The Prayer Courses

Truth For
“The Lord’s Prayer For Mature Christians”

But Deliver Us From The Evil One

Satan Is The Evil One
Praying For Power To Obey The Bible
1 Pet 5:8 (NIV) Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Praying to be delivered from the evil one produces principles in your life that you can use to overcome Satan. This deliverance is the power to defeat his efforts; it isn’t going to keep him away. This prayer is going to give you the power and the equipment to keep him from being able to damage or hurt you.

Using The Power To Obey The Bible
James 4:7 (NIV) Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. In James 4:7, your assignment is to first “submit yourselves, then, to God.” Then after that you are to “resist the devil.” In 1 Pet 5:8, your assignment is to “Be self-controlled and alert.” The Lord’s Prayer gives you the power to “be self-controlled and alert,” the power to “submit yourselves, then, to God,” and to “resist the devil.” Without this prayer, you would lack the power to do these things.

The Power From Study, Prayer, And Believing
Praying this portion of this prayer also gives you the power to “put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes (Eph 6:11).” The verse just before this one tells you to “finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power (Eph 6:10).” Many Christians wonder how they are supposed to be able to do this. The answer remains in the ask, seek, knock principle; and, that principle is fulfilled in the Lord’s Prayer; it gives you the power you need to obey the Bible’s instructions.

What if you didn’t STUDY the Bible and find out about all these things that are available to you? You would be ignorant of wonderful provisions God gave you because you are His child. What if you studied and found out about them but didn’t PRAY and ask God for the power to apply them? You would be informed but not empowered. What if you studied and prayed but didn’t look to Jesus for the faith so you could BELIEVE these provisions of God were in you? You would be informed and empowered, but wouldn’t know they were ready to be used.

A Prayer For Deliverance
If being delivered from Satan is your heart’s desire, then go ahead and pray these words. Say: “Deliver us from the evil one.” Now add any additional prayers and pray over any additional Scriptures that you feel will help you resist the devil and win over him.
You Have Just Increased
Your Abilities
To Talk To Your Heavenly Father
Look For The Miracles
Congratulations! You have just asked your heavenly Father to help you live the victorious Christian life in a better way today. He is now answering your prayers as you start your day. Be looking for the good things that God will be sending your way, as you continue to pray this DAILY prayer.

Look For The Power
Acts 1:8 (NIV) But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Remember how Romans 7:23 said your body would be able to overpower your will and make you a prisoner? But, then Romans 8:13 said you would be able to work together with the Holy Spirit and win against your body. That is because the Holy Spirit gives you power you do not have on your own.

Look For Holy Spirit Guidance
The more you listen to the thoughts and feelings that pop up in your mind and heart from the Holy Spirit, the more ideas you will have on what you need to pray for. Then you just find the Scriptures that match up with those thoughts and feelings and jot them down. The next thing is to find the segment of the Lord’s Prayer where those Scriptures fit into His prayer and you are ready to pray.

Look For Weaknesses
As always, Jesus is committed to helping you experience all the blessings and provisions of God. The main problems you will run into have been covered in these Prayer Courses. If you need to go back and read over any of these courses, just ask Jesus which one He wants you to review. Just go to your Life Map, scroll down to “The Power Courses” and select the course words you and Jesus want to go over.

The Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer For
Mature Christians
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Mature Christians” words above.

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