The Discovery Courses

Textbook For
“Finding The Right Spiritual Training”

The Two Power Programs
These are life success levels four and five programs

This program is the HEART of all of HELP eMagazine; it is so important that it has two main parts to it with studies in each part. It has the study called “The Power Introduction” program and the study called “The Power Instructions” program. These two parts to the Power Program are vital to all of us because we all have a very hard time being able to apply those things we are learning. We all need Jesus and His power in order to be able to apply the Biblical information we get.

Learning About The Power-Life
This first part is called “Learning About The Power-Life” and has three studies called, “The Importance Of The Power-Life,” “The Importance Of Eternal Life,” and “From Power-Life To Eternal Life.”

This study covers three major issues over three weeks. The first week deals with “The Importance Of The Power-Life.” The second week deals with “The Importance Of Eternal Life.” The third week deals with “From Power-Life To Eternal Life.” These three studies are looking into the benefits, the power, and the relationship made available through Jesus’ salvation. It doesn’t give the steps for getting salvation; it just covers all the benefits that come to a person, if they are willing to receive Jesus’ salvation.

This Program Is For:
  • Those who want to understand what the benefits would be, if they tried Christianity out for the first time. If you want to see how Jesus’ salvation would help you with your struggle with drugs, then this is the way for you to understand why you should join Jesus in Christianity.

  • Those who want to understand what the benefits ARE, since they have already become a Christian. If you feel you don’t fully understand these benefits and how to use them to help you with your struggle with drugs, then this study is very important for you.

  • Those who want to understand why they should renew their commitment to Jesus. If you have been neglecting your relationship with Jesus and are finding yourself powerless over your struggles with drugs, then this study will help you recommit your life to Him.
Those who know they are in a good relationship with their heavenly Father, AND they understand all the benefits, rights, and privileges of Christianity may want to skip this study and move on to the next one.

Learning About The Power-Life
This study covers three major issues over three weeks. The first week deals with “The Importance Of The Power-Life.” The second week deals with “The Importance Of Eternal Life.” The third week deals with “From Power-Life To Eternal Life.” These three studies are looking into the benefits, the power, and the relationship made available through Jesus’ salvation. It doesn’t give the steps for getting salvation; it just covers all the benefits that come to a person, if they be willing to receive Jesus’ salvation.

Learning How To Get, Keep, And Live
The Power Life
This second part of the Power Program has three studies. They are, “How To Get The Power-Life,” “How To Keep The Power-Life,” and “How To Live The Power-Life.”

This Program Helps:
  • Those who want to know HOW to take the steps into Christianity for the first time. If you are sure you haven’t done what it takes to be born again, then the Bible principles in this study will help you take those steps.

  • Those who want to make sure they know what steps it takes to be a member of God’s family. If you aren’t sure you have been born again, then the Bible principles in this study will help you make sure you have taken those steps.

  • Those who want to make sure they know what steps it takes to renew their commitment to Jesus. If you need to make sure you know HOW to recommit your life to Jesus, then the Bible principles in this study will help you make sure you have taken those steps.
Those who know they are in a good relationship with Jesus, AND, know the steps for maintaining that good relationship, may want to skip this study and move on to the next one.

How To Get, Keep, And Live The Power-Life
This study covers three major issues over three weeks. These studies assist a person in getting, keeping, and living out a power-relationship with Jesus. The first study, “How To Get The Power-Life,” provides the steps for establishing this power-relationship with Jesus. The second study, “Keeping The Power-Life,” provides step-by-step Scriptural procedures for keeping this power-relationship with Jesus. And, the third study, “Living The Power-Life,” shows how to take those things you have learned and apply them to your every-day life with power.

The Discovery
Finding The Right
Spiritual Training
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Spiritual Training” words above.

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