, win/win, and helpful. Your will-power will be exercised on plans that are honest, filled with integrity, and moral. But, you won’t be able to automatically use your will-power on things that are righteous and noble. You will face situations that will challenge you making and acting on honest, moral, and righteous principles. If you don’t allow Jesus to help you think about ways to avoid wrong, bad, and evil decisions, as you go about your day, you will mess up.

Your Will-Power DESIRING What Is RIGHT
Right as opposed to wrong can often be something you did that was wrong accidentally. However, good deeds as opposed to bad ones or righteous deeds as opposed to evil ones are actions you took on purpose. Not every action you take has to do with righteousness or sin; it will be a wrong action; but, it won’t be a bad or evil one. God doesn’t just deal with sin and righteousness, He also deals with what is best for you and those around you. He wants you and others to experience His very best. If you yield your words and deeds to God’s best, you won’t settle for plans, goals, or strategies that are mediocre.

Your Will-Power DESIRING What Is PURE
When something is PURE, it isn’t mixed with anything else. In that case, your deed doesn’t have some parts of it that are honest, loving, moral, and righteous and also have parts that are dishonest, unloving, immoral, and unrighteous. One of your deeds can be mostly right, good, and righteous; it can be almost pure; but, it can have a little bit of something that keeps it from being the very best for you and those around you. Jesus wants you to let Him help you purify your actions so that every aspect of them are right, good, and righteous.

Your Will-Power DESIRING What Is LOVELY
An action that inspires love is LOVELY; it is a yielding to actions that help and assist you in loving yourself, others, and God. There are also actions that are based on hate, disrespect, revenge, and all kinds of wrong, bad, and evil. The production of a lovely word or deed requires that you plan, come up with feelings, and consider ways for demonstrating love for someone. It is a desire that sets you on a path that is based on you wanting to love a person; it gives you a plan that demonstrates that you love them; and it is based on the fact that you have started to feel love for them.

A deed that is worthy of ADMIRATION is a deed that you can honor, be pleased with, and can consider worthy of investing your life in. It is a form of behaving that has high qualities, good attitudes and character, and is a valuable way of producing more quality deeds. If it is ADMIRABLE, it is worth concentrating on, meditating on, and developing into actions, words, habits, and lifestyles.

A deed that is EXCELLENT, is a deed that excels to the highest levels of quality. If your actions are EXCELLENT, then you are devoting them to the very best types of accomplishments. You are allowing Jesus to give you plans that are God-sized, supernatural, and holy. They are actions that are bigger, better, and superior to any kind of deed you, as a human, could make. This requires you to submit your will-power to Jesus’ will-power.

You do mundane, boring, common, and uneventful things. Or, you can allow Jesus to help you do things that really motivate you to set goals, make plans, and take actions that are PRAISEWORTHY. Since God, the Holy Spirit is inside you, He can guide you into words and deeds that produce incredibly wonderful, helpful, considerate, and loving plans and accomplishments. Jesus can help you do benevolent things that are quite amazing. They will be actions that help you reach your highest potential in righteousness.

Philippians 4:8 STUDY
This kind of STUDY helps you find out what all is available to your heart, your mind, and your will. As you are exposed to these principles, it opens you to a way of feeling, thinking, and acting that brings great results to you. Information, concepts, principles, thoughts, decisions, and actions don’t always fall into these categories. When they don’t, they hurt you and those around you. Allow Jesus to help me pour over these truths until He is able to help you live your life based on these principles.

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