The Submission Courses Part 1

Textbook For
“Submitting Your Thoughts”

Believing You Are Submitting Your Thoughts

Opening Four Doors To God
Mark 12:30 (NIV) Love the Lord your God with all your HEART and with all your SOUL
and with all your MIND and with all your STRENGTH.

Opening Your Mind To God
Believing You Have The Power
To Submit Your Thoughts To Jesus
The fourth step into The Six Biblical Principles is typically BELIEVE. There are two major types of BELIEVING; one comes through you being able to accomplish something over and over again; that is human faith. The other major type comes from Jesus. It is very powerful; it has a special purpose that keeps you from BELIEVING something that isn’t God’s will for you.

Heb 11:6 (NIV) And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. God’s creation speaks faith into you that He exists (Rom 1:18-20). Jesus speaks faith into you that God rewards those who earnestly seek Him. So, if Jesus doesn’t speak faith into you for something you DESIRE, STUDY about, and PRAY for, then you will never be able to BELIEVE you have it. In your permission based relationship with God, your PRAYER invites God into that which you DESIRE. However, faith from Jesus controls what your heavenly Father is willing to do to you, for you, in you, and through you. Faith is the way God gives you His permission to BELIEVE something.

Submitting Your Mind To Jesus Through Faith
Heb 11:1 (NIV) Now faith is being SURE of what we hope for and CERTAIN of what we do not see. This is talking about the faith Jesus speaks into your heart and MIND. It isn’t talking about human faith that we develop through repeated successes. If we have sat in a chair a lot of times and it held us up, we will BELIEVE it will do it again. If we have been able to accomplish something over and over again, we will BELIEVE we can do it again; that is human faith. Jesus’ faith is spoken into you and you BELIEVE something that you may have NEVER done before. As a matter of fact, Jesus can speak faith into you for something that you have ALWAYS failed at.

Speaking Faith Into You
Rom 10:17 (NIV) Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word (rhema) of Christ. In the Biblical greek language, “word” has to two possible words that can be used. If someone wants you to know a word was a WRITTEN word, they would have to add “written” to it; but, in Greek, they would simply say “logos” and you would know it was a written word. In English, if someone wanted to tell you it was a spoken word, they would have to add the word SPOKEN to it. But, in Biblical Greek, they would simply say “rhema.”

Faith Comes From Hearing
Human faith comes through successfully accomplishing something over and over again. In Christianity, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word (rhema) of Christ. Even when you read a written word (logos) in the Bible, if Jesus speaks faith (rhema) into your heart at that moment, it empowers you to BELIEVE you HAVE that result. In Christianity, you won’t be able to BELIEVE anything spiritual without Jesus speaking faith into your heart and MIND.

Faith For Submitting Your Mind To Jesus
Submission through Authoring And Perfecting
Heb 12:2 (NIV) Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, Who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Jesus was your Author of your faith at salvation and justification. Now through sanctification (spiritual growth) He is perfecting your faith. As Jesus speaks faith into you so you can BELIEVE you HAVE the power to submit your MIND to Him, Hebrews 11:1 will take place in your heart and MIND; faith is being SURE of what you hope for and CERTAIN of what you do not see.

Giving Up Human Faith
James 1:6-7 (NIV) But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive ANYTHING from the Lord. Your human faith will let you down; it just can’t go on for a long period of challenges and not doubt at least a little bit. BUT, Jesus’ faith will never let you down; no matter what comes your way, it will never give in and allow doubt to enter your heart or MIND. As you apply the ASK key to the BELIEVE principle, Jesus will speak faith into you. You will be SURE and CERTAIN that He has given you the power to submit your MIND to Him.

Giving Up Doubt
James 1:8 (NIV) he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does. Doubt comes from Satan; he is trying to tell you that Jesus isn’t trustworthy. Jesus’ faith is powerful and will keep you from doubting; but, you must believe in Jesus. If Satan can get you to doubt Jesus, he can create doubt about those things Jesus is speaking faith into you for. So first, you must wait for Jesus to speak relational faith into you. It empowers you to believe in Him. Once you believe in Jesus, He will help you believe for things.

The Submission
Submitting Your
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