The Discovery Courses

Textbook For
“Finding The Right Spiritual Training”

Victorious Christian Living
These two programs cover multiple life success levels

There are two types of Bible Growth Studies being provided on this website. One is called: “The Devotions With Jesus Program;” and, the other is called “The Victorious Christian Living Program.” They are both great Bible Study programs; however, they both serve different purposes. To access “The Devotions With Jesus Program” go to the Home Page and select “Devotions”.   Below is a short description of “The Devotions With Jesus” program. So you can compare it with “The Victorious Christian Living Program.”

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The Devotions With Jesus Special Features
Jesus uses these devotions to start you studying the plan and purpose of your heavenly Father. He helps you understand and appreciate all your heavenly Father has been doing for you. He addresses the major struggles us humans go through in trying to understand why God does things the way He does them.

After Jesus has helped you better understand God through these devotions, then He starts to help you build your dream for a great life with God. He shows you how your relationship with God works and how to take advantage of that relationship. He teaches you how to keep a wonderful communication established with your heavenly Father. And then how to take advantage of that communication to build various human relationships successfully.

For Christians Only
Devotions With Jesus doesn’t offers you the Power-Life Program because it is only for those who are already Christians. It is an approach that helps those who are Christians to be sure to stay in a close relationship with their heavenly Father on a daily basis.

If you simply need help with keeping your spiritual growth moving ahead, then Jesus will use Devotions With Jesus to provide you with short audio message segments, Scriptures, Bible reading suggestions, special comments, and short prayers to pray. It is a program that Jesus uses to address your normal, everyday spiritual needs.

If you are a Christian who doesn’t really have some major difficulty or an accumulation of problems that have piled up, then Devotions With Jesus is the best program for you. Just go to the Home Page of and select the “Devotions” button.
This is a life success levels eight through thirteen program

Using A Specific Issue To Grow Spiritually
In this study, Jesus pretty much covers all personal needs. The special feature of this program is the fact that Jesus uses specific personal problems like your struggle with loss of a loved one to bring healing and training to you. He teaches you how to USE your problem with loss of a loved one to learn powerful Biblical principles so you can start winning over it.

Rather than providing general spiritual training and help like in Devotions With Jesus, He deals with specific issues that are causing you major struggles or specific spiritual needs. If your problem with loss of a loved one is relatively major or a spiritual issue that needs special spiritual growth, and if you are willing to allow Jesus to use it to teach you important Biblical principles, then HELP eMagazine’s Victorious Christian Living is the study for you.

    In This Dynamic Biblical System
    Jesus Helps You With:
    • Laying out a STRATEGY for how to live a victorious Christian life.

    • He teaches you how to SUBMIT to those things that will help you win at life.

    • He teaches you how to RESIST those things that will hurt you.

    • He teaches you how to PURIFY your life and rid it of things that are already doing damage to you.

    • He teaches you how to PREVENT things from getting into your life that aren’t good for your future.

    • He teaches you how to PROTECT others.

The Discovery
Finding The Right
Spiritual Training
To choose another day, select the “Finding The Right
Spiritual Training” words above.

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