The Power Courses Presentation

Workbook For
“The Importance Of The Power Life”

Teaching That Works In Life
Learning How All Of Life Works
Jesus, You told Nicodemus in John 3:12: I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? Now that You are speaking to me of earthly things help me not be one of those who do not believe; otherwise how then will I believe if You speak of heavenly things?

This is the place where I need to really get Your point. Teach me how to run my relationships, my marriage, my family, my business, my friendships, and even how to deal with my enemies. I believe that Your principles are going to work so well that my problem with drugs will melt away. But, before I go into those principles, help me keep looking at the benefits and results I can expect from being born again.

Leaving The Vitals Out Your Training
Jesus, as new as this is to me, help me realize that You aren’t talking complex, heavy things here. Teach me that just because world training and people who haven’t been born again didn’t teach me these things, it doesn’t mean they are invalid or not relevant to every aspect of my life. They left them out of my training because they thought they could succeed without You and Your principles. Actually that is what I thought too.

Going Back To The Basics
Jesus, now that I have seen some real problems with the world’s training, I have started looking for something better. Those who have already given You a chance, are now living the life they tried to get prior to this. And, they are living a life far superior to anything they ever thought was possible. It is all just a matter of me being open to new possibilities. It is a matter of me not getting stuck in my old way of life and just accepting things the way they are. Help me learn these things that You are saying are simple spiritual basics that I should have been taught in the beginnings of my life.

Learning Jesus’ Teaching Purpose
Jesus, help me be willing to go on looking at more of the benefits of being born again, help me be taken deeper into Your great and wonderful provisions. Let me be taught things about Your spiritual world that will help me see why being born again is so powerful and effective. Help me see why I lacked the power to do things I actually wanted to do. Show me why a lot of my commitments, determinations, and goal setting didn’t get fulfilled. Let me get started looking at how You are going to be teaching me Your principles.

Jesus, You are simply wanting to help me see the world around me from a spiritual perspective. You designed THIS world to be a physical example of the eternal, spiritual world I will be a part of very soon. You just want to help me be open to Your teaching so You can show me what my future will look like. You will be using a lot of examples from this world and this life to help me understand what being born again is going to offer me. My familiarity with this human life will help me feel comfortable with my born again life. So, let me get started looking at how You are going to be teaching me Your principles.
Earth Is Your School
That Trains You For Eternity
Learning Jesus’ Teaching Method
John 3:12 I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? Jesus, show me that these issues are just dealing with spiritual subjects that run parallel with the natural world. Show me that I will be able to compare how things work around me in the natural world and use them to gain understanding about the spiritual realm and spiritual principles. Teach me that You put me on this planet so I could get ready for power that, if misused, could destroy people and the world around them.

Learning Jesus’ Teaching Goal
Jesus, You have given humans very little power when compared with the spiritual world. However, even with such limitations they have found ways to do massive damage with governmental systems, weapons, armies, education, and evil. But, I am in the process of You moving me out of all that. You are about to take the world around me and help me learn how to use it to help myself, other people, and God’s wonderful plan for me.

Learning Jesus’ Teaching System
Jesus, as I read about You and the conversations You had with people, I will hear stories that take normal events like birth and wind and compare them with these new spiritual issues. Soon You will be moving me into the world of God’s Kingdom and helping me apply its principles with ease. Teach me that it is very similar to the world You created that I am living in now. But, it just won’t have all the difficulties I am currently facing, such as the problems I am having with drugs.

Jesus, You started Nicodemus out with the basics; and, I know You will do the same for me.

Making A Decision
Jesus, help me decide whether I am already convinced of these facts about being born again. Help me decide whether I should take the opportunity in this workbook to leave these studies and go to the instructions for how to be born again; or, I should go on with these studies on the benefits of being born again. If You do what me to go to the instructions on being born again, after I have done that, help me come back and finish finding out what all is available to me.

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If you wish to keep studying the benefits of why you should be born again, please read the instructions below.

This concludes
“The Importance Of The Power Life” Week Two

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“The Importance Of Eternal Life” Week One
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