The Discovery Courses

Textbook For
“Finding The Right Method”

The Three Keys To All Of Christianity
How To Get Everything From God
Mat 7:7-8 (NIV) Ask and it WILL be given to you; seek and you WILL find; knock and the door WILL be opened to you. For EVERYONE who asks receives; HE who seeks finds; and to HIM who knocks, the door WILL be opened. This is your first tool set and has to become one of the most important principles in your Christian life. If you TRY to do something spiritual rather than ASK Jesus to help you with it, you will fail. ASK, SEEK, and KNOCK are the ONLY way Christianity works. All other efforts, systems, techniques, and methods fail. All your life you have accomplished the things you wanted to accomplish by trying, giving it your best effort, believing in yourself, and putting your mind to it. HOWEVER, Christianity WILL NOT work for you through any of these systems.

In John 15:5, Jesus explains something that every Christian has to understand and believe: Jesus said: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.” If you TRY apart from Jesus to do anything, it will not count as having ANY value. The ONLY way for you to remain in Jesus is to use The Three Keys To All Of Christianity. Not using them will end up being human effort or based on world training. You must see this first set of tools as mandatory procedures so you can start getting those things you need from God.

Your Second Tool Set: The Six Biblical Principles
Tomorrow, Jesus will be showing you your second tool set. Your first tool set and your second tool set will be dependent on each other. Your second tool set is called, The Six Biblical Principles. If when you ask, seek, and knock and you don’t get results, the six tools, DESIRE, STUDY, PRAY, BELIEVE, LOVE, and take FAITH-ACTION will help you find out why. Asking, seeking, and knocking must be based on the right DESIRES, must be based on the right Scriptures from your STUDIES, must be in response to the right kind of PRAYERS, must not be selfish but rather based on LOVE for others, and must be lived out through FAITH-ACTION. If any of these six things are missing in your asking, seeking, and knocking, you will need Jesus’ help getting them fixed.

It Must Be Done With Jesus
John 15:7 (NIV) If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ASK whatever you wish, and it WILL be given you.

If you remain in Jesus and His words remain in you, you can ASK whatever you wish, and it WILL be given to you. This is when you and Jesus are working together in a powerful and dynamic way. Christianity is all about ASKING, SEEKING, and KNOCKING. These are your connections to Jesus for empowering you to remain in Him and His words to remain in you. He then helps you use DESIRE, STUDY, PRAY, BELIEVE, LOVE, and take FAITH-ACTION to help you grow in your relationship with Him. This powerfully improves your ASK, SEEK, and KNOCK. And, it powerfully improves your relationship with Jesus. And, it powerfully improves the answers you get from God.

Your First Two Tool Sets
Discovering What Works
In your next day’s study and prayer time, Jesus will be taking you into a better understanding of The Six Biblical Principles. If you let Jesus teach you how to get your first tool set, The Three Keys To All Of Christianity and your second tool set, The Six Biblical Principles, to work together, wonderful things will start happening to you. Let Jesus show you how to begin the process of getting trained, skilled, and experienced in their use. Here is an example of combining these two tool sets for getting your prayers answered.
  1. If you ASK, Jesus will give you the DESIRES you need to have.

  2. If you ASK, Jesus will help you STUDY the things you need to learn.

  3. If you ASK, Jesus will help you PRAY for the things you need to pray for.

  4. If you ASK, Jesus will help you BELIEVE those things you must have faith for.

  5. If you KNOCK, Jesus will help you LOVE others enough to share your breakthroughs with them.

  6. If you ASK, Jesus will empower you to take FAITH-ACTION. This last principle, FAITH-ACTION, will be you and Jesus working together so you can live on the basis of the fact that you have what you have been desiring, studying about, praying for, believing you have, and loving others enough to share your breakthroughs with them.
You Are Finding The Right Method
Discovering these two tool sets is you Finding The Right Method for cooperating and working with Jesus. It is going to take some time, training, and receiving power from Jesus to use these spiritual tools skillfully; but, they are what you and Jesus will use to set you free from your difficulties with alcohol.

ASKING Is The Main Tool
If you find yourself trying real hard to accomplish something in life and forgetting to ASK for it, you will notice that you aren’t getting the results you need. ASK is the first, main, and most important tool. You will even have to ASK Jesus to help you remember to always ASK Him for His help. There is no tool below or more basic that the ASK tool. The first and most important thing you must learn is, you must ASK for EVERYTHING in order to get it.

James 4:2 (NIV) You want something but don’t get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, BECAUSE you do not ASK God. ASK is the first and foremost tool you want to get working in your life. Jesus said in Matthew 7:11 as He was introducing The Three Keys To All Of Christianity: Mat 7:11 (NIV) If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, HOW MUCH MORE will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ASK Him!

SEEKING Sets The Intensity
SEEKING brings passion and depth into ASKING and KNOCKING. You can ASK casually; you can KNOCK on the doors of opportunity to share your breakthroughs with others with a half hearted effort; and, you can appy The Six Biblical Principles without much feeling. But, if you let Jesus teach you how to apply the SEEK key to all the other tools, you will find yourself having the kind of attitudes that Jesus honors.

The Bible doesn’t say in Mark 12:30: Love the Lord your God with your heart and with your soul and with your mind and with your strength. It says in Mark 12:30 (NIV): “Love the Lord your God with ALL your heart and with ALL your soul and with ALL your mind and with ALL your strength.” The “ALL” is the SEEK part of loving God; it adds that intensity to everything else you do. It puts the passion and emotion in your relationship with God.

KNOCKING Sets The Love
KNOCKING is about you being willing to share your breakthroughs with others. It is you loving others enough to start KNOCKING on the doors of opportunity to share. You may feel fear, resistance, and lack a real desire to share with others. You may feel inadequate, unworthy, shy, or too busy to take out the time to share. But, if you start asking Jesus to help you get opportunities to share with others, He will work on your attitudes, love, and power to desire to share.

If you know Jesus and the Bible are telling you to do something you don’t want to do, if you will go ahead and apply the three keys to it, Jesus will work miracles in your life. When you apply The Three Keys To All Of Christianity to a situation where you really don’t want to do what you are ASKING for, that is the place where great breakthroughs come.

Getting Good At Your First Two Tool Sets
ASK Jesus to help you ALWAYS apply your two tool sets to EVERY situation in your life. Problems with alcohol are the things that are bothering you the most. The alcohol problem is the BIG issue in your life. But, the more you learn how to apply your two tool sets to EVERYTHING, the more you will get good at applying them to the BIGGER issues of your life. If you start including Jesus in on the most insignificant aspects of your daily activities, it won’t be long until you become very skillful at using your two tool sets. As you get used to working together with Jesus, a special relationship is developed between you and Him. That relationship is what brings the healing and miracles you need for being set free from you struggles with alcohol.

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Finding The Right
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