The Power Courses Presentation

Workbook For
“The Importance Of The Power Life”

Citizens Of God’s Family And
Kingdom Get Helped
Being Born Again Brings MANY Answers To Your Prayers
Why do some people ask God for things and not get them? Why can you pray about major crises and not seem to get helped? This is because you lack child, family, and citizen rights for healing and help with your finances, relationships, emotions, physical problems, and spiritual needs. The only prayers God is willing to listen to, prior to you being born again, are those prayers that help you be willing to be born again. The reason He has been listening to and answering all these prayers is because they are about you becoming willing to be born again.

Jesus, show me that all those other prayers I prayed weren’t heard. Help me understand that there were some prayers I needed to pray that would get me ready for and bring me into being born as Your child, so I could be a member of Your family, and become a citizen of Your Kingdom. It wasn’t until now that You started hearing and answering my prayers.

Prayers Prior To Being Born Again
If God wouldn’t listen to any prayers you pray, prior to being born again, then you praying for being willing to be born again and asking to be born again wouldn’t be heard. You have been praying prayers that are asking Jesus to help you understand these things about being born again and receiving salvation. These are prayers that are vital for empowering you to be born again. And, God is listening to every word and responding by love and power being poured into you.

Jesus doesn’t want to trick you into salvation. He doesn’t want you to have any misunderstandings about what you are trying to get. Jesus only deals in the realm of the truth. He is answering all these prayers you are praying, so you can have a full understanding of what it means to be born again. Then after your new birth, all kinds of prayers will get answered.

Jesus, I thank You for making this exception to the prayer rule. I thank You that even though I haven’t made the commitment to be a child of God, a member of His family, and a citizen of His eternal Kingdom, You are listening to me and helping me be taught vital truths that are getting me ready to be born again. Thank You for helping with such love and encouragement.

Not That Again
Just Keep Asking Questions
John 3:4 (NIV) “How can a man be born when he is old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb to be born!” Just as Nicodemus suspected, going in for a second term in your mother’s womb wasn’t the answer.

You have a pretty good idea how human birth takes place. The big question is, how is it possible to be born again? Nicodemus could see some real problems with a grown man being “born again.” So, he did what you need to learn to start doing; he asked Jesus a question. If you don’t understand or agree with something you hear or read in the Bible, don’t get upset. Present the question to Jesus and to your Christian friends. He will help you get the answer at the right time.

Jesus, like Nicodemus, I can see some real problems with a grown person being “born again.” Help me do what he did when he needed to learn these things; he asked You a question. If I don’t understand or agree with something I hear about the Bible or read in the Bible, keep me from getting upset. Help me present the question to You, to my Christian leaders, and to my Christian friends. I believe that You will see to it that I get the right answer at the right time.

Don’t Close Your Mind
Just for the sake of argument, suppose you could go back and get born again as a human baby. All you would end up with was you still being a citizen of the nation or kingdom where you were born and a member of the same human family. It wouldn’t change your citizenship, your humanity, or family ties. Obviously, therefore, this is going to be something different than a natural birth.

Jesus, help me open my mind to the supernatural. Help me see that You are moving me into the spirit realm where my heavenly Father is. Show me that being a child of God involves child of God issues. Teach me that I am going to have to allow You to expose me to God-sized things. But, help me, at first, to take them on a matter-of-fact basis. Make it clear to me that it is going to take a lot of training and empowering to get me to the place where I understand them.

Don’t Try To Figure It Out
At this stage in your life, it is just a matter of you trusting Jesus. There are a lot of technological things you use everyday that you cannot explain how they work. This is how you are going to have to treat Jesus. He is moving you into the realm of the spirit. But, keep in mind that God’s Spirit has been talking to you most of your life. Your conscience has been talking to you about what is right and wrong for a long time. That has been God’s Spirit keeping you from falling into the great depths of perversion and evil.

Jesus, help me see that I am a lot more familiar with the things of God and the spirit realm than I have realized. Show me that Your Holy Spirit has been taking to me and helping me resist things that would have destroyed my life. Help me not see these things I am now going into as being all that different. Let me see that You have been in contact with me from the moment I became old enough to be responsible for knowing the difference between right and wrong. Help me just take that relationship You have had with my conscience and let it grow into a wonderful relationship with You.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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