The Discovery Courses

Workbook For
“Finding The Right Problem”

The Study List Page
Scroll down to the word that matches the word you and Jesus selected on your worksheet and read the short explanation. If the short explanation sounds like your issue would be addressed in that study, select the “MORE” word; it will give you additional information. If this is the study you feel Jesus wants you to take, then select the title of that study in the gray bar above the comments.

In this study, Jesus will take you into a look at general life’s problems that we all typically go through. If you don’t have a specific problem or you have a lot of small problems that are adding up to one big life-struggle, this is the best approach to your studies with Jesus. Also, if your specific problem isn’t dealt with in the other parts of this list, Jesus will use this study to assist you in getting help with other personal issues. He will take this general study to assist you in getting help with it any way.

If you are not sure what IS your major problem, Jesus can help you get His powerful principles through a less specific study. Sometimes we suffer from life in general; we find our problems and issues changing almost on a daily basis. There isn’t anything we can put our finger on; we just seem to be having to face blockages, interruptions, detours, and hardships that keep coming our way. We just need Jesus’ help with a whole bunch of little issues. We need Him to teach us how life works so we can be successful and victorious in all of it.

In this study, Jesus will be dealing with reoccurring negative and hurtful feelings of guilt that have been created by mistakes we have made in life. Jesus cares about those things that are hurting our heart. The world teaches us to forgive ourselves; but, we don’t have the power to heal our heart. Guilt will push its way through all of our efforts to get rid of it. It isn’t until Jesus forgives us with His power-forgiveness that we get complete healing from it.

Jesus will be helping you look at the emotional issue of fear; you and He will be looking at the circumstances and issues of life that are causing you to be afraid. Rather than you having to face these issues alone, you and Jesus will face them together. He will take you by the hand and lead you into fear-defeating principles that will set you free.

Loneliness is an empty, dissatisfied feeling of being isolated and without true friends. We can be in a crowd or around a lot of people and still feel like we don’t have anything in common. We can feel like we are cut off, that we are without friends, that no one understands us, that people don’t like or care about us, and a lot of other feelings that separate us. Jesus will help you know that He loves you very much, understands you completely, and will help you be able to start new friendships with others.

Depression is different from just feeling down and discouraged. It is more like an attitude that dominates your feelings about everything. It puts a negative feeling in your heart and mind that is like wearing blue tinted glasses. There is a haze and a darkness that we look through. It causes even the most exciting and wonderful things to appear bad, hurtful, wrong, and negative. Jesus wants to reach down into your heart and mind and heal them. He wants to set you free from this damaging influence over your life.

If You feel like it wouldn’t do any good to try to solve any of the problems and challenges you face, if you just can’t seem to feel like your efforts would do any good, then you have lost your hope. When you lose all hope, it takes away your desire to do anything about it. That leaves you with your hands tied and life sealed off; BUT, Jesus is ready to give you His power-hope. He wants to speak His hope into your heart and mind.

It is an anger problem when we start reacting or responding to feelings of anger in a hurtful way. If we get mad and then hurt someone emotionally or physically because of it, then it is a serious problem. When we can’t respond to situations in a calm, reasonable manner, we need Jesus’ help with our emotions. He needs to bring peace and patience into our heart and mind.

When we start getting loans or establishing credit for too many things, that is a good indication that we have a problem with money. If your monthly payments become greater than your income, then you are in trouble.

But, it may also be an issue where uncontrollable circumstances have come your way. Jesus will help you with many different directions as He deals with financial difficulties. He will help you with every financial situation you will ever face. He will help you with prosperity, debt, spending, saving, investing, and with generosity.

Addiction is a place where something we involved our self in starts to take control of our decisions. Even if you sincerely believe you are able to quit any time you want, you may have become addicted. If you feel pain or negative emotions when you try to discontinue some activity, you are probably addicted to it. If you keep thinking about the pleasure you get from something and are frequently being pulled in, you need Jesus’ help being set free. He has the power to help you resist the temptations an addiction places in your life.

Jesus can not only set you free from habits, lifestyles, obsessions, and addictions, He can give you things that will replace them. He has counterparts that replace things we opened the door to and can’t close back up. He gives us new ways to live our life that meets the needs that we were trying to meet with the things that addicted us.

Jesus isn’t using this study to deal with whether or not you should get a divorce. He is helping people look at the emotional crisis that takes place when a person is already divorced. If you take a sheet of paper and pull it apart, those two jagged, ripped edges of the paper are what has happened to your heart during a divorce. Divorce is a spiritual issue; when you got married, God turned you and your spouse into one person. The only way to make you two again is to rip you apart.

Divorce is a painful experience that leaves major wounds in a person’s heart. It takes Jesus’ healing power to set a person free from the damage that has been done to it. If we try to establish a relationship with another person without Him healing us, we enter that relationship with reservations, walls, defenses, and self-protections. We have trust issues; we still have suspicions; we have problems giving our heart to them; and, we evaluate this new person as if they were like the other one. We need Jesus to completely set us free so we can start over from a totally new perspective.

If you are divorced or separated but are trying to get back together, then ask Jesus if He wants to take you through this study. He can use the Scriptures in this study to show you a way to build a happy and meaningful relationship with your spouse. If Jesus doesn’t consider your relationship with your spouse irreparable, He may want to help the two of you to get back together.

If you are still together and are struggling with your marriage and are needing Jesus’ help in making it a better relationship, then Jesus can use this study to show you how to resolve your conflicts without hurting one another. He will show you how to address issues without making issues the main focus in your marriage. He has ways to helping the two of you enjoy one another’s company WHILE working on making it better.

If things have happened that seem to indicate it is beyond repair, you will need to spend some time with Jesus seeing if that is true. It might only mean that you and your spouse have run out of options. Jesus is incredibly wise, powerful, and loving. He has ways of solving problems that are far beyond anything we can even expect or think of.


In this study, Jesus helps those who are willing to use His principles to bring as much healing as is possible to the family. When we are dealing with our children, we are dealing with someone outside ourselves. We have our wishes, desires, opinions, philosophies, and plans. But, the child has their own wishes, desires, opinions, philosophies, and plans. We may want to just superimpose who we are on who they are. However, Jesus may have an entirely different plan for their life. If we don’t find out how Jesus formed them and how He wants them prepared for their future, we may find ourselves working against Jesus.

Just as much as we can work against Jesus in dealing with children, the child can also be working against Jesus. Their dreams, wishes, opinions, and plans can be all wrong for them. However, if someone doesn’t help them see they are hurting themselves by heading in the wrong direction, they may never find out why their life is always so difficult. If Jesus tells an adult what His plan is for a child, then it becomes that adult’s responsibility to help the child understand and appreciate the plan.

You know that what you are doing is wrong; but, you do it anyway. Satan comes to you with temptations and you find yourself yielding to them. It feels like you don’t have the power to resist those things your friends ask you to do. You don’t really want to follow the crowd; but, you don’t want to lose your friends either. Social pressure seems to be more powerful than your will. You have been allowing others to push you into doing things that, if you were on your own, you wouldn’t do it. You need Jesus’ help being set free. He has the power to help you resist the temptations taking place in your life.

You have a power problem; you actually have the right desires because you feel bad about what you are doing. If you had the power to resist the social pressures, you would be resisting doing wrong things and yielding to good things. So, with that good desire in your heart, you are ready for Jesus to put the power in you to resist those pressures that are currently ruling your life. He will help you see why you are feeling bad about those things you are wanting to quit doing.

All of the above studies are about human problems and pain. It is possible that you are not suffering so much with your own emotions or with human relationships as you are suffering with your relationship with God. You may be doing fine with very little problems in your life. If that is the case, then you are ready to move on to the next level. You are ready to start growing spiritually so you can start concentrating on living a victorious, successful life.

Those who aren’t being overwhelmed with problems can concentrate on Jesus’ plan for their future. They are ready to get involved in the great and wonderful things Jesus wants to do with them. Jesus isn’t just interested in problems and difficulties. He loves getting our problems and difficult issues taken care of so we can move on into how to win at life. He has dreams, goals, plans, and purposes that He wants to join us in accomplishing.

The Discovery
Finding The Right
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