The Discovery Courses

Textbook For
“Finding The Right Spiritual Training”

Let Jesus start you from the beginning and help you take a look at the list of programs one at a time. You and Jesus are developing a strategy together so you won’t be studying things He has already accomplished in your life. And you and He will be making sure you don’t skip anything that you need to learn and live.

Each program builds from the previous spiritual level into the next spiritual level. Let Jesus guide you into the level you need so you won’t get bored with information you already know, and so you don’t get into information that assumes things you haven’t learned or experienced. Let Jesus use the information about each program to help you make a decision. Ask Him to show you where you need to start your studies so you can be trained and empowered to successfully deal with the issue of hopelessness.

This program has two parts: The Benefits of HELP eMagazine and The Introduction to the magazine.

What This Program Is For:
  • The Benefits is for Jesus to help people who are wondering why they should get involve in HELP eMagazine.

  • The Introduction is for Jesus to help those who are wanting to know what to expect from HELP eMagazine.

Getting Acquainted With Jesus
The Jesus-Help Program
It isn’t so important for you to get acquainted with HELP eMagazine as it is for you to get aquainted with Jesus. However, Jesus is using HELP eMagazine to get His message to you. This program is designed by Him to see to it you and He can establish a better and better relationship. It is important that you realize that this program is different from most other programs you have tried.

Jesus Isn’t Leaving It All Up To You
Most programs are “Self-Help” programs; they are constantly working on YOU to make the changes they think YOU should make. If for some reason YOU fail to be able to make those changes then THEY THINK that means YOU don’t have what it takes to make the changes. They THINK THEY have adequately tried to help YOU make those changes but YOU couldn’t do it; they THINK they did their best to help you but YOU just weren’t adequate to get the job done. When YOU lack the willpower, the determination, the commitment, or the stability to cooperate with these sources, you walk away from them with defeat, disappointment, and a loss of confidence and esteem. YOU feel like YOU have failed; YOU think YOU have demonstrated that YOU can’t improve; and they THINK they have established what kind of person YOU are.

The Jesus Factor
It isn’t a matter of you learning how to change your own life. You will never be as knowledgeable, wise, and powerful as Jesus is. You will never have the ability to look into the future like Jesus can. You will never be able to see all the pitfalls, deadend streets, and traps of life like Jesus does. You will never be able to control your circumstances and make them all work together for your good like Jesus can. In this program, He will show you how to get His supernatural, God-sized help. That will make all the difference in you winning over your problem with hopelessness.

Jesus Has Requirements
One of the major problems that most Christians face is failing to realize that they can’t work with Jesus any way they want. EVERY Christian comes to Jesus as a new Christian and tries to work with Him and get Him to help them by using their world training. You, as a new Christian, only knew those things the world taught you. You only knew how to use human effort, human techniques, human systems, and human methods to get what you needed. BUT, Jesus REQUIRES that you use spiritual techniques, systems, and methods. So, He provided you with a special, perfectly clean record with God so that none of your mistakes and errors of procedure would be held against you.

Just like you had to learn a little bit at a time how to live as a human, so will you have to learn a little bit at a time how to live as a child of God. Jesus wants you to allow Him to use His special training method to assist you in learning how to have a special relationship with Him. He wants you to relax and allow Him to introduce you into a powerful and very effective way for you to learn all you need to know. But, it is going to take a lot of study and prayer for you to grow into a mature, adult child of God. Are you willing to put the same kind of time and effort into this as you did learning how to live as a human?
Six Important Things You Need To Know
The problem you face with getting Jesus’ help WITH ANYTHING is understanding how life with Jesus works.
  1. You have to learn that Jesus honors your God-given free will all the time; He will only do what you DESIRE Him to do. If you think there are any benefits you are getting from having problems with hopelessness, you may need to ask Jesus to help you with your DESIRE to be set free.

  2. You must understand that He will only use Bible principles you are familiar with; if you haven’t STUDIED and learned a Bible principle, He won’t use it. The Bible has the truths that will empower you to be set free from your issues with hopelessness; STUDY is your way into freedom.

  3. You must realize that He won’t help you with anything you don’t PRAY and ask Him to help you with; you must invite Him into your situation with hopelessness.

  4. You must learn how to wait for Him to give you the faith you need so you can BELIEVE and be sure He HAS given you His power to win over your issues with hopelessness.

  5. Jesus requires that you desire to be set free by His mighty power so you can be used by Him to bring healing and blessings to other hurting people. Don’t just get healed from your problems with hopelessness for yourself; do it for your friends as well; this will be you yielding to God’s LOVE.

  6. Jesus wants to empower you to take FAITH-ACTION. This is where you and Jesus work together to let you DO those things He has miraculously provided in your life. He will want you to start allow thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds to flow out of you that demostrate your faith in His healing power. You will need to start practicing doing things you couldn’t do before because of your difficulties with hopelessness.
Once you start living on the basis of these six Biblical principles, you will start experiencing a greater degree of His power-relationship. This power-relationship with Jesus will set you free from problems and issues that are trying to defeat you.

It’s All About Jesus
So, when you are invited into looking at the benefits and the introduction into HELP eMagazine, it really isn’t the magazine that is being presented. This magazine doesn’t have the power to help you with your difficulties with hopelessness. What the magazine does is present the Bible principles that Jesus will be using to work miracles in your life. You may start out looking for some type of procedures YOU can use to solve your own problems. However, you need someone more powerful that can help you with your issues.

Jesus can help you with the power to be able to avoid procedures, techniques, and systems that will fail you. He will help you avoid people, their advice, their opinions, and their principles that will fail you. He will also have the power to control your circumstances so you will be able to avoid outside influences that will force you to fail.

These Courses
Since most people have never been exposed to programs that don’t try to teach them what to do to solve their own problems, these “Getting Acquainted” courses can be very important. If you are looking for how to solve your own issues with hopelessness, then you will be looking for something that isn’t being presented. If you are led into looking for how you can get Jesus to help you with your struggles with hopelessness, then you will get the right answers.

“HELP Benefits” and “HELP Introduction” will lead you into finding out what JESUS can do for YOU. Jesus will use them to lay the foundation for you moving into a lifestyle that is better than anything you can get through any other method.

The Discovery
Finding The Right
Spiritual Training
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Spiritual Training” words above.

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