The Submission Courses Part 2

Textbook For
“Submitting Your Body”

Submitting Your Body Through BELIEVING

Opening Four Doors To God
Mark 12:30 (NIV) Love the Lord your God with all your HEART and with all your SOUL
and with all your MIND and with all your STRENGTH.

BELIEVING Your Soul Is Open To God

Your Soul Gives You, As Human, A Chance To Be Trained
A Child Of God Has Direct Access To Jesus’ Faith
BELIEVING is your way of knowing WHEN you HAVE submitted your soul (human life and body) to Jesus. Unless you know WHEN you HAVE those things you have been DESIRING, STUDYING about, and PRAYING for, you will be in a never ending pursuit. Mark 11:24 (AKJV) Therefore I say unto you, What things soever you DESIRE, when you PRAY, BELIEVE that you receive them, and you shall HAVE them. When Jesus speaks faith into you, it empowers you to BELIEVE and know that you HAVE what you have been DESIRING, STUDYING about, and PRAYING for.

You MUST Believe
Heb 11:6 (NIV) And without FAITH it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must BELIEVE that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. You must allow Jesus to speak faith into YOU so you can live as a child of God. You must allow Him to empower you to BELIEVE you HAVE the power to overcome your issues with money. As you submit your human life and body (soul) to Jesus, you will have to allow Him to give you faith that convinces you that all your pursuit of Him HAS BROUGHT you to the place you needed to be.

You Must Believe You Are Submitting Your Body
Rom 7:24 (NIV) What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? This is a good prayer; it demonstrates that you have the WANT and HATE presented in Romans 7:15: Rom 7:15 (NIV) I do not understand what I do. For what I WANT to do I do not do, but what I HATE I do. Those who do not have this WANT and HATE are not true Christians. Jesus gave them to you at salvation; they are vital for heading you into praying: “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?” BUT, you must just use them to lead you and motivate you into the powerful freedom of The Victorious Christian Life.

There’s Good Guilt And Bad Guilt

Good Guilt
A Good Warning
John 16:8 (NIV) When He (the Holy Spirit) comes, He will CONVICT the world of GUILT in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment. This is the way God warns you about things you are doing that are wrong, bad, or evil. As a Christian through your clean record with God, these wrong, bad, and evil things you do ACCIDENTLY are considered misdeeds rather than sins. Rom 6:23a (NIV) For the wages of sin is death. If everytime you did something wrong it was a sin, you would lose your salvation and your relationship with God.

Guilt Concerning Misdeeds
Heb 7:27 (NIV) Unlike the other high priests, He does not need to offer sacrifices DAY AFTER DAY, first for His own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when He offered Himself. In the Old Testament, people had to keep going and getting their SINS forgiven. But, Jesus offered Himself as a sacrifice for all your past, present, and future sins. So that wretched feeling you are praying about from Romans 7:24 is a good guilt; it is helping you come to your heavenly Father about a misdeed of your body you committed against yourself and those around you.

Guilt Concerning Righteousnes
There are three types of guilt the Holy Spirit convicts people about: He will CONVICT the world of GUILT in regard to SIN and RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUDGMENT. Before you were saved and justified, He was convicting you of sin. Now He is convicting you concerning righteousness. It isn’t a sin; it is a misdeed; but, it isn’t the righteousness you are supposed to be doing. Righteousness is ONLY doing good to yourself, other people, and God’s plan. If what you think, feel, say, or do isn’t righteousness, then your conscience will convict you concerning righteousness.

Misdeeds Or Righteousness
Good guilt helps you realize that your clean record with God doesn’t keep you from hurting yourself and other people. Your clean record with God just gives you direct access to God so you can start living a righteous life with yourself and other people. Even though they aren’t sins because of your clean record with God, they are misdeeds against you and other people. You and these people are being hurt, damaged, and misled by these misdeeds. Jesus wants you to allow the Holy Spirit to cause you to feel bad about them so you will “do what it takes” to get rid of these misdeeds.

The Purpose Of Good And Bad Guilt
2 Cor 7:10 (NIV) Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. You should be experiencing a DISCONTENT, DISSATISFACTION or CONCERN for the acts you are doing through your body that hurt you and those around you. You also need to feel this CONCERN about the lack of righteousness (thoughts, feelings, words, and actions that bless you and others) through your life.

Steps To Repentance

This should lead you into:
  1. Telling God you are sorry.

  2. Going and making things right with the people you hurt.

  3. Applying The Six Biblical Principles to getting yourself empowered to never do it again.
These three steps are called repentance. If you don’t feel like you are going to be allowed to repent, if you feel like God wouldn’t accept your repentance, if you feel you have done something that you can’t be forgiven of, then you are being made to feel guilty by Satan; that would lead you into spiritual death, if you stayed on that path of condemnation.

Bad Guilt
An Evil Warning
Heb 9:14 (NIV) How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, Who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself unblemished to God, cleanse OUR CONSCIENCES from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God! Once again, there are two types of guilt; there is the one talked about in John 16:8 which is from the Holy Spirit. He warns you about things that are destroying your and others lives even though they provide you with a lot of pleasure. This guilt is telling you that your thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds are hurting you and those around you.

There is bad guilt that comes from Satan; it is trying to destroy you as a Christian. He is trying to take your conscience and use it against you. If you don’t know the difference, you will be confused, damaged, and misled.

Condemnation Guilt
If you are still feeling guilt that is making you feel helpless, hopeless, and lost, then you are experiencing satanic guilt. Rev 12:9-10 (NIV) The great dragon was hurled down--that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ. For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. Satan is your enemy and wants to use everything that God has given you to do you harm.

Satan Using God’s Gifts Against You
Whether is is your conscience, your body, sex, financial blessings, marriage, family, friendship, or your career, Satan tries to take them and pervert them into something that hurts you and those around you. As in fish bait, lures, and traps, Satan takes the good things of God and tries to tempt us into something that would, hurt, mislead, or distract us into a bad direction. Jesus is now taking you into seeing that Satan will try to use your conscience against you, other people, and God’s plan for your life.

Your Conscience Can Be Misled
When you get bad guilt flowing through your conscience, Satan is telling you that salvation didn’t work for you and that you are still guilty of committing sin. He is taking the inconsistencies that we all start out with as new or untrained Christians and making you feel a kind of guilt that makes you experience helplessness, hopelessness, and defeat. He is trying to tell you that you will NEVER win over those things that are being done by your body. He is trying to make your BELIEVE that you don’t stand a chance against him and his temptations; but, he is a liar.

Only Getting Good Guilt
Your Conscience Can Be Healed
As you continue to grow in the strength of your faith in the Savior of your salvation, this type of guilt will go away and you will be set free. The Bible is explaining to you in Romans 7:15-24 WHAT THE NORMAL experiences of a new or untrained Christian ARE. It is NORMAL for you to start out failing; you only know how to use human effort and world training; that is typical of us all. It WILL be like this until you start growing spiritually and begin enjoying the benefits of sanctification; which is what you are doing now.

You Have The Right To
Hate Inconsistencies In Your Life
Rom 7:23-24 (NIV) But I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my MIND and MAKING ME A PRISONER of the law of sin at work within my members.  WHAT A WRETCHED MAN I AM! Who will rescue me from this body of death? This DISCONTENTMENT, this wretched person I am, attitudude can be misunderstood or misinterpreted as being the same as a guilty conscience. You can feel like the Holy Spirit is still finding fault with your life. This is actually a good desire for you to be changed by God. It is the Holy Spirit helping you be DISSATISFIED. He is helping you with the fact that you are hurting yourself and others. Salvation has produced this new attitude in you toward the thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds of your body.

Not Misdeeds But Sins
Rom 8:13 (NIV) For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if BY the Spirit YOU put to death the MISDEEDS of the body, you will live. Prior to salvation, these weren’t misdeeds; they were sins YOU AND your body were committing that were hurting you and others. If the Holy Spirit hadn’t been dealing with your conscience about them, you would have felt fine about your way of life. You and the people around you were getting damaged in a massive way; but it appeared that, that was just the way of life; it looked like everyone was doing it.

Good Guilt Prior To Salvation
Because the Holy Spirit was convicting you of sins and making you feel guilty about living that way, you felt bad. He was warning you that these activities were not only hurting you and those around you, but would eventually cause eternal death (separation from God). This helped you turn to Jesus for healing through salvation. Once the blood of Jesus covered these sins and stripped all punishment from them, all of these activities CEASED TO BE SINS and became MISDEEDS of your body rather than SINS. BUT, the Holy Spirit keeps helping you feel bad about the fact that you are still living contrary to God’s word; that is discontentment.

Discontentment For
Misdeeds Rather Than Guilt For Sins

Using Godly Discontentment
Rom 6:23 (NIV) For the wages of sin is death, BUT the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Sins hurt our relationship with God; they separate us from Him and must be dealt with through salvation. Misdeeds of our body hurt our relationship with ourselves and people; and, they must be dealt with through sanctification (spiritual growth).

The Holy Spirit’s guilt helped you feel your need of salvation. His discontentment after salvation help you feel your need for sanctification (spiritual growth). The guilt you felt prior to salvation was warning you about sin. The discontentment you feel when you do something wrong now, is dealing with misdeeds of your body. God honors and rewards that hatred you have for these misdeeds; and He doesn’t hold them against you. This is because salvation and justification gave you a clean record with God.

You Are On God’s Side
For the first time you are in agreement with God on the issues of these activities in your life. You are still not living like you should, but you agree with God as to how you SHOULD be living. If you react to this situation correctly, it will cause discontentment or dissatisfaction about the fact that you aren’t living like you should. If you react to this situation correctly, you will “do what it takes” and start applying The Six Biblical Principles to it; this will start you growing spiritually (sanctification). So, wait on Jesus; keep your eyes fixed on Him until He speaks faith into you. Then you will KNOW and BELIEVE you have the power to start defeating these misdeeds of the body.

God Is On Your Side
Rom 8:13-14 (NIV) For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if BY the Spirit YOU put to death THE MISDEEDS of the body, you will live, because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. This is a cooperative procedure with Jesus through the Holy Spirit. These few words, “if BY the Spirit YOU” are the powerful key to winning over your body and living The Victorious Christian Life.

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