The Power Courses Instruction

Truth For
“How Do I MATURE In The Power Life?”

Getting Resources To Use As A Christian, God’s Child, And A Kingdom Citizen

Learning How To Take Advantage Of Resources
As soon as you become a Christian, you have responsibilities that you will need help with. You will need to help your friends become Christians; they need Jesus just as much as you do. You will also be responsible for bringing your needs before God. You will need help with how you talk to Him; so, you will need GOOD examples for how to pray about various situations. You will need to spend time with other Christians. But, they will need to be Christians who are good for your continued growth. You will need to be able to develop new friends who will be willing to let you lead them into a relationship with Jesus. You will need books to read, prayer studies to work on, and worksheets that guide you into spiritual growth. That is what this course is all about.

The Lord’s Prayer For Sharing Salvation
You can’t be expected to know how to lead someone into salvation automatically. You need to be prepared for the moment when one of your friends expresses a desire to have what you have. Things change drastically when you lead your friend in praying The Lord’s Prayer For Salvation. They become a child of God, they start understanding the Bible, they become a citizen of God’s Kingdom, and they get the Holy Spirit inside them. God, the Holy Spirit comes inside their body and joins their spirit. He starts leading them into all the wonderful truths of Jesus. For you to be able to lead them in this wonderful and powerful prayer is awesome!

Praying The Psalms
You will be facing all kinds of situations in life. You were going to face them whether you accepted Jesus as your Lord, Savior, and King or not. But, now that you have Jesus, you will face them with Jesus protecting you, helping you, blessing you, empowering you, and teaching you through these challenges. He will use them as Life Classes so as to help you grow into a mature child of God. The Psalms will give you examples of prayers you can pray after you have prayed The Lord’s Prayer. These prayers from the Psalms will guide you into how to pray about every kind of situation a Christian will face.

Christian Fellowship
Just because someone tells you they are a Christian doesn’t mean they really are. There are people who think they are: Mat 7:22-23 (NIV) Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from Me, you evildoers!’ There will be people who try to be but haven’t been born again: Mat 7:21 (NIV) “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father Who is in heaven. And, there will be people who are pretending to be Christians for evil purposes: Mat 7:15 (NIV) “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. You need Jesus to take you through this study so you can find GOOD Christian fellowship.

Developing Friendships
Most of us know how to develop friends around sports, taking about our work, talking about the weather, and looking for someone to date or be friends with on a human level. Developing friendships that are good for you and for others is a special training that Jesus wants to give us all. Friends that keep you preoccupied with worldly cares aren’t good for you. You need to have people who are helping you grow in Jesus; you need people you are helping to grow in Jesus; and, you need friends that you are growing together with. This is a wonderful resource for Jesus to use to help you develop all three types of friendships.

Books, Prayer Studies, And Worksheets
There are two book series that are powerful reading and praying. They are in the Books For Successful Living program. The “Success In Life Series” is for people who are either starting a career or are actively involved in the business world. It has ten progressive study and prayer books that start with “The Jesus Life” and then lead you into how to live His life. The “Starting Your Day With Jesus” series has the same basic material as the “Success In Life Series;” but, it is for those who are retired from being actively involved in the business world. And, it is for those who are actively and exclusively involved in the ministry.

Prayer Studies
These are additional studies on prayer that help you keep growing in your communication with your heavenly Father. They deal with special Scriptures and special prayer approaches. The more you become skilled in doing what Matthew 7:7-11 says, the more you will start getting those things you need. Mat 7:7 (NIV) ASK and it will be given to you; SEEK and you will find; KNOCK and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who ASKS receives; he who SEEKS finds; and to him who KNOCKS, the door will be opened. Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ASK Him!

Sometimes Jesus will want you to use a worksheet to help you process a situation. Other times He will want you to use record sheets to help you keep records of your progress. These records and worksheets are provided during various courses at specific times. But, if you don’t get a copy at that time, it is hard to go back and find it. So, they are all provided here so you can find the one you need.

Devotions With Jesus
A Daily Devotional Program
You are already actively involved in the programs that lead into “The Victorious Christian Living” studies. It is much more involved and starts from the very beginning of the spiritual growth study. However, if Jesus wants you to add “Devotions With Jesus,” to this program, He will use it to provide you with a daily devotional time that ties to “Bible Life University Year One.” It helps you MENTOR people who are going through similar things you have already gone through.

Jesus uses “Devotions With Jesus” to train those who want to MENTOR their friends in growing in Jesus. Jesus teaches you how to MENTOR your friends using “Devotions With Jesus.” “Victorious Christian Living” is used by Jesus in “Bible Life University Year Two.” It helps you MINISTER to people who are going through things you have never faced yourself. Once you have completed these “Victorious Christian Living” studies for yourself, Bible Life University will help you start MINISTERING to hurting people around you.

Victorious Christian Living
An In-depth Spiritual Growth Program
From Tomorrow On, Jesus will be taking you through all the subjects in “The Victorious Christian Living” studies. This will give you a chance to see what this training is all about. Jesus will help you see what is will take for you to become a person who can grow into being able to help all kinds of hurting people. First, He will help and heal you in these areas; then He will train you through “Bible Life University” to help others. Tomorrow you will start with the Strategy courses and then next week you will move on from there.

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