The Power Courses Instruction

Textbook For
“How Do I MATURE In The Power Life?”

Protecting Others Through The “Victorious Christian Living” Studies
As A Christian, God’s Child, And A Kingdom Citizen.


Protecting others who aren’t able to protect themselves.

Once You Learn How
Jesus is teaching you how to grow, win, and be victorious over the issues of life. As Jesus teaches you how to win over an issue, it becomes a breakthrough in you. That breakthrough means Jesus has taught you how to be victorious over that problem. He then expects you to start sharing those truths with those who need that help. He doesn’t require you to heal them; He just wants you to lead them to Him. He wants you to help them learn the same principles He taught you. And, He will use these Protection Courses to help you take them through the principles He gave you. He will help you lead them into those truths you learned AND ARE USING. Then He will give them the breakthrough like you got.

What Protection For Others Means
John 8:32 (NIV) Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Until a person knows a truth from the Bible, they have not yet taken the first step into being set free. If you don’t know a Biblical truth, Jesus won’t use that truth to set you free. Knowing that truth won’t set you free; but, that is a major step into being set free. There is a major step into the world of being set free. And, there are six steps into constantly being set free after a person has taken the step into salvation and justification.

They MUST Be Born Again
Before we look at The Six Biblical Principles that the Christian uses to be set free from all their child of God issues, let’s consider one very important principle. 1 Cor 2:14 (NIV) The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. The people you are used to protect spiritually MUST be Christians. You CANNOT spiritually protect a person who is unsaved. Therefore, you MUST check and see whether or not they have “done what it takes” to become a Christian. Below you will be provided a way to get some material that will help you make sure those you are protecting spiritually ARE saved and justified through Jesus.

The Six Steps
We have already gone over the six steps into freedom. They are The Six Biblical Principles; and, The Six Biblical Principles are: Desire, study, pray, believe, love, and take faith-action. Study is the step that brings the truth into your knowledge. But study doesn’t make you DESIRE that truth to set you free from things like the issue you are having with marriage. It doesn’t make you PRAY and ask Jesus to use that truth to set you free. It doesn’t make you fix your eyes on Jesus waiting for Him to give you faith so you can know you ARE set free by that truth. It doesn’t make you LOVE others enough to share that breakthrough with them. And, it doesn’t make you take FAITH-ACTION and start living on the basis of the fact that you are set free.

Once You Get the Breakthrough
Once one of Jesus’ truths sets you free, it is vital that you share that breakthrough with others. Luke 6:38 (NIV) Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” The more you get from Jesus means the more you can give to others; and, the more you give to others means the more you get from Jesus. It is a get, give, get, give type of relationship with Jesus, yourself, and others. This is a vital part of how the victorious life with Jesus works.

Hinderances To Breakthroughs
You will know more truths than will have set you free. That is because you have STUDIED and learned a truth; but, you may lack the DESIRE for it to set you free. Or, you may not have PRAYED and asked for it to set you free. Or, you may not have yet received faith from Jesus so you can BELIEVE you ARE set free. Or, you may not have yet LOVED enough to share those breakthroughs that have already set you free. Or, you may not be taking FAITH-ACTION and living on the basis of the fact that you are set free. In other words, you may not be taking advantage of your new freedom. So, let’s take a look at what Jesus wants to help you do through the Protection Courses.


Courses on how to protect others
who aren’t able to protect themselves.

Study One: What Protection For Others Means
Just like there are truths you haven’t DESIRED to allow them to set you free, there are new and untrained Christians who lack that desire. Just like there are truths that you haven’t STUDIED and learned that they exist, there are new and untrained Christians who aren’t learning them. Just like there are truths that you haven’t yet received faith from Jesus so you can BELIEVE you have received that freedom, there are new and untrained Christians who don’t know how to believe. Just like there are truths that you haven’t yet LOVED others enough to share that breakthrough with them, there are new and untrained Christians who don’t know how to yield to God’s love. And, just like there are truths that you haven’t yet taken FAITH-ACTION on and aren’t living on the basis of the fact that, that truth HAS set you free, so are other new and untrained Christians not taking FAITH-ACTION. They need you to allow Jesus to flow through you so they can start doing these things.

Study Two: Protection Through Relationship
You can build relationships around doing business together, through being friendly, through talking about common interests, and through talking about common issues, problems, and difficulties. Just like you will share with people new things you have experienced, you can start sharing stories about breakthroughs Jesus has given you. Rather than just trying to get acquainted with someone on a secular level, you need to learn how to share spiritual things with them. Jesus will teach you how to pray for them to be made open to spiritual things. You can pray and ask Him to help you find new and untrained Christians who need your help. You can share some of your stories and breakthrough-events that are similar to their problems. The more you build a spiritual relationship, the more they will open to Jesus’ help.

Study Three: Protection Through Jesus
People need your help with their breakthroughs; and, you need to love people enough to share your breakthroughs with them. Luke 6:38 (NIV) Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. But, it is important for you to not get in between them and Jesus. You aren’t trying to heal them; you are trying to teach them HOW to be healed by JESUS. You didn’t learn how to heal yourself; you learned how to get Jesus’ truths and be healed by them. Your stories, training, and breakthroughs are just a way for you to lead everyone to the healing power of Jesus.

Study Four: Protection Through Love
Love causes you to look beyond yourself; it allows you to see needs and issues in others. It helps you FEEL what they are feeling. It helps you reach out to them and want to get involved. You may be extremely busy; you may feel like you have too many problems of your own; you may feel inadequate for helping others; and you may not know anyone that wants your help. But, if you allow God’s love to influence your heart, you will start praying for the opportunities to reach out to others. You will pray for the power to share your breakthroughs. And, you will pray for those you are reaching out to asking Jesus to empower them to get the same type of breakthroughs. Rom 5:5b (NIV) God has poured out HIS LOVE into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, Whom He has given us. You have God’s power-love; you just need to learn how and be willing to yield to it.

The Book, “How To Get The Power-Life”
Jesus can help you take your friend through the steps into being born again, becoming a child of God, joining God’s family, and becoming a citizen of His Kingdom. The book, “How To Get The Power-Life” is a great way to walk your friend through the steps of praying The Lord’s Prayer. Check it out and see if it is something you and Jesus would like to use with your friends.

“The Lord’s Prayer For Sharing Salvation” Book
You can also get a copy of the course “The Lord’s Prayer For Sharing Salvation” in book form by selecting the sentence below.

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