The Power Courses Presentation

Textbook For
“From Power Life To Eternal Life”

The First Adam And The Last Adam
The Natural Explains The Supernatural
1 Cor 15:45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being;” the last Adam, a life-giving Spirit.

Adam and Eve were created as humans. Jesus was born on earth as a God/Man. Adam shows us our humanity. Jesus shows us our spirituality. All of life is like this; God created it so it would explain things we can’t see or feel. The things you are now experiencing in life can be used to help you understand how spiritual things work.

Two Adams Starting Two Races Of People
The first man Adam became a living being: Adam and Eve are our grandparents. They started off the human race; and it has come all the way down to you. They passed their DNA down to you which made you have a HUMAN body. The last Adam (Jesus), a life-giving Spirit: After that Jesus was born and He has been giving spiritual birth to Christians. He is passing His spiritual DNA down to all who are born again. He is your life-giving Spirit.

The Natural Man And The Spiritual Man
You Can Have Two Lives
1 Cor 15:46 The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual.

Adam came before Jesus in chronological order of humans ON THIS EARTH. As God, Jesus has always existed. But as a human, He came to this earth much later than Adam. Adam represents our human body that we got first. Jesus represents our eternal life that we get when we are BORN AGAIN. John 3:6 (NIV) Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. We must be born as a human before God will allow us to be born again into a spirit being.
The First Life Qualifies Us For The Second Life
Jesus represents the spiritual body that every Christian is going to get next. The order of these two sources of your existence sets the pattern for you. This is to help you understand why you have to be born first and then you have to be born again. You have to have a human life before you qualify for having a spiritual life. You have to have a human body before you qualify for a spiritual body.

Like Adam and Eve had to come on this planet first as humans, you had to be born a human to be able to get these provisions from God. They ONLY exist for humans. They aren’t available for angels or any other of God’s creation.

The Earth Man And The Heaven Man
1 Cor 15:47 The first man was of the dust of the earth, the second man from heaven.

God made Adam and Eve from the dust of the earth. You can read about that in Genesis, the first book in your Bible. That is what our human body is made up of. Jesus came from heaven. Our new body is going to be made of heavenly material that lasts forever. When you choose to make Jesus the Lord and King of your life, you are not only being born again as a child of God, you are added to the list of people who will soon receive new, heavenly bodies. You now have a human body like Adam; in eternity you will have a body like Jesus.

The Power
From Power Life To
Eternal Life
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